An Old Age Entity in a New-Age Environment
At the time of our regular visits to Pine Hill, my partner and I and our friends who frequented our store; the first new age, Wiccan store ever to open up in this town. There was a lot of opposition, but there were more people who welcomed us. It opened up more businesses in a not- so prime location of downtown. It was a very old town, established in the mid 1600’s. It was a fairly large town on the western side of New England. A lot of the buildings were old, you could tell by the architecture, the cemetry and…. the basements. Mostly in or near the downtown area. The house I live in now is at least one hundred and twenty- five years old. And has it’s own resident ghost, who doesn’t do much but walk around and startle my cat every once in a while. He also spins things hanging from my ceiling, while I've watched him. I even had a witness once. I've seen him once. He didn’t say anything or try to communicate, he just stood in the doorway, but he was wearing farming type work clothes, so I just call him Farmer Joe. I'm still trying to find out who he is. As helpful as the reference people are in the library, it would have been more helpful had people documented more back in the old days.
Anyway, to get back to the store, and it’s inhabitant. We had rented the space from a gentlemen who owned our building as well as the one next door. A very nice gentleman named Bill. Would carry on yarns forever. Unless you had a lot of time to kill, it was best to get away as soon as you could. He had no idea of what was in the basement, which really isn’t surprising. Some people just don’t notice these things. He used part of the basement for furniture and a workshop. I believe that though I’m not saying he had any disturbing energy, he did not have the energy that the store created, or perhaps it was me. I’ll explain that later in this document.
When my partner and I rented the space in February for preparation to open on May 1st, there was some work that needed to be done down in the basement. The entrance to this basement was in the back of the store and opened from the floor with steps going down into a typical scary movie looking basement. One that you expected some crazed psycho to be hiding. I did not like it from the beginning, but as long as I was not alone, I was more or less all right. It was when my partner, Daryl, would leave me down there, while he went upstairs to do something, that I felt something watching me. It felt like it was in an area towards the front of the store. There was very little lighting there, and a packed dirt floor, with a lot of old furniture, which belonged to the landlord. It was never human eyes that I feared, but something which didn’t feel right. The first chance I got I would run up those stairs and out of that basement. I never really spoke of it to anyone at first. Then, some of our friends, who would end up helping us out in the store after we opened, had mentioned feeling something down there. Not pleasant.
When the store opened we did great. Due to all the publicity that we were getting from the local newspaper, and those who were trying to keep us from opening, actually helped us to be a success.
At first I thought the store was giving off really positive energy that not only brought people in, but these people never seemed to want to leave. Some people would be there hours, talking to my partner and myself and others who came in. We also offered classes to teach ‘The Craft’. We had a very nice woman, Darla, who came in often to do palm readings and take care of the plants. I’m afraid as much as I use herbs in ‘The Craft’, I do not have a green thumb. We had many local artists, bring in their wares, which we would buy from them and then sell, eventually, we did a little consignment. Things started out great. People commented on the tingly sensation that they felt when they walked in. I don’t want to sound narcissistic but it seemed that the only time people hung around for a long time, was when I was in the store. This information is important in relating further events. I did not realize until later, that it was my energy that was causing all of these strange events. I had become a magnet to other energies, good, and not so good, I’m afraid. I avoided the basement whenever I could. I would run down, get what I needed and run back up. I never went down there when I was alone.
Once or twice, when there were others in the store. I went down, purposely, and went to the area that scared me the most. I walked towards the front of the basement. And stood in the spot, between a doorway and the open area. I started experiencing vertigo, and became very nauseous. I went upstairs, quite shaken. My friends had asked what was the matter and I told them. Later at night, after the store was closed, about six of us, would be upstairs, having a drumming circle, something that was brought into our group by a woman who did not end up staying with us. We had ordered a pizza, watched a video on television. Then, we got serious. We took what is called a ‘sage bath’. This is when you take a bundle of sage that is tied together, you light the end and the wafting aroma and smoke surround you from head to foot, back and front. Usually this is done with one’s hand or several feathers closed together. We took white candles; protection oil and all went single file down to the basement. We walked carefully to the area that I will refer to as the ‘infected’ area. A couple of us felt the vertigo in the same place as I did previously, nausea and or headache. Two of the women, sensed a guardian spirit, but thought it might be guarding whatever the entity was, but did not feel threatened by this guardian. They had described the guardian, as old, with long white hair, beard, and a brown robe, that perhaps a monk might have worn centuries ago.
