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Xenoprobe's FanFiction Domain

Some may know that this site has always been dedicated to the wonderful and creative world of the X-Files. Now, that hasn't changed, but I have added to it over the years. It went from Spooky Central to Hellmouth Haven and now I add Star's Hollow Romance to the list.

Gone are the Sunday night at 9 rendez-vous with Mulder and Scully, Tuesday's with Spike and Buffy are long over as well. These days I occupy by obsessive, pop-culture-addled brain with the Gilmore Girls and with CSI. Although it's not the same, it satisfies me.

I still have yet to finish my Work I Progress (WIP) called Spaceman. It got pushed back and back and back on the burner and got cold. I have always intended to finish it but have been swept up into the fic world of Luke and Lorelai. I doubt I will ever write with the same regularity I did back in 'the day' but I do try yo keep the old brain from collecting dust.

So, it is my hope that there is a little something here for those who come a knocking. Please send me feedback and lots and lots of suggestions/challenges. I am always game for a challenge-fic! My humble thanks to everyone who have, over the years, encouraged me with this little past-time of mine. I can be found at for anyone looking to contact me :)

X-Files Fanfic Fever

Welcome to the Hellmouth

Luke and Lorelai's Stars Hollow

about xenoprobe/awards & links

my new orleans

!Disclaimer! The characters of the X-Files do not belong to me, I use them for personal entertainment and do not benefit from this use. They belong to the great Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and the Fox Network. No copyright infringement is intended.

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Should anyone find their own collages here, please let me know by a sending an email- these images were fetched from the net by my husband in the early months of our owning a PC- years ago now- and I have never been made aware as to the artistes. I take no credit for the collages here- they are the work of people far more talented than I :)