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Pippsi Longknickers and the Tea Party

Pippsi Longknickers Script & Information

by Jeannette Jaquish, (c) 1998 Jeannette Jaquish

This scene but not the full length play is offered for royalty free performance and drama exercise. To perform, you must notify author, Jeannette Jaquish and list her name and website in the program.
A full length script is available. See information at

The window is not necessary for this scene, but the three exits are used, and the playroom and front entrance doorways are needed for the actions of Pippsi hanging onto the doorframe, and the ladies getting stuck in the front doorway. Characters sit from left to right: Mrs. Silverspoon, Belittleton, Tushenstein, Whispertok, empty spot where Pippsi will put her chair, Pippsi, Cheyenne, Cody.

(Curtain is closed. Cody and CHEYENNE enter from side. It is a hallway in their house.)
CHEYENNE: Is she here yet?
CODY: (looking in between curtains.) No. No one’s arrived yet.
CHEYENNE: I hope we did the right thing to invite Pippsi.
CODY: Me too. You never know what she’ll do. And Mom’s lady friends are so persnicketty.
CHEYENNE: Maybe we should run over to her house and check on how she’s dressed and remind her again not to bring Sir Horace or Professor Banana.
CODY: That would insult her. You know how sure she is of herself.
CHEYENNE: You’re right..... But we could be the ones to answer the door when she arrives.
CODY: Or meet her at the gate!
(they both run through curtains, as
to next scene.)

(... Cody and CHEYENNE run to look out window. EDGAR and their mother, MRS. SILVERSPOON are setting food out.)
MRS. SILVERSPOON: (grabbing them) Cody, I need you to find the cat and put her out, and Cheyenne please arrange the tarts on a serving tray and bring them to the table.
CODY: Oh, Mom, we wanted to watch for Pippsi.
MRS. SILVERSPOON: Well, I need your help. Pippsi can walk up the path without your watchful eyes.
CODY and CHEYENNE: Yes, Mom.(exits)
CODY: Here, kitty, kitty...(exits)
MRS. SILVERSPOON: Edgar, it’s time to set out the ice.
EDGAR: Yes, madam. (EDGAR exits to kitchen.)
MRS.SILVERSPOON: Hmmm. Napkins, utensils, saucers, cups and plates, coffee, tea, mints... Lemonade! (EXITS KITCHEN)
(KNOCK KNOCK at door as CHEYENNE enters with tray of tarts.)
MRS. SILVERSPOON: (hollering from kitchen) Get the door please, sweetie!
(CHEYENNE sets tray and goes to DOOR.)
CHEYENNE: Good afternoon Mrs. Belittleton. Please come in.
MRS. BELITTLETON: Good afternoon, Cheyenne. What a pretty dress, child. Now isn’t that nicer than those filthy play clothes I see you in so often?
(Mrs. Silverspoon ENTERS, sets lemonade.)
MRS. SILVERSPOON: Hello, Mrs. Belittleton. So good of you to come. Let Cheyenne take your coat and purse.
(CHEYENNE out Exit B with coat.)
MRS. B: Oh, no one else came. I’m so sorry.
MRS. S: Oh, it’s early yet. Have a seat.
MRS. B: Early? Oh, yes. (looking around) I see you’re not ready yet. Would you like me to help? I could dust? Wash some windows?
MRS. S: (through gritted teeth) You’re too kind, dear. Just have a seat. (Cody enters) Cody, please serve Mrs. Belittleton a beverage and keep her company while I finish in the kitchen. (Cody tries to hide his horror. Mrs. S. uses apron to slyly dust furniture on her way out.)

CODY: Tea, coffee or lemonade, ma’am?
MRS. B: Coffee, please. No sugar or cream -- too fattening. And a couple of those danish, please. And a brownie
(Cody serves her and sits nervously.) Thank you, dear.
CODY: You’re welcome.
(nervous silence.)
MRS. B: I see by the inches of sock showing below your trouser cuffs that you’re finally starting to grow. Maybe you’ll catch up with your school friends soon.
CODY: Yes, ma’am.
(CHEYENNE enters. Cody hops up and yanks her to his seat.)
CODY: Cheyenne! Tell Mrs. Belittleton about your spelling bee award.
(CODY runs off Exit B). CHEYENNE sits with similarly disguised look of horror.)
MRS. B: Spelling bee award?! Very good! Now you can hold your head up high around the prettier girls.
DOOR: Knock! Knock!

