SJ ADULT 'Screw the regs'
Hello traveller, Welcome to SJadult - the corresponding website to the SJadult mailinglist at eGroups. Here you'll find some *results* of our senseless rambling and endless *get-them-together* craving about Colonel Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill and Major Dr. Samantha 'Sam' Carter from the Showtime hit show STARGATE SG1. Please note: the title of this
site says 'ADULT' - and we want it no other way. Means for you,
if you're not an 'ADULT' in your respective area/country please
leave this site - as we don't want to harm your innocence... :) So, know that the kiddies are gone - back to topic: SJadult You'll find here fanfiction, challenges, pictures, and *other stuff* dedicated the the relationship between our beloved Colonel Jack O'Neill and his smart and wonderful 2IC Major Sam Carter - from an grown-up point of view. " :) I suppose I'd better
intro myself a bit too :) I'm Alex [duh!] but I also go by
Alexandra, Lexi, and Al :) So take your pick! I've been on the S&J
list since January, and I posted my first fic in February, and I'm
planning on posting another to this list after this :)) Hmm...
What else? As Sare has already pointed out, I'm a Kiwi, but I've
just moved to London :) ... *snip*.... Addendum: Ann (better know as PooBear59 in the chat) joined the moderator team, to fight the evil and protect the innocent on the list. She's our third list mom now. If you have any comments or questions feel free to contact us. We hope you'll enjoy your stay and we'll see you again, here or at the mailinglist. Alexandra (Alex) (List-Mom)
That's how the list started: Message
No. 1 Join the SJadult list at eGroups!
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