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Richmond, VA
September 2nd & 3rd, 2000

Featuring: Claire Stansfield

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These next 2 pictures are being added in because my daughter, who turned eight in July, insists that she's old enough to have her picture on the net. *shrug* What's a mom to do?? ;)

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Pictures from left to right: 1) Claire Stansfield // 2) Claire Stansfield // 3) Claire Stansfield // 4) Me getting Claire's autograph // 5) Me getting Claire's autograph // 6) Claire and me // 7) Jack, Claire, Aida and myself // 8) Jack, Claire, Aida and myself // 9 & 10) Claire, me and my daughter

Home // New York City // Richmond, VA // Valley Forge // Pasadena 2001 // Cherry Hill

坩enarose 2000
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