CHEYENNE: I’ll get it! (CHEYENNE jumps up, knocking over chair, EXITS Front Entrance.)Good afternoon, ladies.
(Cheyenne backs up as ladies ENTER. CODY ENTERS, picks up chair and helps Cheyenne take coats. As ladies enter, they say their line and toss coats, hats and purses onto CODY & CHEYENNE, covering their heads. Ladies will then each go down stage to greet Mrs. S, then sit.)
MRS. TUSHENSTEIN: Cheyenne, dearest. Are you Mommy’s Little Helper?
MRS. ANDANOTHER: Hello, Cheyenne, what a nice dress, though it’s a little short (or stained or gaudy), and another thing...
MRS. WHISPERTOK: Hello, darling. Tell your mother her azaleas are beautiful. I’m sure she grew them from seeds; Lily Fickleman has some but I’m sure she bought them from the nursery
(CODY, MRS. S & EDGAR RE-ENTER. Mrs. S. goes downstage to greet each lady. EDGAR serves a teacup or lemonade glass to each as they sit.)
MRS. S: Mrs. Tushenstein, so nice to see you. And you’re looking so well.
MRS. T: Well, I’ve been working out. (demonstrates some muscle poses.)
CODY: Is Pippsi here?
CHEYENNE: (peeking out) No!
(CODY & CHEYENNE out Playroom EXIT with coats. If they drop something they kick it along.)
MRS. T: I rented that “Buns of Steel” video and I’ve watched it six times!
MRS S: Well, that explains a lot!
MRS. T: (giggling) Oh, thank you! (Sits)
MRS. S: Mrs.Whispertok, what a nice dress.
MRS. WHISPERTOK: Eleanor Finnegan has one, same color, not as nice, but I got mine first. (sits)
MRS. S: Mrs. Andanother! I’m glad you could make it.
MRS. ANDANOTHER: Oh, Mrs. Silverspoon, your tea parties are so charming and refined, not like some people’s idea of entertaining with a record player to make noise and food served outdoors where anything could fall or crawl onto it, and another thing..
MRS. S: Well it wouldn’t be a party without you, dear. (pats her arm, turns away) Please have a seat.
MRS. A: That would be very nice, thank you, that is if any cushioned chairs are left. And another thing.. You don’t have a cat do you? Cat hair makes me sneeze and sneeze...
MRS. S: Does everyone have something to drink? Cheyenne made her delicious raspberry tarts, so we’re all in for a treat.
MRS. A: And another thing, Mrs. Silverspoon, Cheyenne uses pure vegetable shortening and never lard when she bakes, I hope? And another thing...
MRS. S: (sits) I saw my first bluejay of the spring. Has anyone else?
EDGAR: Pardon me, please. (EXITS Front Entrance)
MRS. B: Well, I wish I could say I’d seen a blue jay but I don’t have hours to sit around the garden.
PIPPSI: (Singing Darth Vader theme music, as she strides downstage and across frontstage, stopping between adults and kids tables.) Presenting, Pippsi Longstocking, Esquire! At your service.
(Bows, swinging cape towards LADIES . CODY runs in, stopping suddenly in shock at the sight of Pippsi.
CHEYENNE, follows, crashes into him. PIPPSI marches up to Mrs. S.)

PIPPSI: So good of you to have invited me, Mrs. Silverspoon. I am forever in your debt.
(Kneels and kisses Mrs. S. hand. Stands, pulls out a bouquet of flowers, sticks them into someone's lemonade glass and hands them to Mrs. S.)
(PIPPSI grabs her empty chair from the kids table and swings it to the empty spot at the adults' table, grabs some goodies with two hands off of EDGAR's tray and plops herself down with her feet on the coffee table.

