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    This was the night I have been waiting for all of my life.  I have been studying the paranormal since I was thirteen, which is over 30 years.  I have kept my eyes and ears open on how to perform a séance.  For the last five months, after finally finding people who would be interested in joining me, this feat is not easy.  We gather this night which is November 1st, 2000.  As you may or may not know. The day before and after October 31st the veil between our world and the world of the deceased is at it's thinest point, easier to contact spirits.  This was to be my first, and if it was successful, it would not be my last.  I can tell you know, that our next séance is in just a few days.

    My friends and I gathered together at my apartment around 8:00 pm.  We gathered to talk first, get acquainted with the ones we did not know and relax.  I learned that no one in the group had never been to what I like to refer to as a 'spiritual gathering.'  (In the future I will refer to this as SG).   Since I was the one who set this up I was feeling a bit under pressure.  Though I had no idea what may happen if anything, I was a bit nervous. Though I am a sensitive to the spirits, I have difficulties when under pressure.

Well, we all sat down around the table that was set up already with chairs.  As I, and most of the group are wiccan, I also had my book of shadows, a cup of blessed water, stones to represent earth, a wand for air, and a candle for fire.  We also had other candles set about the room for atmosphere.  There was an audio recorder on the table and a video camera set up.  Actually there were two, but I forgot to turn one on.  It was faced on the computer screen, just in case, any spirits may wish to type out their messages.  They didn't so that camera didn't matter.  I did a blessing chant and then called the four watchtowers to protect the circle and those in it.

    I knew at least one person I wanted to reach, and that was my ghost that was mentioned in "Ghost in my house".  The other person we attempted to reach, was the mother of a friend of a participant. Verification had to come afterward for that.  The next person we reached was the father of a different participant, and her grandfather came through briefly as well.  All of these we summoned, but then someone came through, whom we did not summon, the father of another participant, we got a lot from this spirit.  Briefly we got another spirit, but could not connect it to anyone present.  But it was verified soon after as being the grandfather of someone I knew.  

    I called to the spirit of the person who had showed himself to me a couple of years previously.  "You know who you are" I said. "We would like for you to join us tonight, to find out who you are and why you showed yourself to me."  Now, most people would expect some great special effect, some voices, or mist or something. Trust me, it isn't like this at all.  This IS Hollywood, not reality.  In acuality, what does happen is the medium, or even the rest of the group, if in a relaxed state, will get feelings, impressions, pictures, their minds.  You may hear words, but they will be a telepathic type of voice. Well, anyway, after some silence, we sat, one person, saw the word B E N written like B E N in her mind.  Another woman received the name 'Sibley'.  This is the name of the owners of the house at least in 1879, that I now live in.  However, the date 1752 came up as well, and so far I have not found the particular connection.  There is in fact 2 Benjamin Sibley's in this area, but the closed was one who was born in 1693 and died in 1780 and he was 87 years old.  The Sibley family originally came from the town east of my town.  Now the Sibley family did at some point marry into a well known family named 'Noble'.  It still may be Benjamin Noble.  Must keep trying for more information on this spirit.

The next person we reached was a woman named 'Maryanne'. I keep the last name anonymous for privacy sake.  Her son's name is Berill.  Apparently, his mother left when he was young, his father told him a story, but he never believe completely.  He wanted to know if she was dead or if she wasn't,  so, when he heard someone was having a SG, he asked if we try to contact her and find out what we can, whether she was really dead or not.  She did join us, and we felt very loving and warm energy. She came quickly after be summoned, we all felt her energy.  She gave us information like the number 3 and 6.  This turned out to be that on March 6, his mother began having panic attacks which eventually led to her death. She wanted him to know that she always loved him even now.  And I felt a comforting hand on my head.  Apparently she was walking around the table, because we all felt chills, moving around from one to the other. *Not the kind of chills you would imagine while watching "Scream" or something. Lynn saw that she was surrounded in white light, that she had crossed over.  The number 3 & 6 popped into Anne's head.  Lynn said that the words "I love you" keep running through her head.  But just that there is a presence nearby.  Then, suddenly, I felt like she just sat down inside of my body!  It was an awesome and surprising event.  I couldn't get over it.  I felt the tingling everywhere.  Gabe said she could see a lightness to her hair, not dark hair.  Anne had confirmed that her son had light hair, that she had seen in a photo.  After a couple of minutes, I had felt a hand touching the top of my head, comforting.  I could feel the heel of the hand on the crown of my head and I could feel long slender fingers together on top. Then, she was gone. We all felt her pull away.

   The name Mark popped up in Anne's head,  another strong rush of energy came through. I felt a coolness in my chest.  Originally at the time we had thought that 'Mark' had to do with Maryanne, but it did not. Later after the the SG was over, Anne got the name 'Carrol' in their head, popping in.  Gabe had seen a Mandolin.

   I asked everyone if there was anyone they wanted to contact. I waited, then Lynn, said that she would like to contact her father.  She gave me his name as 'Charles'.  I called to Charles, asking him to join us, he came quite quickly as well.  I suspect that some of these spirits had been waiting around for days to be contacted or get the opportunity to communicate with us.  After about a minute Gabe got the picture of one of those wine bottle openers. But at first Lynn could not understand the meaning.  I quickly asked if her father had a good sense of humor as I felt a very happy personality.  I was getting something about a joke between them, something about a bike that was too big for her, they always thought that was funny.  I came up with even though he was always happy, he wouldn't always say it. Lynn verified, also I came up that she was the favorite.  Mike came up with a rug, brown with squares.  Lynn said there was a rug, destroyed by cigarette burns.  As soon as she said that a few of us all smelled the scent of cigarettes.  Gabe kept getting the t shaped thing like a wine bottle.  I got the impression that Lynn was his favorite, and even though she was the oldest, she did verify that he treated her like she was his favorite.  I kept hearing him chuckle all the time.  Lynn finally realized that she only drinks wine and that she used to have a different type of wine bottle opener that she really liked and it broke and she had to buy the kind Gabe was describing.  Then I began seeing someone who had sparse hair on top, also jovial, and Lynn verifed him as her grandfather.  Then as he left,  instead of saying to her I Love you, he said, you know how I feel. And then he was gone.

   Immediately afterwards another spirit came in, the one that we did not summon.  Mike came out with something right away.  He kept getting a picture of a man standing with the sun behind him, it looked like it was the dessert or that type of terrain, a mound, western look perhaps a  mine.  Others were coming up with Arizona. I think the one woman knew who it was but didn't want to say.  For some reason, I asked the woman next to me what her father's name was.  It seemed that it was her father.  I asked him for more information, and he was quite willing.  Anne came up with her given name that her father called her.  I got a lot of sadness, sad all his life,  Michael came up with corrieders, a house, a long hallway.  I came up with the fact that he thought he was not a good father, which was verified. He told me to tell her he was sorry, but I could tell she did not believe it.  I came up with depression, could never escape it.  He also drank, which was a vicious circle of drinking because he was depressed and depressed because he drank.  I got the feeling from him that he wanted to cross over because he was so unhappy, even though he loved his children and family. We found out also that the desert vision was something to do with his dream of going west to find the lost goldmines of Arizona, the lost duchman. All of this was verified, by her.

   We were all very excited with the outcome.  This is what made us decide to have more.