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Staff Recruitment

Hello, I am Dan, the webmaster of the LSA website. In my attempt to make this site better and better, I've found more challenges. Time limits me to produce new models, pages, and site updates. I'm still in school and I must keep up my studies. Therefore, I am looking for people my age to join my staff for the website so the LSA can make its fans more happy more interested. I need about 5 positions. Now, here's the deal. I can't pay you. You have to volunteer and will work for free. I mean, it's not tough. You need to be skilled in at least one of the areas right here:

Web page design

LEGO CAD Rendering (capital ships, fighters, ect)



You only need to be good in one, but the more the better. If you wish to join one of the positions (found below) e-mail me at with the subject "Staff". The e-mail must have the following:

Real Name:


Staff Position Wanted:


In the event that 2 or more people sign up for the same thing, a contest will be held between the people. What you will do will be judged on a number of things, which will be discussed later.

The staff test will be a test that determines if you are fit to be on the LSA's staff. You must get a grade of at least an 80 on it or you will be disqualified. It will be easy if you know how to do the required tasks. It will be a 'hands-on' test.

Hurry! Contest ends 01/01/03!

I look forward to working with some of you. Thank you for reading this.

