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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs



(from Ord Vaxal: Prison Planet of the Empire)


This might just be one of the most obscure characters I've ever made. The Peacekeeper appeared in an article in one of the five Polyhedron issues that contained Star Wars articles. Paizo still has back issues available for order, and I bought them, unsure if there were any short stories. There aren't, they're all game- related articles and profiles of places etc., but when I saw the pic of the Peacekeepers I knew it was time to dip into the dwindling eBay parts lot for a spare part custom. I used the half-helmet to rid myself of a helmetless Rebel Fleet Trooper, as well as some Imperial armor. As you can tell by the feet, I ran out of boots, so he gets Greedo booties. His tiny feet, combined with his big legs, big head, lack of neck rings, makes him look a little short, but for a spare parts figure I think he came out pretty good.


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