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Writer's Note:  In this timeline Tarantulas was able to extract the Vok from TigerHawk but Tarantulas wasn't destroyed!


Part One: Final Confrontations
Written by Groundbreaker24

     "What?  What's going on?!"  Cheetor asked himself when he was awakened suddenly by the base's alarms.

    Rattrap wasted no time when he busted into his room, "The preds are attackin' the Ark!  And this time they mean business!" Rattrap told Cheetor that the Predacon's were divided into two groups:  Megatron and DinobotII were in front of the Axalon fighting Optimus and Rhinox; and Quickstrike, Waspinator, and Rampage were attacking TigerHawk in front of the Ark.  He
also told Cheetor that Blackarachnia and Silverbolt were on their way from patrol and DepthCharge was coming back from setting up scanners.

    "Let's shred some Pred!" Cheetor said as he and Rattrap ran out of the base.  Rattrap went over to help Optimus and Rhinox, while Cheetor helped TigerHawk.  Cheetor realized TigerHawk could handle Rampage until help arrived, so he would take Quickstrike and Waspinator.  Cheetor's guns knocked Quickstrike down and Waspinator into the side of the volcano,
getting his head stuck in it.  Cheetor walked over Quickstrike and said, "Had enough?"

    Quickstrike's reply was, "Never, varmint!"  Cheetor wasted no time in slagging Quickstrike.  Cheetor went over to Waspinator and finished him in one shot.  TigerHawk was having no problem with Rampage.  Rampage was just too slow to hit TigerHawk.  TigerHawk unleashed a tornado on Rampage.  The twister knocked Rampage into one of the lava pits and the two went to help the others.

    Optimus and Rhinox had knocked DinobotII into the same pit that Rampage was in.  But they were having problems with Megatron.  Rattrap, however, was quickly working on the computers trying to get the autoguns to turn towards
Megatron, but the computer had been setup to stop anything that posed threat to the Ark.  "Slag this!"  Rattrap pulled out a small disk and inserted it into the computer.  He quickly began typing and soon the guns pointed
towards Megatron and blew him away from Optimus, Megatron was angered that he was losing so easily and he took out his rage on Rhinox.  Megatron saw Cheetor and TigerHawk were now helping the others.  He called Inferno.

    "Inferno, hurry!  It seems things have taken a turn for the worst!  Mission: Destruction is now in affect!"  Megatron flew into the air, and before Optimus or TigerHawk could get airborne, Megatron made it to the doors of the Ark.

    "Give it up Megatron!  You can't get in there without the access codes....."  Optimus was cut off by his com-link.  Silverbolt called in with the message, "Inferno.... got.... the..... best..... of..... us!  He's got...... Blackarachnia......"

    "Silverbolt!  Silverbolt!"  Optimus received no reply.  He chose to have Cheetor and Rattrap go after Inferno.

   Megatron commented that this was going too easily.  He also stated that Inferno had orders to destroy her if anything happened to him!

    DepthCharge flew behind Megatron, knocking him down.  Megatron tried  contacting Inferno, but Inferno had been destroyed.  DinobotII and Rampage came out of the lava pits, but Rampage now decided to get his spark back.  He picked up DinobotII and ripped the spark out of him.  He placed the spark back into his chest.  But Rampage couldn't hadn't figured that replacing the spark would destroy him and DinobotII.  His body exploded, knocking everone down.

   From there the battle was over.  Megatron was defeated; the spark of the original Megatron was returned.  Rhinox was also able to disable Megatron's weapons and a cage was built for him.  Soon the others realized that Tarantulas was still gone.  Everyone, but Rhinox and Rattrap, looked for Tarantulas.  They split into individual groups.  Then one day, they all
met up at the beach {The one in Nemesis pt 2} and saw something that put the terror back into their sparks:  The Nemesis!  They all said the same thing:  "Tarantulas!"

 T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D . . .

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