Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain:

After and accident when replacing the defective brain in Zim's house, Gir gets trapped in the computer.... as the new brain! Of cores, as you could guess, everything went crazy and insane until Gir saw a crazy taco commercial. Gir made the house "run" over and get some tacos. Eventually, Zim fixes things.

(it starts out with the Irken armada, camera pans to the two surprised faces of the Almighty Tallest, camera reveals they are listening to Zim...again)

Zim: There were some glitches in the security system but thanks to my masterful repair skills, they've all been eradicated-- (by this time a little kid is seen walking behind him)--The fortress is now impenetrable, absolutely---

Purple: Umm, who's that little person behind you??

Zim: (Looks behind him and sees the kid) WHAT THE?!

A woman then walks in

Woman: There you are! What did i tell you about wandering off like that? Come on!


Purple: I'm glad it had a happy ending after all...

Red: Meee toooo....

Zim: Ehh, I'll call you back later! (he ends the reception, camera goes in his house, zim walks to Gir, who is in costume, and watching a Krazy Taco commercial) GIR! We're going down into the main system core. This much trouble with the security can only mean a defective artificial intelligence brain. I'll have to replace it.

Gir: (Arms and legs flail, takes a deep breath) TACOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS! : b

Zim: Jus come on.

Gir: (jumps out of costume and follows Zim) Yes!

Camera goes down to the Main System core, Zim and Gir enter, they stop at a beam transmitter...thing)

Zim: Okay your part is simple, Gir. You just moniter the download conduit while I replace the old AI brain with this new one.

Gir: Taco taco tacooooo : b

Zim: All you have to do is watch the data beam for any fluctuations until the download of the new program is complete. (Gir meanwhile is looking around, makin rasberries. Zim sighs) Pretend its a taco!

Gir: (Goes red and salutes) YES SIR!

Zim: If there are any changes in the data--(sighs) TACO beam, just let me know.

Zim flies to the brain thingy. Gir watches the beam and gets bored in about...two seconds. He goes blue, and gets a rubber moose from his head. He starts to squeeze it and giggle. Zim, meanwhile, takes out the brain and the screen counts down from 10. Gir, still squeezing the moose, makes it slip, past the beam, the camera goes back to the screen, which is at 6)


(Gir is reaching for the moose now, nowhere near reaching it. Zim puts the brain in and presses three buttons, the brain shoots out beams of light. While Gir is still reaching for the moose, the beam turns red, then gets thicker, goes thru all the tubes, and it hits Gir right in the head. The beam stops...beaming and the brain shoots out electricity and blows out steam, while Zim screams and dives for cover. He lands near Gir and walks to him.)

Zim: Gir! What did you do?....SleepING? All you had to do was just...Gir? (He pokes Girs empty body, which causes it to fall to the floor) Broken! Can you hear me?? (Sighs heavily) I'll have to go upstairs and get another brain for the house, and then I'll fix YOU.

Zim goes to the elevator, carrying Girs body.

Zim: Elevator, take me to the storage level. (Elevator beeps in a negative tone) Elevator, I said--


Zim: (looks @ girs body) Gir! Quit messing around! We have to get the houses computer back online before--

Gir's voice: Where's my moose??

Zim: Wait a minute...You're in the houses computer?

Gir: Uh-huh

Zim: You're the new brain??

Gir: I guess soo

Zim: (slams gir's body on the ground, making it bounce off screen.) Gir! Get out of there right now and back in your own body.

Gir: Okaaay, sheesh. Lemme see. Ugh..urgh, urrrgh, ARRRRRRRRGGH...I can't.

Zim: Hmm (looks @ the beam) The data conduit is damaged. You're trapped in there until we can repair it.

Gir: Ooh! (A claw hand is shown, with the moose, the claw squeezes the moose, Gir giggles)

Zim: GIR! We need to concentrate here. As we speak, our defenses--

Gir: (drops the moose) Boooriiing...(claw "targets" zim, clamps in the air repeatedly) Oooooooh! (The claw reaches for Zim and starts to squeeze him, Zim groaning in pain)

Zim: Augh UGH what are you doing?! OW put me down gir! Watch oww oogh agh my organs! Wha-hee uuuuugh!