None of us liked it down there at all and we decided to go back upstairs, quickly. So, we did and closed the basement door. We talked about it for a while and went home.
As time went on, we continued with the visits to the cemetery and our investigation with our not so happy sub-tenant. Things between my partner and myself were beginning to get slightly strained. Though business was still good. We had no competition really. We had a newsletter we put out monthly, did well at the taste of the town, but things between Daryl and I were getting worse. Gradually, but noticeably. He was seeming to become disinterested in the business, which was mostly his baby, and completely engrossed with the computer, things that were not him, nor business related. He also was in our group, but we all felt his girlfriend was stealing his energy, probably not purposely, these people are psychic vampires, and usually it is not done intentionally. I was at the store almost all of the time. Yet feeling stressed due to the problems we were having.
Jane, our Psychic, was doing a reading on me, and mentioned my guardian, she described him to be exactly what my friends had described, yet she had not as yet meet any of them. Though, most of her reading held no great conviction for me, that alone caught my attention. The guardian that my other two friends had sensed was actually my guardian, not the entity’s. Later she was talking to one of the women and told her about the guardian, the woman asked her what he looked like, and it was indeed the same one she sensed/saw with her mind.
Jane and I went down to the basement, she was curious about the entity down there. As usual, I experienced vertigo, and nausea. We turned to leave with Jane leading, and suddenly I felt myself being pushed causing me to fall on my face. That was it. I was definitely out of there. I would never come down there again. Well, at least not until the exorcism we decided we had to do.
Our group finally decided to do an exorcism in the basement, after our summer solstice ritual, also known as the first of the harvest festivals, at Jen’s house. Afterwards, we then went to the store, including the three children that belonged to Daryl’s girlfriend as she was at work. We put them in the classroom with crayons and things to play with and key-locked the front door. The classroom was a room across the hall from the store. We told the girls not to come into the store so that the girls would not come down to the basement where we were going to do our work. They were told by Jessica, not to come in unless they were violently ill.
We began preparing for the job ahead. We began by listening to a goddess chant over and over to get us focused. A very earth oriented chant. Very beautiful. We meditated, we gave everyone sage baths, and prepared candles, and such. When we were all ready, we told the children again. Do not leave this room unless someone is violently ill or injured. They were not to come into the store, while we were in the basement. We proceeded to go down the basement stairs, the chants still playing. The sage burning, the candles burning, and Daryl at the lead. His voice is very deep and authoritative. We felt he would be the best to speak the main part of this ritual. We walked around, sprinkling triple goddess water (holy water for wiccans) and Daryl continuously commanding the spirit to leave and return from where it had come. The place that was the strongest was directly underneath the room where the children were; it apparently went up through the floor to get away from us and to distract us from trying to get rid of it. Suddenly, we heard screaming upstairs. More than just girls playing, but real screaming as if something or someone was after them. Jessica and Daryl had gone upstairs, while the rest of us continued. What had happened was that the entity went up through the floor and attacked the youngest child causing her to be sick. There was no reason for her to become sick, as she was in an air-conditioned room, and had not eaten since lunch a few hours earlier. Obviously, it succeeded in temporarily and partly distracting us. We did feel a little calmer and confidant that it was gone, but not that it was gone for good.
I still felt uncomfortable down there, but not as bad, but did not trust that it was completely gone.
I ended up becoming partners with Sid and Jen in a new store, at the center of town. Not exactly like the first, but sort of the same genre. We continued with the cemetery visits, and I never had to return to that basement. The first store closed about six months later, and I heard from previous customers of it, who came to my new location, that the energy was really bad there after I left. Whether it was all my energy that was bringing everyone in or not, I don’t know. But for certain, the energy in that basement was not mine. If it was I would not have had a guardian to protect me.