

Good Guys

Bad Guys


Sub Factions


88. Flame Fist

With the Power to Singe!!

Real Name: Willmot Pierce

Hight: 6'3"

Weight: 224 Pounds

Age: 32

Attackes: Singeing punch o' Doom

Powers: Very hot fist

Weapons: N/A

Sub Faction: N/A

Favroite quote: I'll singe your minge mate!!

Flame Fist, who can set his fist on fire at will, discovered the abiltiy one day whilst playing "lets see what petrol smells like" and subsequently, permenantly lost the use of his eyebrows. He is able to now egnite his fist when ever he wants, exept underwater or during snow. It's extremely usefull for lighting candles and barbeques or defrosting the fridge, as it burns with an adequate temperature of 200'C which wont melt through steel and he cant shoot fireballs it's more like a giant candle, but yunno I was kinda running out of ideas by this point I mean you goaat get to 100 hundered and you just start comming out with any crap, and it's not like you colud do better could you? You fuck.