The Dream

Darkness lay on the room like a silent blanket. The door opened with a brilliant burst of light and in strode a young girl, her nightgown swirling about her feet. She called over her shoulder to her parents, wishing them a good night and settled into bed, switching her lamp off. Closing her eyes, she lazily settled herself enough to relax. She smiled as she thought of what s he would like to dream of, and slipped with a gentle sigh into slumber. Instantly, lights and fuzzy images flickered through her sleeping mind. A dream unfolded with slow precision to dazzle her mind’s eye.

A gloriously handsome man stood tall and proud before a pack of hounds, his grin malicious as he narrowed his red hued eyes calculatingly. His black hair fell down to his shoulders like an ebon curtain of silk and shone with a sable sheen from the sun above. His gave trailed from the large dogs ambling around him to the edge of the forest, his grin curling into a cruel and heartless smile. Without a word, he gestured to the dark paths winding away beneath the canopy of leaves. The pack of growling dogs yipped and howled, understanding him completely, and took of running as swiftly as their long legs could carry them. Within seconds, they disappeared into the words, off to pursue their Master’s prey.

A pristine and serene glade stretched out beyond the edges of the fateful wood, clear clean water splashed and danced from a laughing waterfall. Numerous white hides glistened in the sunlight as a group of unicorns frolicked and played, grazed and napped, in blissful safety. One such beautiful creature, smiling to herself, felt an odd tug on the tip of her horn – gently insisting she follow the pull toward the forest. Thinking only that this was thirst, she silently slipped from the others and walked gracefully down to the water to drink. Unknowingly, the pack of savage hunters slipped up stealthily behind her, steaming saliva gleaming on their bared fangs.

Suddenly, her head jerked up, silvery droplets of water falling to the stream below. Every fiber of her being shouted “DANGER!”, and her nostrils flared in alarm. Rising onto her hind legs, she let out a mighty cry, her fore hooves pawing at the air as she saw movement to the side of her. Started, she sprang away and began to gallop back toward the clearing, hoping to make it back to her family, friends, and safety. The giant hounds extended themselves and outran her, their teeth nipping at her flanks and driving her deeper into the dark wood.

Terrified and angry, she slammed her shoulder into the canine nearest her, causing it to stumble and fall with a sickening crack as of bones breaking. She whinnied her small triumph and put on a burst of speed. Her muscles moved like quicksilver as she fairly flew through the underbrush like lightning. The hunting mongrels growled and barked, they had known what she would do and were quite prepared. They guided her through the darkest paths of the forest, past groves of ancient willows and patches of pungent aspen, tower pines flew by faster than she could even blink. Only when it was too late to turn back did she realize just how she had been led right into a trap.

Panting, she skidded to a halt. She found herself surrounded by dark and ominous trees. Shadows loomed everywhere her eyes darted, many seeming to lunge out at her. Her heightened senses picked out every minute detail of the accumulated debris scattered about the underbrush. She turned quickly, ready to fight her pursuers to the death. They lowered their heads as their hackles, each of them snarling in obvious aggression. Her chocolate hued eyes widened, she knew she was cornered. She lowered her spiraled horn and pawed at the earth, a small cloud of dust rose about her fore leg. In disgust for those around her, she snorted twin jets of air and tossed her mane, eyeing those around her as she picked out which one she would skewer.

As one, they lunged for her unexpectedly. She rose and kicked out, missing widely. A hiss escaped her equine lips as her tail lashed furiously. Her hooves thudded loudly to the earth as she looked down at the pale silver trickle sliding warmly down her breast. She knew they’d nicked her, but were only playing with her. They meant no harm to her for now. With a cold realization, her heart sank at the thought of just how deeply she’d been entrenched. Screaming out her fury at having been steered to this horrid place, she wheeled and took off as fast as she could. Her mane and tail streamed like a banner behind her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a glimpse of something golden shining in a clearing ahead. A flutter of hope stirred in her heart, and with a last attempt to free herself from the web she’d become ensnared in, she leapt over the hound to her right and made for the opening. Breaking through the enclosing foliage, she found herself in a clearing. A golden pyramid rose from the lush green carpet to shine radiantly in the sun. A man, dark and handsome, stood at the base before the opening leading within. Abruptly, she stopped, heedless of the snapping jaws and snarling dogs behind her. With an increasing feeling of dread, she realized she knew this man and feared him with all her being. She knew how very powerful he was and felt an intense loathing bubbling up inside of her, threatening to consume her very soul.

He beckoned politely to her, the hounds behind her nipped at her fetlocks to encourage her to accept the dark man’s invitation to come forward. Reluctantly, she approached him, a growl rumbling in her majestic throat as her eyes narrowed to glare at him. Grinning in his triumph, he took a deliberate step toward her. “Change,” he commanded gently. His voice was deep and resonating, penetrating into her very bones. His shoulders remained squared as his eyes gazed kindly into hers. He crossed his arms lightly over his broad chest as his cruel smile returned to his dark full lips.

She took a reflexive step backward, her worst fears coming true as he narrowed his crimson gaze and raised his right arm toward her. “Change!” he said again, louder and stronger. A low moan rumbled up from her chest as her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. She pointed the glistening tip of her spiraled mother of pearl horn straight at his heart in a last attempt at defiance. His admiring stare turned into a baleful glare as he leveled his outstretched palm at her.

Summoning the last big of strength she possessed, she stood on shaking legs and snorted at him. Shaking his head at her, “Change!” he spoke once more. Pain raced through her body, her every nerve on fire. She growled and closed her eyes as she fought his will, knowing that if she failed she would forever be lost to his dark desires. Power flowed over her flesh as her form began to ripple in a shimmering silver hue. With a soft thud, she fell to the ground as her muscles gave way. She screamed in agony at the top of her voice, her cry echoed for miles around. A flock of birds took flight from nearby, drawing his attention a moment. With a sneer, he motioned to his servants to surround the glade, making sure none would enter unannounced. When once more his gaze came to settle in her direction, a young tan woman lay exhausted at his feet.

A thin sheen of sweat shone upon her flesh, her chin slowly lifted and dark chestnut hair tumbled down her shoulders to frame her exotic face. Large brown eyes crept up from his feet to his chest, their depths filled with an unfathomable sorrow and loss. “Arise,” he whispered softly, “and stand by my side.” With a great effort, she stood shakily, bits of dirt and grass clinging to her moist nude form. Delicately, he leaned close, took her cheek in his hand, and turned her head. As the feeling of supple leather clasped about her throat, he whispered in her ear – “You are mine. Now, and forever.”

A moan, as of a pure and eternal heart breaking, rose from the girl as her shoulders shook with a sob. She raised her chin and turned her gaze to the edge of the forest. Her mind roamed leagues away to find a gathering of unicorns, basking in the summer sun as unaware of their sister’s plight as they were of the dangers of the forest so near to where they lived in blissful harmony. Silent tears streamed down her sweaty cheeks, her soul dying as she faced the reality of never again feeling the glorious freedom of running on four legs, of feeling the power of her single spiral horn reaching straight to heaven – of never being what she truly was again, a unicorn.

The girl sat upright in her bed, screaming in indignation, terror, defiance, and denial. Quickly, she quieted herself. Shaking her dark chestnut hair from her dark brown eyes, she glanced in the mirror over her desk. Her own young reflection stared back at her as she heard an echo from her dream whisper in her ear – “forever…” Slowly, she narrowed her gaze and firmly replied “Never.”
