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Zukath Bladejaw

Quick Stats:
Zukath (Divinegon2130) - Lvl 2 - 84 HP, 76 MP, 26 TP


name: Zukath - age: 23 - eyes: turquoise - hair: none - height: 6'0" - scale color: grayish-blue - personality: self-righteous, charitable

History: When Zukath was three, his parents abandoned him near the location of a tribe of ogres, as they didn't want him, claiming he wasn't "perfect." They expected him to be killed...

...but surprisingly, the ogres only took Zukath prisoner. Zukath soon found himself used as slave labor... and liked it, because he was being taken care of. Within five years, he had grown strong, since he had always offered to do the worst and most dangerous work.

Then he realized that the ogres were raiding lizardman tribal grounds. He had forgotten who his parents were by then, so he willingly took the job of bringing supplies to the ogres. This proved to be a disaster for him. The ogres that were raising him had been killed in the raids. Zukath took vengeance into his own hands, and he and the remaining ogres, along with some magic secrets he had learned from some of the smarter ogres, burned the area where the tribe was to the ground.

He later discovered that his original parents were among the lizardmen killed. This deeply moved him, and he underwent a change of heart, becoming a charitable fellow, and getting away from the ogres. He moved to Doma, where he spent his next fifteen years, for the most part, aiding others.

Then along came an incident in Folda. Zukath had wanted to check out rumors regarding a teleportation device, but as luck would have it, he was sent to an alternate reality where magic was forbidden, technology ruled, and dragons were nearly extinct (and Zukath happened to be mistaken for a dragon). Once Zukath got out of this (I shall spare the details) and made it back to Doma, Semuanya reappeared to him and expressed her concern for his survival.

It was Zukath's disappearance, in fact, that caused Semuanya to start her tradition of "marking" her emissaries with a large snake tattoo whose head is on the emissary's back and whose tail wraps around the non-dominant hand (the right hand, in this case), coming to a rattler on the emissary's middle finger. Being the 'dominant' emissary in the area, Zukath's tattoo is gold, with red eyes on the snake head.

Physical Characteristics: Zukath is not an average lizardman. He has a face similar to that of an alligator, a 2-foot long tail similar to an alligator's, webbed feet with three toes on each foot, and scaly skin, all of which all lizardmen have. But the similarities end there. Zukath's limbs and skin are both thicker than a normal lizardman's, and he is smarter than most of them. He is friendlier than most, and has a stronger sense of right and wrong... when he knows what's going on. Zukath is also shorter and more muscular, which is a direct result of his enslavement. He speaks the "common" language more fluently than normal lizardmen would, as some of the other beings enslaved with him were human. Plus, his skin is a grayish-blue, very unusual for a lizardman. One of his strange habits is to feel guilt when he takes out more enemies than he thinks he's supposed to.

Name: Zukath
RPer: Divinegon2130
Race: Lizardman
Level: 2
XP: 375/1250
Max HP: 84
Max MP: 76
Max TP: 26
Initiative: 3+2d6 (5-15)
Courage +4
Wisdom +2
Intuition +2
Charisma +1
Agility (-1)
Dexterity (-1)
Strength +6
Stamina +4
Magic Aptitude: 5
Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for skill - 17/11
Modified for armor - 16/10

Base Dodge - 10
Base MAttack - 9
Base MBlock - 20 (+4 from Magic Shielding)

Body=Lizard Scales (inherent, AC 8)
Arms=Aqua Bracers (grant +2 bonus to Swimming checks)

Weapon Damage - Iron Claws (X/14/23)
Thrusting - N/A
Swinging - 26+2d4
Chopping - 41+2d6
Bonus Actions: 0 (1 from skill, -1 from AGI)

