angriff.jpg (13289 bytes)
Angriff! rulebook, Copyright 1982 D. Myers and R. Zimmermann
Z & M Publishing Enterprises, Inc.

   World War II changed the rules of warfare.   While "island-hopping" campaigns in the Pacific Theatre redefined the definitions of mobility and naval-infantry combined arms, the European and North African Theatres defined a new combined-arms strategy set around the new "king of the battlefield:"  the armored tank.  Offering heavy weapons and durability with maneuverability much greater than the towed guns and fortresses of the past, armor was a new tool that required an entirely new way to wage war.  The massed, unorganized armor "charges" of the Somme in 1917 were left behind, as were trenches and (for most combatants) cavalry.  What remained in its stead were the armored spearhead of the blitzkrieg, a war of maneuver instead of charge and countercharge.  Angriff! is a set of combined-arms rules initially created in 1968 to accurately simulate armor, infantry, artillery, and air superiority in a tactical setting.   Unlike most other wargames, however, Angriff! is really no more than rules, as it was intended for miniature tank modelers who collected platoons of obscure tanks like the Panzer 38(t) and had no idea what to use them for.

    I try to make the information on this site as accurate as possible, but I must collate my data from various sources.  Please contact me about any glaring errors and tell me how to fix them, and I'll gladly mention your contribution on this site.

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Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Guns

"Cruiser" Tanks
"Infantry" Tanks

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers


Basic Military Organization

Tank Terminology

The British Armor BESA Machine Gun

Armor Tactics and You

Basics of Combined Arms

Hanz and Fritz, German Motorcycle Reconnaisance Team


These literary sources are used throughout this site:

    Ellis, Chris.  Tanks of World War 2.  Octopus Books Ltd., London, 1981.
    Keegan, John (ed.).  Atlas of the Second World War.   HarperCollins Publishers, London, 1997.
    Myers, D. and Zimmermann, R. Angriff!  (Attack!): A practical set of World War II Wargaming rules for the HO and MICRO scale enthusiast.   Fifth Edition.  Z & M Publishing Enterprises, Inc, Milwaukee 1984.
    World War II:  A Visual Encyclopedia.  PRC Publishing Ltd.,  London, 1999.

These web sources are used throughout this site:

Achtung Panzer ! - at
World War II Vehicle (and Advanced Squad Leader!) Database - at

This concerned individual helped me get off my bum and do this site right:

Steven Whitacre
(There!  Ya %$#@in' happy now?!)

These concerned individuals have provided information:

None as of Yet

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