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                Cemetery Dead?  Hardly    

Although what I am about to inform you may sound abnormal, but then again, maybe not.  I myself, only found it a bit frightful; for as much as I wanted and needed proof of the existence of "Ghosts and/or Spirits etc.," and had deduced that a cemetery, the older the better, would be a magnificent place to find something of substantiality.  There are times I know, when you can want something very much, and yet still be afraid of actually getting it.  You know the old saying, "Be care what you ask, you may receive it."  So, I would never go into a cemetery alone, at night.  Yet, I never understood my fear.  I had no fear in the daylight or even at dusk, but when darkness fell and the shadows increased, I was wary and  unreasonably afraid of nothing.  What could possibly happen?  After all.  These people were dead.  Only the dead rise in the movies.  This is sort of true. Their spirits do wander around though, and communicate telepathically as well. There is nothing to be afraid of.  Oh I went plenty of times in the day; I felt nothing, no energy, just dead (no pun intended) stillness.

     Asking someone to go with you to a cemetery at night does not go over well with most people, however!  I was lucky.  I finally met a group of people in the summer of 1997 through my business in town, which had no fear of them at night.  In fact one girl had actually spent the whole night in one.  Now for a little bit of background here.  I had become bonded with this group of people and we had spent all of our free time with each other.  

     First, I met Jennifer. and Jessica, however not at the same time.  Then Jennifer  & Jessica met, and then others became part of our group.  We continued to bring others in until we had a group of about a dozen.  However, though it started out with just Jennifer, Jessica and myself, it expanded quickly on each visit that we made.  One day before the three of us became inseparable;  I went to this one cemetery three times during the same day.  I brought a video camera and tried to experiment by seeing if I could capture anything on film. The experiment failed miserably, however, as far as I could tell anyway.  I can say that though I felt nothing substantial those three times, I did feel enough to draw me back many more times afterwards.  These visits were in the months between June and October.

     The first night we went, we could feel the energy immediately.  I had never felt anything quite like it before, so it was frightening and exhilarating at the same time.  We walked around and often were drawn to certain areas or markers.  We felt negative energy as well as positive energy.  In one place there is a large multi-column monument that held so much positive energy that we all stood around hugging the pillars and feeling a wealth of good energy.  It was a place we frequented in other visits.  Not too far from that one, there was a stone that to this day; we are not quite sure how to feel about it.  It has only a name on it, no date or epitaph.  It appears as a large rock, unshaped, or chiseled.  We are not sure if this is negative or positive, however, when I reached out to touch it once, with the flat of my hand as we did with others, it partially crumbled under my hand.  I, personally, took that  as a bad sign.  Whenever we go back there, we just can't seem to quite grasp whether it is negative or positive.  I'm frequently drawn to it, but cannot decipher what the energy is putting out.  Perhaps it has the potential of both. There are places that Jessica would not go.  She absorbs negative energy like a sponge, and is highly sensitive to it.  I am becoming fairly sensitive myself as time goes by, but not always negative.  There are some areas that smell really foul.  There are some markers that almost glowed, there were some where you could feel warmth from part of it as you moved your hands.  One actually felt so warm, it was like lying on the beach.

     As we were moving down to the lower section of the cemetery on our first visit, where there is a stone stairway leading up into the woods, (or, you can walk down a hill and around, from above.  We walked down and around.)  As we were walking we felt something very strong coming from within the confines of the trees.  We kept walking; the trees were coming closer to the path, and keeping us from continuing on.  We had backtracked to the stone stairway into the woods.  Jennifer had walked up the stone stairway; Jessica and I had stayed below.  Jessica would not go up because of what she was feeling, I too, felt something uncomfortable, not to mention, my physical mobility problem.  Jennifer went about halfway up and whatever energy was up there would not let her go any further.  She wanted to turn and run down the stairs, but it was too dangerous.  So she nervously and carefully turned and came back down.  The three of us decided to forget that area till daytime. As we couldn’t go any further that night, we decided to leave, and comeback the following evening before dark.

     I have been told by a couple from Connecticut, who have been investigating paranormal occurrences, possessions, etc. for over forty years and they have insisted that it is not safe to go into a cemetery at night, especially between the hours of Midnight to 3am.  We always go as soon as it is dark, not dusk, but dark.  This is when we always sensed the most energies.  We rarely stayed past 1am.


     A couple of days later, the three of us went back to the same cemetery to investigate the area that we could not enter before.  We more or less had to psychically barge our way through, which I think seemed to annoy and/or surprise the entity or whatever was up there.  We were not showing any fear.  We walked around, and noticed there were some burial plots up there.  I myself had found this quite odd as there were only about six or seven altogether.  The other strange thing was that there were no sounds within this wooded area, no birds chirping, no animals scurrying, no insects, nothing but the three of us.  We did find a lot of cobwebs on the ground all over the place, completely undisturbed by anything.

     We all felt the entity;  I felt it was of the male gender, approximately 29 to 30 years old (perhaps when it left our world), he/it was hiding, staying just far enough from us so that we could not grasp exactly what ‘it’ was, but enough so that we could feel ‘it’.  After looking around and trying to figure out what to make of this energy, we proceeded up the rest of the stairway into the upper part of the cemetery where we had been a couple of nights previous, and many more nights to come.  For some reason, ‘it’ was attracting Jessica to ‘it’.  She kept wanting to go 'play' with it. Jennifer and I were always there to keep her from possibly being sucked in by this unknown energy.  We still were not sure what to make of it.

'He', the energy in the woods, that soon we found his name was Georgie, though was not seen by visual contact, but his energy was always recognized all of the time.  Telepathically, I would see him at the edge of the trees at the top of the steps.  What I 'saw' was a young man in breeches, black, a white puffy kind of shirt, undone at the throat and a black vest.  He also had shoulder length black hair and very dark eyes.

In January of 1998, I was lying on my futon where my head could see into my hallway.  I was alerted by the feeling of an intrusion in my home.  I opened my eyes, and felt 'Georgie's' energy first off, but there were others as well, only one other whose energy was familiar to me from the cemetery.  I don't know why they came, but I didn't live more than 15 houses down the street from the stairway in the cemetery.  Spirits have been known to wander as far as a mile from their resting place.  Anyway, I look and there are approximately eight to fifteen milky white ghosts standing next to me and in the hall.  I don't know why, but I felt no fear.  I remember asking them what they were doing here.  There was no response, and they then just faded away.  That was the first time I ever physically saw a ghost(s).

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