Ghost In My House
Back in April of 1998, I was in my room where the computer was located. I had a feeling of someone watching me, though this was unlikely as I live alone. It was around 8:00 pm one evening. I, then, turned around and to my surprise, there was, indeed someone watching me. It was strange that I wasn't frightened by the sight at all, considering I had absolutely no idea who it was or where he came from.
The apparition was that of a man, probably around sixty-ish. He wore dark work pants and a dark shirt. He did not have suspenders, but wore a belt. He had heavy boots, similar to those that electricians, construction crew wear. And a brimmed hat, brown. His face had a weathered look and he was probably no taller than 5'8" tall, if that. Rough looking hands, and very small, but, VERY blue eyes. He did not smile, nor speak, or move. He just stood there. I just kept looking back at him. Then, I blinked my eyes, and he was gone. Though I have not seen him again, I knew he was still here.
I have this decorative bird feeder that I hang from my ceiling, actually I have two, but one has never been active. The other one, no matter where I hung it in the living room, day or night. Windows open or closed. This one particular one would not swing as it would with a breeze, like it did this past summer in a wind storm, but it would slowly turn about 90 degrees in one direction, and then just as slowly back in the other direction. It would do this for about 3 to 5 minutes, than, would stop. This went on for the whole time he remained here. I want to specify, that these feeders, rarely moved even when the windows were open. Only twice did it move in any other direction.
My cat, Zeus, saw him frequently, and I heard him walking around when I was in bed going to sleep.
I, unfortunately, had an experience while he was here, of an energy that I was not comfortable with, nor was Zeus. She stopped sleeping with me in my room suddenly, being that she had slept with me every single night, I found this odd. I didn't know how disturbing this energy was, until I awoke one morning, I got up for a couple of minutes, came back and went to bed again. On the wall at the left side of the bed, was a black and white photo of my Grandfather. It was almost a profile, but not quite. I was just looking at it, and it seemed to be moving inside the frame. This of course, kept me looking. "How weird," I thought at the time. Then, still looking, his mouth and eyes, seemed to blur into hollow sockets, like a skeleton almost, then, when it turned towards me, THAT was when I jumped right out of bed. I grabbed the picture off the wall, and set it inside my closet, but I still could not go back in there. I slept on the sofa in the livingroom that night. The next morning, I opened the door into that room. It was freezing (at the end of April) it wasn't that cold anymore. I took out a sage bundle and a white candle. I smudged the sage and took the white candle to every corner in my apartment to purify it. I told what ever it was to return from where it came and not to return. I then burned sage in that room for 3 days. At this time, I would not go in there for anything. Afterwards, I would only go in during the early day, the coldness had left, but the memories still gave me the creeps. I had begun sleeping in my other bedroom for two years. I just could not sleep in that room again. Zeus, eventually would stand at the door, to check things out, then eventually she would go back in. I had no problem going in, just sleeping was a problem.
The energy was completely gone, finally. My grandfather's picture now hangs in the hallway.
I now, sleep in that room again, as I had not much choice now, for reasons I won't go into.
I spent all summer long this past year (2000) trying to find out who the apparition was, I have my suspicions, but am not positive yet. A group of friends and myself performed a séance in November, and got a name, but the date does not match from my research so far. More investigation is needed. See Details of the séance from the home page.