Good looking grub. Let’s gobble!
(The ladies try to ignore PIPPSI. CODY and CHEYENNE look at each other, shrug helplessly, and sit in chairs set up for the kids . EDGAR brings PIPPSI lemonade with a straw. PIPPSI pins her glass between her knees bending over to drink from the straw. She holds a food in each hand biting alternately from each. She blows bubbles and gargles, smacks her lips and burps.)
MRS. B: Does it seem to you that the new organist at church plays the hymns at a rather irreverent pace.
MRS. T: That’s it! You’ve put your finger on it,
Mrs. Belittleton. Last Sunday, she played “Nearer My God to Thee” at a tempo that reminded me of my jitterbugging days.
MRS. W: Makes one wonder where she worked before this job.
LADIES: (nod knowingly) Mmm-hmm.
PIPPSI: I like these tarts! And they don’t fall apart when you dunk them in lemonade.
MRS. W: Did any of you see the shabby coat Mayor Stashit’s wife wore to the “Save the Historic Watering Troughs” benefit?
MRS. T: Oh, I did! It was absolute dusty! She must have left it hanging in the attic all year.
MRS. A: And another thing: her hat! Wasn’t it dreadful
MRS. B: Oh, yes! Her hat! It looked more like a bird’s nest. Mayor Stashit certainly isn’t spending any of those missing funds on his wife.
LADIES: (nod knowingly) Mmm-hmm.
PIPPSI: So where can a person dig up some nice fat fishing worms around here? All I can find are those curl-up grubs that burst if you stick a hook into them.
(Ladies look ill. Mrs. S. gives Cody and CHEYENNE an urgent look. They hurry over.)
CHEYENNE: Pippsi, come sit with us so we can talk.
PIPPSI: Why don’t you pull your chairs over here? I’ll help you.
CODY: (whispering loudly) No, Pippsi. We like sitting over there.
PIPPSI: (knowingly) Ohhh...
(PIPPSI takes her chair to its spot at kids' table and they sit. Ladies fake soft convesation.)
PIPPSI: You sit over here so you can tell gross out jokes or something?
CHEYENNE: No Pippsi. Your table manners were offending the ladies.
PIPPSI: What??!! But I was trying so hard to compliment your mother by showing how much I liked the food!
CHEYENNE: That’s not the way it’s done.
PIPPSI: How is it done?
CODY: Not by gargling and blowing bubbles or putting your feet on the table.
CHEYENNE: Or grabbing food with both hands or changing the subject to talk about disgusting stuff.
(PIPPSI covers face and bursts into tears surprising CODY and CHEYENNE. Ladies don’t notice her crying.)
PIPPSI: I did everything wrong.
(She loudly blows nose on edge of tablecloth or Mrs. Andanother's dress.)
CODY: And never blow your nose on the tablecloth (or a lady's dress!)! Here, use a paper napkin. I’m sorry, Pippsi.
CHEYENNE: We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. It’s not your fault.
CODY: (wiping her chin) Wipe that snot off your chin. You’ll do OK. We’ll help you.
PIPPSI: You’ll help me? Thank you.
(Honks nose again and composes herself.) I can remember all you told me not to do. But what are the things I should do?
(CODY and CHEYENNE look at each other puzzled.)
CHEYENNE: That’s hard to explain.
CODY: You learn by experience. Just watch the ladies and see how they act.
PIPPSI: Oh, I can do that!
(PIPPSI watches ladies during their next lines and earnestly begins to copy their mannerisms: how they sip their coffee, gesture with their hands, dab their lips with the napkin, cross their legs, touch their hair, etc. CODY and CHEYENNE smother their giggles. PIPPSI cheers up as she feels she is learning the proper way to act. From now on when she talks she will throw in these mannerisms.)
MRS. T: Edgar, these pastries are delicious. It’s such a temptation to overeat and lose my figure.
EDGAR: Thank you, ma’am. I’m sure you’ll never lose your figure.
MRS. T: Oh, thank you, Edgar!
(EDGAR rolls his eyes.)
MRS. A: Three maids I’ve suffered through this year. All were incompetent and lazy. It was more work to keep them busy than to do the work myself. And another thing: the way they hung the mop --
MRS. B: (interrupting) I’ve had the same problem with my servants. I fired Jenny because she wadded, rather than folded, the clothes, and now her replacement Matilda is blind to any dirt in the corners.
MRS. A: It’s not as if I was asking for perfection, just a little common sense and effort. And another thing: why can’t they speak respectfully--
MRS. T: And be on time! Especially with dinner when guests are expected?
MRS. A: Yes! Yes! Exactly! And another thing --
(PIPPSI clears her throat loudly to get their attention.)
PIPPSI: My grandmother always said that her servant Gorta was the most perfect servant in the world, so creative about all her duties! She would never do a chore the same way twice. It was dazzling to behold. One day she’d sweep the kitchen dirt out the back door, and the next day she’d sweep the dirt from the yard back into the kitchen! She might stack the towels in the linen closet one day, but the next day the linen closet would be full of rakes and fertilizer because Gorta had stashed the towels under the couch cushions. Every day was an adventure! You learned early on to find your towel before taking a bath, or you’d be tiptoeing around the house dripping wet, naked as a jaybird, looking for a towel.
(CHEYENNE jerks her to her chair.)
(Ladies stare at her shocked and blinking, then resume conversation ignoring her. Ladies stare at her in shock, then resume conversation, ignoring her.)

