Name: Khoray
RPer: Divinegon2130
Race: Vampire Nezujin
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 75
Max MP: 80
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 4+2d6 (6-16)
Courage +3
Wisdom +1
Intuition +3
Charisma +1
Agility +1
Dexterity +0
Strength +2
Stamina +4
Magic Aptitude: 6
Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for skill (dagger) - 10/10
Modified for armor (dagger) - 10/10
Final AT/PA (dagger) - 11/9
Modified for skill (unarmed) - 9/11
Modified for armor (unarmed) - 9/11
Final AT/PA (unarmed) - 9/11
Base Dodge - 15
Base MAttack - 10
Base MBlock - 19
Body=Light Cloak (AC 3), Full Body Clothing (AC 4)
Head=Specialized Face Mask (AC 1)
PA Bonuses - +2 (Motion Style Analysis)
Weapon Damage - Heavy Dagger (5/8/11, +1/-1 AT/PA)
Thrusting - 7+1d6
Swinging - 12+2d4
Chopping - 17+2d6
Bonus Actions: 0
Weapon Damage - Unarmed
Punching - 4+1d6
Kicking - 6+2d4
Bonus Actions: 0
Unarmed Combat - 2 <str/agi/cou>
Weapon (Dagger) - 2 <str/agi/cou>
Dark Magic - 4 <mag/int/wis>
Vampiric Powers - 4 <int/wis/wis>
Malediction Magic - 3 <mag/int/wis>
Stealth - 2 <agi/dex/int>
Treat Wounds - 3 <int/dex/dex>
Telepathy - 2 <mag/int/wis>
[k]Herb Knowledge - 4
[s]Motion Style Analysis - 4 <int/int/int>
[s]Observant - 4 <int/int/int>
| --Spells/Techs--
- [Innate] Creature of the Dark - Khoray is a vampire, an undead creature (albeit a smart one), and he can use this to his advantage in some situations. Any Shadow/Dark spells cast at him restore 50% of what they would normally have inflicted upon him. However, he takes 3x damage from Holy spells, and cannot be healed by White Magic, which deals 3x normal damage to him.
- [Innate] Vampire Weaknesses - Due to being a vampire, Khoray has various weaknesses that are associated to such undead. Khoray takes damage from holy water, and recoils if a holy symbol is presented to him bravely. In addition, he cannot come out during the day unless every inch of his body, especially his eyes, ears, and tail is protected from the sunlight (via magic that causes darkness, as well as clothing); if he tries to do this, he must seek shelter from the sun or be utterly destroyed within 1 full round. Khoray cannot willingly enter an area laced with garlic, either, and a wooden stake embedded in his chest will slay him instantly.
- [Unarmed Combat=1]Grab (3 TP) - Khoray grabs the opponent, usually trying to restrain them. Use an Unarmed+d20 vs. PA+d20 check to determine whether this succeeds; this check may be repeated each round if the opponent intends to break free. Khoray suffers a -4 PA penalty to attacks from others while grabbing, but his own attacks get a +4 AT bonus against the grabbed target.
- [Dark Magic=1]Dark Bat (6 MP) - Khoray flings a bolt of darkness, shaped into the form of a bat, at the target. Deals 5+rank*2+1d6 shadow damage and may cause a minor curse - roll a d6, and on a 5 or 6, the target suffers an additional -3/-3 penalty for 1d4 rounds.
- [Dark Magic=3]Soul Drain (10 MP) - Deals 15+rank+1d6 points of shadow damage, which is then absorbed by the caster as HP. Using this against undead creatures reverses the effect.
- [Dark Magic=4]Dark Star (13 MP) - Khoray throws a star-shaped blast of darkness at one target. Deals 10+rank*4+2d8 points of damage and may cause a minor curse - roll a d6, and on a 5 or 6, the target suffers an additional -3/-3 penalty for 1d4 rounds.
- [Dark Magic=4]Shadow Burst (29 MP) - Deals 13+rank*2+1d8 shadow damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius of the caster's target.
- [Malediction=1]Muscle Tighten (8 MP) - Stuns an opponent for a round by rapidly making their muscles feel sore. Stunned opponents suffer a -4/-4 penalty and cannot act.
- [Malediction=2]Bloodlust (9 MP) - Khoray instills bloodlust into a single target, often an ally. On a sucessful spell check, the target gains 2 temporary points of STR, and temporary AC equal to STA + (The New) STR added together. And last but not least, magical attack ability is decreased by 4. This all lasts for 1d2 rounds.
- [Malediction=3, Telepathy=2]Weaken Willpower (12 MP) - Lowers a target's courage by 2 points for 1d4 rounds.
- [Vampiric Powers=1]Blood Drain (4 TP per round) - Khoray can try to suck the blood of a target. A successful attack roll, plus rolling equal to or higher than the target's AC on a roll of d20+AGI+INT, allows him to drain blood, causing the opponent to lose AGI+DEX+2d6 HP per round of blood drain. Draining someone below the level of HP that indicates death kills them as normal (and at the GM's discretion, they may come back as a vampire themselves). Khoray requires 30 HP worth of blood (equivalent to a pint) drained in this manner each night to prevent himself from going into bloodlust; beyond that, Khoray gains any drained HP for himself.
- [Vampiric Powers=4, Malediction=3, Telepathy=2] Vampiric Suggestion (3 TP, 12 MP) - Khoray stares into the opponent's eyes, attempting to warp their perceptions of him. Successful use of the skill, requiring a Vampiric Powers check against the opponent's willpower check (COU+COU+INT+d20, no magic resistance modifiers), allows Khoray to issue a single command to someone that will be performed without delay. This command is fairly short (about 15 words or less), and can include no more than two distinct parts. The target will not obey obviously suicidal commands, but may take risks if Khoray wants them to attack their allies.