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Darth Vader's Top Ten Most Evil Deeds

10. Blowing Alderaan To Bits
A good, peace loving planet-who needed it anyway? It's not like Darth would ever vacation there.

9.Killing Obi Wan Kenobi
Well that was a mistake, Obi-Wan warned him and did Darth listen, NO.

8. Imprisoning Princess Leia in a Death Star Detention Cell
The ultament parental punishment! "Now Leia, go to your cell until you tell me where the Death Star plans are."

7. Using Han Solo as a Carbonite-Freezing Test Dummy
I guess Darth didn't think a smuggler was good enough to hang with Luke and Leia.

6. Slicing off Luke's Hand
Maybe Vader was going for a father/son bonding moment since he lost his hand earlier.

5. Choking Any Underling Who Doesn't Live Up To Expectations
Well I'm sure that there is some deep psychological reason for this form of punishment. Air supplies-or lack thereof-seem very important to Vader.

4. Refusing to Wear Anything But Black

I guess they didn't have a Gap in that galaxy a long time ago very far away.

3. Never Having That Breathing Problem Checked Out
Can you say asthma? I'm sure an inhaler might have eased that deal with the mask.

2. Darth Being in the Whole Suit
It's the kind of thing that people can only have nightmares about...

1. Always Having a Better Halloween Costume Than His Kids
Sure, make Luke and Leia walk around in weird hairdos and keep all the cool stuff for yourself.