Weapon (Claws) - 6 <str/agi/cou>
Firearms (advanced) - 1 <cou/dex/dex>
Treat Wounds - 4 <int/dex/dex>
Fire Magic - 5 <int/wis/mag>
Ice Magic - 6 <int/wis/mag>
Treat Disease - 4 <wis/wis/dex>
Counterspell Magic - 2 <int/wis/mag>
[s]Chink Detection - 4 <dex/int/int>
[s]Pain Resistance - 4 <sta>
[s]Magic Shielding - 4 <cou/int/mag>
[s]Element Melding - 2 <MAG>
  • [Weapon (Claws)=1]Grapple (3 TP) - Zukath is skilled at bringing down opponents. When he uses this skill, he tries to hold them still. This requires a check (use Weapon (Claws) rank vs PA + d20 as for any physical skill).  No damage is dealt by the hold itself, though the opponent must succeed at another check (as above) to get free.  They cannot move away from Zukath during this time, though they can attack with  a thrust or swing, breaking free if Zukath takes significant damage in one blow.  Zukath also has trouble parrying attacks while he's holding an opponent, and will be at -4 PA, but he is more likely to hit with his own attacks against the held target by +4 AT.  Some skills require that Zukath be in a grapple to use them.
  • [Weapon (Claws)=2]Neck Smash (4 TP) - Zukath must be in a grapple to use this move.  He takes one of his arms, and delivers a powerful blow by swinging the arm hard into the opponent's neck.  He isn't guaranteed to hit, but he is VERY likely to critical with this move. Zukath will release a grapple after using this. Treat this attack as a Chop attack which deals 2 times the damage, but with an AT penalty that is -8 instead of -6.
  • [Weapon (Claws)=3]Jugular Chomp (6 TP) - This can be done whether or not Zukath is in a grapple, but if he is in a grapple, Zukath is more likely to connect with this. Treat this attack as a physical attack, thusly, AT + d20, with no other modifiers besides grapple mods (if the target is being grappled).  Basically, Zukath sinks his jaws into the enemy's neck. This is a very painful attack, dealing critical damage and killing most opponents instantly. However, it can only be used if the enemy is completely immobile, or at critical health (less than 1/4 of total maximum).
  • [Weapon (Claws)=5] Jawbuster (6 TP) - Zukath uppercuts an opponent in the jaw. Deals 2x slash damage, and has a percentage chance on a critical hit equal to Zukath's Claws rank (no more than 15% chance) of actually breaking the opponent's jaw (exact effects of this are up to the GM).
  • [Weapon (Claws)=6] Banzai Missile (3 TP) - Zukath swings the target around his head before throwing them. Can only be used if the target can be lifted by Zukath (GM's call), and requires an already-existing grapple to work. Deals 3*Slash damage.
  • [Fire Magic=1, Innate]Burning Hands (7 MP) - Zukath holds his hands out, and a 180 degree arc of fire, (rank*2) feet in diameter, spreads quickly from his outstretched hands. Anything within the arc takes damage equal to 8+rank*2+1d6.
  • [Fire Magic=2]Blast Fireball (15 MP) - Your basic fireball, albeit with a 3-foot 'blast radius' of effect, dealing 12+4*rank+2d6.
  • [Fire Magic=4]Fire Wall (22 MP) - Zukath can create a temporary wall of fire.  Anything making physical contact with the wall takes 14+5*rank+2d6 damage, and the wall lasts for no more than 1d2 rounds.
  • [Ice Magic=1]Chilling Gaze (7 MP per round in effect) - Zukath's gaze can be chilling at times.  While this power is in effect, one creature per round meeting Zukath's gaze (as determined by the GM) without successfully resisting the spell is slowed for one round.
  • [Ice Magic=2, Innate]Ice Beam (20 MP) - Zukath fires a single beam of ice from both of his hands simultaneously, dealing 18+6*rank+2d6 damage.
  • [Ice Magic=4]Cone of Cold (25 MP) - Zukath breathes out a blast of  numbing cold in a cone-shaped area (rank*3) feet long and (rank*2) feet wide at the cone's end.  Only those caught in the blast take damage, and that group recieves 18+5*rank+2d6 damage.
  • [Ice Magic=6] Sculpt (8+X MP) - Enables the caster to manipulate and freeze water droplets in the air, forming solid, inanimate objects no larger than a number of cubic feet equal to the caster's Ice Magic rank/2 plus half the amount of MP expended over 8.
  • [Fire=2, Ice=2, Melding=2] Glacial Meteor (14 MP) - Zukath melds together what appears to the eye to be a burning chunk of ice, but which is really fire surrounding ice. Deals 16+rank*4+2d6 damage, split evenly between fire and ice.
  • [Counterspell Magic=1]Mana Leak (15 MP) - Zukath can make spellcasting more draining on the user.  This spell must be cast in response to a spell cast by an opponent, and if this spell works, the opponent in question must pay 150% of the normal mana cost of the spell being used or forfeit their turn for the round.  Low to moderate chance of success, equal to 30+rank*5% (use percentile dice).
  • [Counterspell Magic=2]Spell Blast (2X MP) - Zukath can counter a spell of mana cost X.  This must be cast in response to an opposing spell, and causes the person casting that spell to forfeit their turn for the  round.  High chance of success, equal to 50+rank*5% (use percentile dice).
  • [Counterspell Magic=2, Magic Shielding=4, Innate]Spinal Reflection (10 TP, 30 MP) - Zukath can actually attempt to reflect a spell headed at him.  This has to be used in response to a spell cast at him.  If he doesn't successfully resist the spell targeted at him, the spell affects him fully, but only half the costs of this ability are used.  If he successfully resists the spell, however, he pays the full cost for this ability, and must make another magic resistance check.  If he fails that one, neither this ability nor the spell targeted at him succeed.  If he succeeds at that check, though, the spell is reflected away from him and toward the opponent, who must save as normal, but the skill used for rank Zukath's Counterspell Magic rank instead of the normal rank.  If he reflects a spell not specifically aimed at him, but has him in its target area, others affected by the spell must save normally and cannot reflect the spell as Zukath does, unless they can defend against it in a special way.

