Good Guys
Bad Guys
Sub Factions
1. Human Mule
He's Gonna Bone you!
Real Name: Tom Pott
Hight: 6'1"
Weight: 224 Pounds
Age: 25
Attackes: Bone club Smash ( The other members of the S100 call it The Gay Club )
Powers: Super Agility
Weapons: Bone Clubs
Sub Faction: N/A
Favroite quote: It's F**king Crimson!
Young Tom Pott, aka The Skull, was the finest super hero in New Orleans provoking fear in all evil do-ers, and no one could blame him for partying when the Mardi-gar came around. However that fateful night, He realized that the washing had not been done. Racing home, Boris Yeltsin stylee, he quickly shoved everything into the washing machine and went to bed. The net morning, he awoke to Discover he'd put a red sock in with his whites! And worse still his Skull costume had been turned pink! So he continued to battle crime but found it hard when all the villains wet themselves laughing at him so he changed his name to The Crimson Skull, even though he's really pink, any one that should accuse him of being pink, however, gets seven shades of shit beaten out of them. He then found it hard to be accepted into any other super hero fraternity, but a chance encounter with the Smashing man o' doom got him a contract with the smashing 100, though rumor has it he may be leaving due to the fact every one thinks he's gay and won't sit in front of him on the bike o'Doom.