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Fourth of July: Things Begin To Fire Up

On the Fourth of July, a group of us were sitting around in Jennifer's living room just hanging out, when we decided to go to the cemetery again.   It was already after 10pm following the fireworks.  This time one of our group who never went with us due to his work schedule was able to come with us.  His name is Steve.  He knew of our visits, but really didn't think much about anything happening which would be memorable.  I don't think he would have gone had he known what would happen.  Now, keep in mind that the 'Fourth' of July is not going to be in the least bit cold, not even at night.    We got in a few cars and parked in our normal location across the street.  As soon as we got out of the cars, some of us who recognized ‘his’ energy and could feel him, knowing we were coming.  That's what we called him as we had no name for him as yet and was not sure of his exact feelings towards us either.  It was really weird, feeling like you are being watched; yet knowing it isn't from a living soul, but instead from someone or something who had crossed over, yet remaining earthbound for some reason. 

     We all walked around as normal, feeling the energies.  We never seemed to make it down to the lower parts of the cemetery again in any of our later visits.  The main part was so big and so active; we just never had the time.  There were a couple of teens that wanted to come in with us, but after about ten minutes that got really scared and left, saying “it is all just too weird for us”.  We all laughed after they had left.  Nothing had even happened yet, but I suppose our conversation about energies freaked them out.

     One thing that really fascinated us was that there were markers that felt really warm in spots even those that had not been facing the sun.  Besides, the sun would not have been warm enough right before dusk to absorb the warmth up until 10pm at night.  Also, it wasn't always the whole marker, just parts of it.  There was one that I remember in particular, which was about bench height, about the width of a love seat, and slanted upwards, which  was as warm as an electric blanket.  Other places in the cemetery smelled funky.  Sometime during our excursion, we were between the "Steiger Monument" and the blob of rock that I mentioned earlier which had crumbled in my hand, Jennifer called us over with some of the group to put our hands out inside the already formed circle.  It was amazing!  You could feel like a warm energy, a bubble shape.  You could actually feel the shape by the feel of the warmth it was emanating.  It seemed to be the size of say a beach ball, but not completely round or a consistent shape it just floated between us, letting us touch it.  After about five minutes or more , it just kind of left and we were never able to locate it again.  These so called bubbles are called  by many; globules.  Spirits who have not or cannot take shape.  However,  I think had we asked we could have felt it again or another one.  I, personally felt it odd, I thought it should have been cold, but since the markers could be warm, why not the bubble or as the Connecticutt Ghost Hunters  have referred to them as globules.

     As we were making our way out of the cemetery later on, moving towards "our friend," those of us who were sensitive to him, could really feel him watching us.  To describe the way this cemetery was laid out from the street, it went upwards constantly with little hills making higher levels.  There were pathways for walking or cars throughout going north and south and east and west.  We were walking parallel to the road towards the woods.  Steve said he could sense a male presence and kept getting the poem of "Georgie, Porgie" in his head, so this is the name we ended up giving our "friend".  Anyway, I suddenly got braver than I had ever been and just marched up the hills to where I could feel him, getting maybe a hundred feet or less from him.  At which time I could see him in my mind.  Jennifer and Jessica followed me up, as did Sid, Jens’ fiancé, he did not feel anything, but I think he came up to make sure nothing happened to Jennifer.  Once I got up the hill and faced him, I thought out loud, “what am I doing”?  Confronting a spirit like this without knowing what its response would be.  I just stood there looking over to where he was.  Neither of us backing away.  Then, I turned and hightailed it down the hill to the rest of the group.  This could have been an error.  It could have given him more strength with my backing off first.  You know, like standing up to an animal to show who is stronger?  Well, it's too late now.   When we got down the hill to the group, Steve was standing paralyzed in his stance.  He also had goose pimples large enough for us to see in the minimal light of the moon.  He said he just could not move and that he felt the spirit at the top of the hill, which gave him a distinct feeling of not liking men.  He could have very well done the same to Sid; however, he is not at all sensitive to paranormal energies.  We then decided to do something that we should have done before coming in to the cemetery and that is a cone of power.  This is a process that those of the Wiccan faith do to raise internal energy from the ground to protect and raise immunity to negative energies.   After this we began walking down the paved road to the gate where we had to pass the Chapel, larger than a normal mausoleum, but every time we came in, even in the daytime, I would get a sense of something from it, I was never quite sure what I was getting, but it was something, and I didn’t like it at all.  The doors were very large; they looked as though the structure had been built over a couple of  centuries ago.   I just decided to go up to the huge doors and I placed my palms on them.  They were really cold, I mean REALLY cold.  Then, I felt revulsion and took my hands off the door quickly and backed away.  I could not turn by back on the building.   I was afraid to turn my back on the building.  This building was dedicated to someone; I can't remember who and it was only about twenty-five feet from the entrance/exit.  It was a structure that we had to pass each time we entered the gate.  We never did anything disrespectful in the cemetery, that was never our goal.  We went back across the street to our cars and then, went back to Jen's house and discussed the evening’s events.

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