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        "Prince Of An Evening"

I have to admit we were all having quite a good time with our almost weekly visits to our favorite cemetery.  We are never, ever, disrespectful of  any of the graves.  That was never our interest.  As a matter of fact, we often would put fallen pieces of headstones back on from where they had fallen.  Sometimes all we did was sit and talk over by our especially favorite Monument, due to it's incredible amount of positive energy, the Stephens Monument.  Not this night however.  This was the biggest night ever.  What happened this night led to what eventually had me doubt my sanity for a while;  had there not been witnesses to it all.  It all started normal, there were about eleven of us this night, a lot of newcomers.  We had Darla, who worked for me at my new age store in town.  She did readings for our customers.  Her husband, Bill, a big guy, but very sensitive to the spirit world, we had Laura, who was a photographer and she brought her camera with infrared film, which we found out was not the right kind of film.  You need black and white or regular film and high speed with no flash to film spirits.  Also, she was night blind so we had to lead her around.  When she felt something she would turn in that direction and one of us would aim the camera towards it so she could take the picture.  Anyway, we walked around, for a while.  Checking things out as usual.  Except for the couple of markers we now knew by heart, like the rock blob and the Stephens'Monument, we rarely ever found the same marker twice in our frequent visits.  Bill disappeared in one direction for a while following the spirit of a woman he saw.  Darla followed behind him to give him space.  Jennifer, Veronica, Jessica, Laura, Jim and myself stayed together and Stacey and Eric who went on to another area.  We all had decided to meet at the Stephens'Monument later on.  We were all roaming around taking pictures and talking and having a nice time.  Darla and Bill finally caught up with us.  Stacey and Eric came back and we began to check out the wooded area of Georgie as we call him now.  This was a first for all of us as we never invaded his territory at night before, other than the brief time that Jennifer had gone up the stone steps just to the outside of the wooded area.  Jennifer and Jessica went carefully down the steps about halfway down then to the left and sat down on a log.  Stacey went in towards the left with Vicky, but not as far down as Jen and Jess.  Jim, Laura, and Darla remained up the steps outside of the wooded area.  Bill and I began to go down slowly and carefully.  Bill said that he was feeling cold, yet it was July.  I felt my own face and it was cold yet clammy, Bill's skin was the same.  I continued to go down the steps and sat down on a log to the right of the steps near a fairly large marker that was in the woods.  Trying to sense "him" or see what might happen.  All of a sudden, without any warning, I heard, not with my ears but telepathically with my mind, someone telling me to GET OUT!  I couldn't get out of there quick enough.  I ran down the hill, almost rolling down, till I got to one of the paved roads which was located at the back of the cemetery, it actually faces the street that I presently live on.  However, once I got down there, I had lost my equilibrium and could not figure out exactly where I was.  I called out to the others, but no one answered.  I got really scared.  I could not be that far away from them, why wouldn't they answer?  I began walking up the hill on the paved road.  I kept walking wondering how I could have been so far around the bend.  Where was that mausoleum on that path?  Finally I found it and walked up the hill and kept calling out, but still no one answered.  My voice must not carry, there's no way someone wouldn't hear me.  I kept walking, totally exhausted and afraid of actually being lost and alone. It was a strenuous walk for me in particular.  Finally, I saw them not far from the woods, they had already come out since I had run out and gotten back up there.  They said they could hear me but didn't know where I was. 

     Well, we continued on, roaming around, heading towards our favorite place in the cemetery.  Jessica and I were in the lead with the rest following not far behind.  We were cutting through a section between paths, when all of a sudden, with no warning, I burst out into gut wrenching tears.  Jessica was very surprised and I was very confused as to my reaction to.... nothing.... why was I crying?  I was not sad or unhappy about ANYTHING!  It was like my body throwing a bucket of water outside of me onto a non-existent fire.  Jessica led me out of the area.  Jen and the others came over to find out what was wrong.  After a couple of minutes or so, I calmed down and seemed to be OK again.  So, we started walking through again and..... it happened again, this time even worse.  I started heading towards a marker that I thought was causing this reaction, but a voice sounded in my head saying "not there.... over HERE!"  It was similar to the way I was told to “Get Out”, but not the same voice.  There was a row of about eight markers all the same size and style, and I was drawn to the third one from the right. The name on it was Bradley Prince.  He had died only two years prior to this incident in 1995; he had been approximately 65 years old and was still survived by his wife.  I began crying so hard, I could not stop.  Those in our coven encircled me to try to do something about this, so that I could be released.  But the only way I could get relief was to get away from this area.  They all took me over to the Stephens' Monument and stood around for a while, after finding out who the gravesite belonged to (we always had lanterns with us).  I was still visibly shaken while we were standing around, when again I was told to "LEAVE, NOW".  I don't know if it was a malevolent threatening spirit telling me to leave or a benevolent spirit trying to protect me.  I'll tell you this much, when I'm told to leave...I don't stand around like they do in the movies, waiting for an engraved invitation.  I go.  I go fast.  Suddenly said frantically to everyone, I said, 'I've got to go, NOW.... I’ve got to get out of here...Something told me to leave...I've got to go."  I was frantic and insistent.  Jen was holding my hand and we were in the lead as I was almost went running to get out.  If I felt something negative ahead, I would turn up this way or that until we got to the front gate and climbed over the chain out onto the sidewalk.  By the time we got to our cars, I was much calmer, but still quite shaken.  I never experienced anything like that before in my life.  Perhaps, our frequent visits were making me more sensitive each time we came here.  Jennifer, Jessica and myself were the only three that always came each visit; the others would come less often or only once or twice. 

The spirit that caused me to burst out in tears followed me around for a couple of weeks.  I knew because whenever he was there, I felt like I was going to burst into tears again.  Others could feel him too.  Eventually, I think he got bored, and went back to the cemetery, where I eventually said good-bye.  I was not afraid of him, I just grieved for him.  My feeling is that, I had become sensitive to the spirit world, and he could see or feel that, and attached himself to me probably out of curiosity, and bewilderment.  I will never forget him.  I hope he is happy now wherever he is.  Granted we had a lot more visits than I am recounting in this true story, however, I am writing this part almost two years after it all happened, so I don't remember the mundane occurrences.