MRS W: My last maid would use my personal things such as hairbrushes as if they were hers!
MRS. A: I fired one maid for teaching my little Johnny rude songs! Andanother thing...
MRS. T: Can you imagine! The other evening whan Britta was going out she borrowed my blue satin dress without even asking. Isn’t that dreadful?
PIPPSI: (jumping up, walking about) Yes, indeed! Your maids seem to be cut from the same piece of cloth as Gorta. So curious was that girl! When grandma would have a little party, like this one, Gorta would collect the coats and hats nice and proper, but then she would go through their purses and try on their stuff!
Then she’d reappear at the party wearing Mrs. So and So’s fur coat, and Mrs. What's-her-Name's long black gloves, and Old What's -her-face's lipstick and loong fake eyelashes and go back to work serving crumpets! And once she even stacked seven of their summer bonnets on her head and three on her rear-end as a bustle and served coffee without spilling a drop!! I swear! That should have gotten her into the Guinness Book of World Records!
(Ladies give disapproving glances towards Mrs. Silverspoon. CODY and CHEYENNE yank PIPPSI to her chair.)
MRS. W: I’m not absolutely certain, but I suspect that my Hulda steals. I’ve noticed things disappearing..
PIPPSI: (leaping to her feet) Stealing! Gorta stole like a raven. Why Grandmother said..
MRS. S: (standing and pointing) Children! Please take your party up to the playroom.
(All this happens during PIPPSI's line: CODY & CHEYENNE try to grab PIPPSI who climbs over Whispertok's, Tushenstein's and Belittleton's laps to escape them. When CODY & CHEYENNE go behind the ladies to grab her, she steps onto and over the table, and as they run around the front to grab her she tries to dive under the table. They grab one of her feet and start dragging her towards the Playroom EXIT. PIPPSI grabs onto Mrs. Andanother's foot, the table, the throw rug and finally Mrs. S's chair, tipping it back, making her scream. Pippsi releases the chair at the end of her line and is finally dragged off stage.)
PIPPSI: (during chase) Grandmother said Gorta stole everything she could lay her hands on. She would get up in the middle of the night and steal, otherwise she said she couldn’t sleep well. Once she stole Grandma’s grand piano but she had no place to stash it so she dragged a carpet over it and told Grandmother that the house’s foundation was settling unevenly.
(PIPPSI is dragged offstage.)
LADIES: (Big sigh with relief)
MRS. S: Aaahh. That’s better. More tarts or coffee anyone?
(Ladies take more tarts and coffee.)
MRS. A: And another thing, my Ella breaks the china.
(PIPPSI pokes head back in grabbing doorway, hollering. As she talks, she obviously is being tugged on by CODY and CHEYENNE offstage, so that her head pops in and out of the doorway.)
PIPPSI: Maybe you are wondering (tug) if Gorta used to break any china. (tug) She did! (tug) China tea cups. While you were (tug) drinking from them!!!!!
She was a cracker jack with a sling shot (tug) and would hide down the hall and wait (tug) for a lull in the conversation (tug) and then let loose -- Ka-pinggg! Crash! -- some lady’s tea cup would shatter inches from her lips,(tug) splashing everyone! Isn’t that (tug) delightful???
(She is finally jerked back offstage.)
MRS. S: Cody! Cheyenne!
(CODY and CHEYENNE ENTER out of breath and run to her.)
CODY: I’m sorry, Mother. We’ll keep her in our room. We promise.
MRS. S: See that you do. Tell her she’ll be sent home if there are any more disruptions.
CHEYENNE: Yes, Mother. I’m sorry.
PIPPSI: (jumping back into doorway) And she’d rearrange the furniture during parties! Ladies would stand up to reach for a deviled egg and she’d snatch their chair out from under them...
(CODY, CHEYENNE shove PIPPSI back out door. They RE-ENTER into downstage playroom.)
PIPPSI: This is your play room? It’s very nice. Should we invite the ladies to join us?
CHEYENNE: Pippsi! We got sent here for punishment!
PIPPSI: Punishment!? What did you do?
CODY: (mad) We didn’t do anything! You kept interrupting their conversation with those wild stories about Gorta!
PIPPSI: I got you in trouble??? (starts to cry) I did it again. I just don’t know how to behave.
CHEYENNE: No, Pippsi! Don’t cry!
CODY: Don’t cry! We don’t have any napkins.(hugging her head to his chest, patting her head) There, there, don’t be sad. It's ok. (releasing her and checking his shirt for snot) It’s more fun here anyway. Edgar will bring us some treats and we’ll have a better party here.
PIPPSI: (wiping her tears) OK. We can have a better party here. But I don’t understand. What was wrong with what I said? They were talking about servants, so I did too.
CODY: Well....(thinks) I don’t know why they were offended. I liked your stories.
CHEYENNE: I think it’s because they are grown-ups and we’re kids.
PIPPSI: What do they talk about besides their servants?
CODY: Mostly boring stuff. The food, other ladies they know, how accomplished their kids are, how rotten other people’s kids are...
CHEYENNE: It was real interesting one time when they talked about child birth. How many hours it took, and how rude the doctors and nurses were, and something about water breaking all over the bed, (Cody looks ill) and subtractions that go on, and on, and on, and all the screaming, and all the blood gushing out.. (CODY faints.)
(They shake him and lift up his head. He wakens. EDGAR enters with tray of cookies. He quickly sets it down and checks Cody.)
EDGAR: Cody! Are you OK? Did you faint?
CODY: I’m OK, Edgar. I just got a little dizzy.
EDGAR: What made you dizzy? You weren’t holding your breath or doing anything dangerous were you?
CHEYENNE: No, no, Edgar. We were just talking.
EDGAR: About what?
CHEYENNE: Ummmm.... babies.
EDGAR: (nervously) What..umm... aspect of babies?
CHEYENNE: .... Babies being born.
EDGAR: (greatly relieved) Whew! Good! That’s fine. Here’s some cookies and I’ll bring you some hot chocolate. Pippsi, would you like yours with whipped cream or a marshmallow?
PIPPSI: Whipped cream, please!
EDGAR: (leaving) Very good. Pippsi, I liked your stories.
PIPPSI: Oh, thank you, thank you!!
(In parlor, ladies rise to leave and Mrs. S. EXITS to get their coats.)
EDGAR: Someday I’ll tell you the story of when Cody was born. As soon as they wiped the bloody goop out of his mouth he started hollering to beat the band.
(Cody looks sick again. EDGAR leaves.)
PIPPSI: Grandmother would have liked him.
(EDGAR steps back in.)
EDGAR: Children, the guests are leaving, so in a few minutes you can come back to the parlor.
PIPPSI: (jumping up and running off) Oh! We have to say goodbye!
(CODY, CHEYENNE & EDGAR chase PIPPSI back to parlor where ladies are standing as MRS. S. RE-ENTERS with their coats. Pippsi will brush past MRS. S as she runs in causing MRS. S to spin.)
PIPPSI: Dear ladies, please let me patch things up! I don’t know how one is to behave at a party but I’m trying to learn. Perhaps you would come to a party at my house. We’ll have fun! Let me show you my pets. (she whistles or calls for animals) You could misbehave and I would be the one to get upset. Would that set things right?
(The ladies are disdainfully silent.)
PIPPSI: Will you accept my apology?
MRS. B: Really, Mrs. Silverspoon. Aren’t you afraid that simple little Cody and Cheyenne will pick up bad habits playing with trash like this?
MRS. T: Ignorant little orphan.
MRS. W: Crude and rude.
MRS. A: A complete misfit.
MRS. S: How dare you talk to a child like that! Pippsi may not know the rules of etiquette but she is honest and good hearted, which is more than I can say for you! If you can’t return an apology from a child with anything better than vicious insults, (throws coats at them.) then get out of our home right now!
(LADIES stumble towards door, saying lines as each exits.)
MRS. B: Well, I never!
MRS. T: Shocking behavior!
MRS. W: I’ve never been treated so! Very low class!
MRS. A: (turning back) And another thing!
MRS. S: (pushing MRS. A. out) Out!! I’m going to Pippsi’s party and if you aren’t chicken, you will too. Brawwk brawk brawk!
(She flaps her arms crowing at them.)
PIPPSI: Yes! Please come to my party! Next Saturday!
(PIPPSI & MRS. S jump back and KIDS jump onto chairs as the ladies RE-ENTER screaming followed by PROF. BANANA wearing one of their coats and SIR HORACE. The horse and monkey are really chasing their fruit festooned hats.)
MRS B: Wild, vicious beasts!
MRS T: Rabid, mad animals. They’ll rip our throats out!
PIPPSI: That’s Sir Horace and Professor Banana! Aren’t they funny?
MRS W: They want blood! Call 911!
PIPPSI: They just want to play! Sir Horace! Professor Banana! Behave yourselves!
MRS A: It’s attacking my hat!! Throw them your hats and we can escape.
(Ladies throw hats at animals who settle down to munch on them. Ladies try to flee but their group gets stuck in the doorway.)
MRS. B: Run for your lives!
MRS. T (wiggling her rump): Out of my way!
MRS. W: We’ll die here! Trapped!
MRS. A: And another thing: Eaten alive!
(They finally squirm loose and pop out, EXITING. PIPPSI runs to holler after them.)
PIPPSI: I’m sorry you don’t like your maids! You probably wouldn’t have liked Gorta either. She never swept under the beds!!!

