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Sim Wars!
   For those of you that don't know, this is about a computer game by Maxis called The Sims. If you don't have it, this page won't be very interesting for you, because it's all downloads for the game. Here they are.
Character File Size Comments
Obi-Wan 56K My first attempt. Hope it doesn't look too bad.
Qui-Gon 80K I made the body now. It's right in there.
Shmi 48K I know, I know, not a very major character to have up here so soon, but Shmi rocks, and I'm the webmaster so you can't do anything about it! Hahahahaha!!!
Anakin 48K Little Anakin. So cute. It doesn't actually look like him that much, because in real life his head is pretty round, and none of the heads are shaped right for him.
Leia (body)
Leia (head)
This is Leia's white dress, made by me, Kitalpha, and the head was made by Christian .
Padme 20K I know I used to have Padme's flame dress up here, but I somehow lost it. It got switched with one of the head skins I tried to make for her. The result was rather humorous, actually.
Luke 40K This is just a head. I haven't gotten around to making a body yet. You maybe could use him with Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon's jedi costume.
Darth Vader 60K Christian made this skin of Darth Vader and sent it in. It is really great!! Also, it is very humorous to see him walking around humming cheerfully like he does in the game!
Rebel Pilot 84K Christian made this one too. 
Wedge 12K This is just Wedge's head. You can use it with the orange pilot suit that Christian made. Wedge rox!

House File Size Description
Anakin's Slave Hovel 36K Dissen cozy! It's Shmi and Anakin's little slave home in the desert. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. For lot number 6.
Naboo Palace 116K Fit for a queen! This big and beautiful (and extremely expensive) palace includes bedrooms for the queen and 5 handmaidens, 4 full bathrooms and 2 half baths. Indoor pool, garden, and throne room. I tried to get it as close to the pictures as I could. Your sims probably won't be able to afford it without cheating! For lot number 2.
Object File Size Description
Lightsaber Lamp 36K A cool lamp shaped like a lightsaber made by Christian . I want one!