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Where the Impossible Transformer Stories come alive!

Welcome to the exciting realm of Rampage's Domain!  Here you'll find almost a hundred Transformer related fanfics.  You name, I've got it.  Beast Wars fanfics, Beast Machines fanfics, Beast Hunter Fanfics, and many more.  Plus, the site has a lot of original series, like the Titanic Tussle of the Transformers 1 and 2: where your favorite TF's go head to head in this no holds bar deathmatch.  Other original series and fanfics include Transformers Aftermath, Maximal Force, the Transmetal Voyage, Egapmar's Board Stories, TF Parables, X2: The Uncanny X-Men Sequel, and others contributed by Triceradon, Megatron Neo, T3K, AC, Storm Call, Devestator, DBX, and many others from the ERB.  Click the picture to enter the website.

You know what? You are visitor number to come to my website! I hope you enjoy it!

Site created and maintained by Mark aka RAMPAGE

Non original pictures found at this site were taken from,,, Sentinel, and  The Running Dog.gif was saved from the old Axalon Underground before it crashed.  Special thanks to Catwalk, Super Galvatron, Ben Yee, Bob Skir, Clasic Cybertron, Megadrive,Hound99, Tigerhawk, SlipBot, the Lukis Brothers, DBX, the ERB, Bryan Singer, 20th Century Fox, HASBRO, Foxkids, Marvel, Takara, Optimal Hero, Optimus Prime, and a partridge in a pair tree for not trying to shut down this site.  If you were patient enough to read that, than you should have the time to bookmark this page.  All original pictures on this website are to not be taken off without my permission.  If you want to use it for personal use, write me and ask.

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Disclaimer: This is page is not officially created and/or run by either Hasbro, Kenner, Mainframe Entertainment, Claster Entertainment or Alliance Transformers. Transformers, Beast Wars, & Beast Machines is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc., Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This web site is not meant to infringe upon these copyrights and trademarks but has been established for creative entertainment purposes only.

Rampage's Domain Copyrighted April 1, 2000

Looksmart's Beseen


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