[**alternate section #1: deletes the mild sexual reference but retains the birthing description.]
PIPPSI: What do they talk about besides their servants?
CODY: Mostly boring stuff. Food, other ladies they know, how smart their kids are, how rotten other people’s kids are...
CHEYENNE: It was real interesting one time when they talked about child birth. How many hours it took, and how rude the doctors and nurses were, and how worthless their husbands were, and something about water breaking all over the bed, (CODY looks ill) and subtractions that go on, and on, and on, and all the screaming and screaming, and all the blood gushing out..
(CODY faints.)
(They kneel beside him and lift up his head. EDGAR enters with tray of cookies. He quickly sets it down and checks Cody.)
EDGAR: Cody! Are you OK? Did you faint?
CODY: I’m OK, Edgar. I just got a little dizzy.
EDGAR: What made you dizzy? You weren’t holding your breath or doing anything dangerous were you?
CHEYENNE: No, no, Edgar. We were just talking.
EDGAR: About what?
CHEYENNE: .mmmmm... Babies being born.
EDGAR: (dropping his proper manner) Babies being born!!? Did your mother ever tell you about Cody’s birth?? As soon as they wiped the bloody goop out of his mouth he started hollering to beat the band. I said to myself, there’s an opera singer! Now, who wants jelly donuts?
PIPPSI & CHEYENNE: I do! I do! Thanks, Edgar!
CODY: (sick again) No, thank-you.
EDGAR: Now I’ll bring you some hot chocolate. Pippsi, would you like yours with whipped cream or a marshmallow?
PIPPSI: Whipped cream, please!
EDGAR: Very good..... Pippsi, I liked your stories.
PIPPSI: (thrilled) Oh, thank you, thank you!!
(In parlor, LADIES rise to leave and Mrs. S. EXITS to get their coats. EDGAR EXITS.)
PIPPSI: Grandmother would have liked him.