GMs may stop here.

Prepared Future Techs:
-Innate (level 3) Guarding Instinct (?? TP) - Zukath moves himself between a nearby ally and the enemy. Any damage that would be taken by the ally is instead taken by Zukath, and any projectile spells targeting the ally instead target Zukath (who resists with HIS MBlock).
-Fire (rank 6) Fire Beam (20 MP) - Zukath fires a beam of fire out of his arm, dealing 18+rank*6+2d6 damage.
-Fire (rank 8) Megaton Cannon (?? MP) - Zukath quite literally starts emitting steam as he forms a massive ball of fire energy in front of him. When he lets it go, it inflicts 18+rank*5+3d6 damage to the central target, and 10+rank*3+2d6 damage to all other targets within 6 feet of the blast.
-Fire (rank 10, Claw rank 8, Agility req'd +1) Speed Burner (?? MP, ?? TP) - Zukath rushes at an enemy with fire leaving a trail in his steps, and then he claws the opponent with fire. Deals 2x slash damage and also 12+(fire rank*4)+2d6 fire damage. Also, if a hexboard is being used for combat, Zukath can move an extra four hexes this turn.
-Counterspell (rank 4) Memory Lapse (?? MP) - Counters a spell and makes the user of the countered spell 'forget' that spell for 1d6 rounds, during which they cannot use it. Chance of success equal to 30+rank*5 percent (use percentile dice).
-Melding (rank 4) Double Barrel (6 TP) - Allows Zukath to cast a spell as a free action. The cost of this is added to the cost of the spell. Mixed attacks (those that deal both magic damage and physical damage) cannot be enhanced by this, and Zukath may only enhance one spell this way in a round. At rank 12, the tech becomes Triple Barrel, and Zukath may enhance two spells in a round.
-Melding (rank 8, Fire rank 8, Ice rank 8) Ice Burner (?? MP, 15 HP) - Zukath slits the skin on his arms, chest, or legs, rubs the blood onto his tail, and proceeds to fire a searing blue ray out of it. Deals 24+rank*8+4d6 damage to its intended target.