The Acevedo Family's Photo Album.
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but Anglefire gives us 20 meg of free web space.
This is the Acevedo family's World Wide Web Page.
This is picture of our
That is our late dog Dusty running across the screen.
Rafael (Ray) Acevedo.
May Szala Acevedo.
Rosa (Abuela) Ortiz.
It means Grandmother in Spanish.
Born Oct. 5, 1917 Passed Away August 15, 2005
Richard (Rick) Acevedo then and now.
Dawn Marie and Rick then and now.
Bertha and William Szala, Mom's (May's) mother and father.
The name Szala
is Polish.
Just us again at home.
The Young and Restless Szalas!
Lori, Maggie, Jim, Lorraine, Bill
Bottom Nicole, Billy and Conrad.
Bill Szala and Family.
Billy, Lorraine, Maggie and Bill.
Maggie the southern bell and Billy the terror.
Billy already has preliminary points on the
drivers license he does NOT have yet!
Steve Szala and Family.
Karlene (at 16 years) their daughter, Carmen his wife.
Richard, Karlene and their baby Christopher.
To see the Szala Spires, Family Web Page Click on their Picture above.
Bill, Joey and Steve.
Yes Jerry Garcia does live and is hiding out as
No they are not Gay. They are just brothers.
Joey and Steve.
Now for some friends that are like family!
Tina and Veronica (an endless bundle of energy).
The Hordijks Irene and Willem (Villy).
The Hordijk kids. Mike, David and Nicole.
The Hordijks, Petra their friend from Holland and us.
This is a picture of the local High School.
Links to our other Web Pages