Frankenstien Legend

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a tragic tail of horror and abandenment about about a creation gone wrong. A man named Victor Frankenstein was determined to bring to life a human being made out of origins from creatures already dead. He succeed in his task to create the creature, but when he saw the being, it was hideous. Frankenstein abandoned the monster and left it to die but it survived. The monster went to live in the woods and by watching a family he taught himself to communicate and read. When the monster realized that his creator had abandoned him, he was furious and thought he should get revenge! The monster on his way to seak revenge saw a little boy. The little boy started insulting the monsters hideous looks so he grabbed the child and the child started screaming. " My daddy Frankenstein will hunt you down and kill you," the child screamed. The monster thought this was Victor's son (when it was really his brother) so he chocked the child to death. Victor Frankenstein knew it was the monster who had committed the tragic deed, but no one could believe him. Someone else was charged with the murder and was executed. This person happened to happened to have been a friend of Frankenstein's family. The monster had succeeded in making Frankenstien furious. Since the monster had done this he realized that he was very lonely. He tracked down Frankenstein and tried to convince him to make another monster but he refused. The monster threatened Frankenstein and told him if he did not create another being he would go on a murderous rampage. Finally Frankenstein agreed. After he was about to complete the next monster he realized that he was doing the wrong thing and destroyed it. Frankenstein knew the monster would retaliate but how? He was walking through town one day when a man walked up to him and told him someone was just murdered last night. The man told him what happened and showed him the coffin. Frankenstein looked into the coffin, the man in it was his best friend, Cheveral. At that moment, he knew who the murderer was. It was the monster! Since he could not do any thing he decided to go back to his home and get married to his love, Elizabeth. They got married but Frankenstein was worried. Would the monster come after Elizabeth too. One night Elisebeth went into her room and the monster was there. Frankenstein heard screams but when he got there he was too late Elisebeth lay on the bead choked to death. Frankenstein was determined to kill the monster, no matter what it took because all of his friends were now dead. To find out the ending you will have to read the book. I would definently recommend the book Frankenstein to anyone who likes a good horror story. Also to anyone who loves suspense. Like the part were Elisebeth dies. you don't know what happened to her until you see her lying there dead. Mary Shelley has also written other books as well as short stories. I liked the book Frankenstein because it showed even someone is hideous does not mean they have a terrible mind. The only reason the monster killed all of those people is because Victor Frankenstein abandoned him if the monster was not abandoned he would have been very nice. That is why I liked the book Frankenstein.

Frankenstein movies