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elcome to the Gambit Group, the most devoted fan club on the internet! The club embraces a wide variety of Gambit media, including fan fiction, fan art, discussions about the Cajun, a email mailing list and one of the most extensive Gambit image galleries on the web. There is also a large section devoted to the character of Gambit, including his profile, an in-depth biography, comic book appearances and reviews, and biographies of the Ragin' Cajun's friends and enemies. Please enjoy the section, and if the spirit moves you become a member of the Gambit Group!

Saturday, February 9, 2002

Welcome to the Gambit Group! After many months of toil and overhauling, this section has a completely new look and a vastly widened range of material. You'll find an image gallery with over 400 images, a sound library, a lil' bit of Gambit fan fiction and some spectacular fan art. We want to say a very special merci to all the members of the Gambit Group for their patience, their help with making this section a new and better version of itself, and for being the great Gambit fans they are and making our crazy club possible.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of the pages in this section have yet to be linked, so please keep checking back for updates.


Join Remy's most devoted fan club!


Stories and poems by the fans, for the fans

A complete list of all Gambit Group members

Gambit's best side and his worst--you'll find them both here


Everything about the Ragin' Cajun is catalogued here

Fan's visions of Gambit and his friends


All the Gambit-related links fit to print