[**alternate section #2: deletes the mild sexual reference and the birthing description.]
PIPPSI: What do they talk about besides their servants?
CODY: Mostly boring stuff. Food, other ladies they know, how smart their kids are, how rotten other people’s kids are...
CHEYENNE: (giggling) One time they got to talking about old boyfriends and then
CODY: two of them figured out that in high school
CHEYENNE: Curly Johnson
CODY: had been dating both of them at the same time! He was telling.. who was it?…that Saturdays..
CHEYENNE: He had rugby, right? He told Mrs. Tushenstein, but she wasn’t a Mrs. then, she was a teenage girl..
EDGAR (ENTERING): Curly Johnson was telling one girl that he had rugby practice Saturday nights when he was really taking out the other girl! And he told that one he had choir practice on Friday nights when he took out the first one. I’ve never seen Mrs. Tushenstein and Mrs. Whispertok so shocked.
CHEYENNE: Oh, yes! They couldn’t talk!
CODY: Just sat there with their mouths open.
CHEYENNE: And so mad they left the party early.
CODY: To both go tell him off.
EDGAR: Cookies?
PIPPSI: Cookies! Edgar, you are the greatest!
(KIDS take cookies.)
EDGAR: Why thank you, Pippsi. Now I’ll bring hot chocolate. Pippsi, would you like yours with whipped cream or a marshmallow?
PIPPSI: Whipped cream, please!
EDGAR: Very good..... Pippsi, I liked your stories.
PIPPSI: (thrilled) Oh, thank you, thank you!!
(In parlor, LADIES rise to leave and Mrs. S. EXITS to get their coats. EDGAR EXITS.)
PIPPSI: Grandmother would have liked him.