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Valentines Day on Harry's Forums!

Well, here it is, Valentines Day secret Valentines on Harry's Forums! This is the place to go to get a secret valentine (like secret Santa) and send them messages and links and things. HOW TO: Look at the list of possible secret Valentines. If I have omitted you from the list, I'm sorry, either I forgot and am stupid, or just thought that you would not want to participate because you don't post that much, etc. Email me at and tell me that you want to take part in this, and I will tell you who your valentine is. I will put stars around peoples names as they are taken. I will also list dance dates here, etc. Please tell me in Harry's Forums who you are going to the dance with, and tell me if your name is not on the list here. WHAT TO DO: Send me messages, links, images, and soundfiles, and I will post them up here to your secret valentine, so you will be anonymous. At our big V-day bash on Harry's Forums we will tell everyone who our secret valentines were. So come on and send em in!


To Misti:

Being your secret valentine sure is swell

I wouldn't need a sweater if I was in hell

If you do not have a nice day

Slap my tortoise and call me "May"

To Laura:

Laura is smart

and has the biggest heart!

Shes so sweet

She can't be beat!

I bet you even her feet are sweet

Hope her Valentines

is a happy time

Sending my sister love

her secret valentine!

To Krissy:

This Valentines Day is going to be great!! Lets have some fun and eat some cake! This Valentines Day is going to be fun!! We're not screwing eachother so we wont have a son!!!

This Valentines Day is going to be a blast!! Cuz if anyone takes you, I'll kick their...uh... butts :) This Valentines Day is going to be cool!!! Cuz this Valentines day, my Valentine is YOU!!!!

I wUv YoU!!!!!!!!

~Your Secret Valentine, Me!!!

To Rachel:

She’s a mod extraordinare, And a friend who’s always there With a love that’s rather rare And a tendency to share

Asking people to stop fighting, She is utterly delighting As she makes our lives exciting With the posts that she is writing.

When she’s hiding in her corner Like some sad and lonesome mourner For a fight that’s gonna scorn her Cause she wants our boards much warmer

She’s a really special gal, Who’s a very awesome pal (And she’s nice to ani-mals) So I think that we all shall…

Learn to love that Rachel Who deserves a Facial And whose love is Glacial!

That Rachel, girl Sets our hearts a-whirl With her hair in curls Every man and squirrel (Squirrel?) Squirrel… She might teach us to purl, And to not say “churl”

We simply love That Rachel Girl!

To Ariadne

though the miles to greece are many and we cannot hope to meet you will always be my honey you make the board complete!

So Ariadne21 Say that you'l be mine I know that we'll have so much fun My secret valentine!

To Mandy:

Happy Valentine's Day!

To Ginz:

You're really cool and really nice, I'll say it once and I'll say it twice,

You're like me in one main way, We both love Danny every day,

This Valentines day is gonna be fun, and this is true, cause this Valentines day, my secret Valentine is you!

Happy valentines day Ginny! Sorry if my poem is a little...corny...

-ur secret valentine!

To Jamie:

and Happy Valentines Day Jamie From Your secret Valentine

To those who have no valentines,
To those who have no valentines,
I’m very sad to see
That no one yet has drawn your name
And so, it’s up to me.

I’m not supposed to do this,
I’ve a person of my own
And yet, I just could not resist
A chance to write this poem

You’re wonderful, yes, all of you.
And since you’re all so dear
I’ll write this little ditty
For some Valentines day cheer

So don’t be disappointed,
Jessie, Caitlin, Ally B.
Nor Cordelia, Hilary, Manda,
‘Cause you’ve got some cheer from me!

Happy Valentines Day to All!

To Christine

I may not be Tom Felton I may not have blonde hair But if you ever need me You know that I'll be there

I cannot fly a broomstick Don't know anyone who can But if you ever need some company I'll do a better job than a man.

Roses are red Snapes hair is greasy HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Yes I know that I'm cheesy...

Love Me

To Dot:

Happy Valentines tiadot I’ve thought so long I’m about to rot! But I came up with this Valentine Because out of all the valentines you’re mine!

Let’s have some fun and eat some cake But if some takes u'll surely break All their limbs from head to toe And I hope that this can clearly show

How much I care for u And I hope that u feel the same way too

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! From your Secret Valentine! Luv ya!

To Jamie:

The moth under the eaves with wings like the bark of a tress, lies symmetrically still-

And love is a curious soft-winged thing unmoving under the eaves when the leaves fall.

(Prelude to Winter by William Carlos Williams)

To my darling Matt, Have a Happy Valentine's Day Lots of love, Your Sweet Angel


More Valentintes!

Dance dates: