Zombie Death

  • How to ya Kill the Dead? Easy One, Bullet to the Brain. Thats the old classic. As more sequals were made, we went of with Zombie Dead Methods.
  • Return of the Living Dead through Nuclear Anihalation.
  • Return of the Living Dead 2 through Electricution. I like the old bullet to the brian myself.
  • The remake wasn't bad. It didn't live up to the original. The used the same damn house to. Don't go into the basement. Remeber that movie? All the don't movies were good movies, except Don's go into the house. But Don't Answere the Phone, Don't do into the Attic, Don't go into the Woods, Don't Look out the Window, Don't use the Tolite, Don't have Sex with a Zebra. They ran out of don't titles at the end. Good series while it lasted.
  • Again, if your attacked by a Zombie, bullet to the brian or a good shot to the skull. Don't use the Nuclear and Ekectricity methods. They are too messy.