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Who is Joelene Crnogorac?
This is the bio from  ABC web site

            JOELENE CRNOGORAC began acting when she was
            12-years-old with a leading role in ABC TV's children's series
            Round the Twist. Prior to this she had appeared in numerous
            television commercials and department store catalogues.

            After two series with The Man from Snowy River, Joelene went to
            Port Douglas where she was required to bleach her long auburn
            hair white for her role in Ocean Girl. Today she sports a much
            shorter style, allowing her hair time to recover from the
            punishment of constant treatments.

            Joelene and Elena Mandalis worked closely together preparing
            for RAW FM, spending time building their sisterly relationship.

            In 1996 Joelene took time off from acting, performing only one
            small role in the feature film The Inner Sanctuary. She spent the
            year concentrating on her final year at school. In previous years
            she had been able to keep up her education with a tutor on the
            set but felt Year 12 was too difficult.

            The dedication and perseverance paid off and Joelene is now
            studying Media Arts at Deakin University. She hopes to expand
            her career to take in writing and directing. Journalism is another
            possibility because Joelene loves writing.

            At the end of a long week, studying and appearing in RAW FM,
            Joelene liked nothing more than going out for a night dancing a
            "big boogy". Her musical tastes range from hard techno to love
