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LSA Newsletter

New LSA Newsletter


“Hello. I’m the webmaster, Dan, of the LSA website. I’ve created this page to notify all the interested fans of the LSA, new and old, that I am going to be re-releasing the LSA newsletter. It will be different than the last one, which was scrapped because of lack of interest. This one will be having some special features. Before releasing a model to the general public on my website, I will let the subscribers of the newsletter be the first to preview it. Also, as another added token, subscribers will be the first to preview upcoming effects and items for the site. And because I am dedicated to serving my fans, all these great features are all FREE! You don’t ever pay anything. It’s all free! Free, free, free, free, FREE! So, join today and get all this for FREE! I encourage you to join because of all these great features. You will not be spammed at all. My website and this newsletter is NOT a business and I make no profit. I hate SPAM myself so you will not receive any. The newsletter will be sent out on the 1st of every month. The 1st newsletter goes out September 1, 2002. So, sign up and enjoy!”


~Webmaster Dan of the LSA