Gir giggles, and Zim escapes, runs to the elevator, and pries it open, as claws try to grab at him. Gir starts to hum a ditty, while zim catches his breath.

Zim: Now take me to the equipment room, Gir (Gir keeps humming) Equipment room, NOW GIR!

Gir: (Stops humming for a sec) Do a li'l daaaaaance

Zim: No, Gir, no dance! Just obey meee.

Gir makes a speaker come a few feet from Zim, it pumps out elevator music) Daaaaaance.

Zim: No! (Gir starts to hum again, zim covers his ears) GIR! (gives up and starts to kick his legs, bootleg Can Can style, and hums similarly to Gir, reluctantly)

Gir: (Eventually finishes his hum) NOW WE GO UP!! (He brings it off super fast, zim screams, crashes thru the ceiling, then falls, hits the toilet, and hits the floor, he gets up)

Zim: Gir! You sent the elevator up too far! I'm up in the house! I needed to go into the equipment room!

Gir: OOH! WHATS THIS DO?! (A blender pops out from the wall and starts to blend. The over then goes crazy. A toaster pops up from the floor) I'M GONNA MAKE TOAST! (two toasts hit Zim in the head)

Zim: GIR! I am ordering you to take me to the equipment room!

Everything stops for a second.

Gir: Aww don't be sad, master. I know what'll make YOU feel better

Zim: It would make me FEEL better to have this house back to normal! And to have you LISTEN to me for once!

Gir: Uh-huuuh...Well BUT ABOUT SOME O' DIS!

Tv's connected to cords pop out and surround Zim, most of them have cartoons.

Zim: He's got to wear himself out eventually...I'll just wait...I can outlast him...

One Year Later...

Zim is sitting on the couch, everything, including the TV's going crazy, stuff popping out of the garbage. Zims left eye starts to twitch before...


Gir: Tacoooz! (a tv goes to Zim, a man in a costume is on it)

Krazy Taco Man: Don't take it from me: The KRAZY Taco! You won't find crazier tacos than the ones you'll find at the (pounds the ground) KRAZY TACO! Remember, our drive thru is open all niiight! Heehee! (hits himself) SWEET JUMPIN JELLY BEAN I'M CRAAZY! HEHE! (he falls, the TV goes off)

Gir: MUST OBEY THE TACO MAN!! (The house starts to rumble)



The house steams, and the gnomes fly as a giant cord comes from the ground. All the cords and other stuff come back into the house, and the house goes into two connected parts, to make a 4 legged animal like structure. Gir shakes himself free of the mud, hitting hydrants and people alike. Gir charges off

Gir: WEE HOO HOO HOO! (Zim screams and stumbles to the window)



Zim: GIR! You have to go back! The base is exposed! You'll blow our cover! Turn back while we're still unnoticed! (he stumbles back to the kitchen and looks out the side window, and watches Gir crash into a tall house...thingy. The camra goes to a guy in a booth, with a car outside, talking into a phone)

Guy: Yeah! I jus got it and MAN do I love it! I'm gonna drive it aaall night. And THEN, I'm gonna keep driving, until its night some more! Oh yeah! (Gir comes careening in, smashing the car, a tire flies thru the booth, missing the guy, who still has the smile, he switches to 911) Police, I'd like to report a...giant house that FLEW out of the sky and destroyed my car...Ok, thank you........................................................................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
(arms flail as he does this

(Camera goes to a patrolling Police Car)

Car Walkie Talkie..thingy: Be on the lookout for a giant mobile home rampaging through the downtown area.

Driver Cop: Can mobile homes rampage??

Passenger Cop: Must be one of them NEW ones!

Camera reveals that on a nearby street Gir is being chased by a bunch of cop cars.

Zim: I don't think you understand how SERIOUS this is! Tacos are NOT worth ruining the mission! I am your master, and you will obey me! OBEY ME!!...(he goes to his knees) Please...

Gir: (Stops) Maybe you're right..Maybe I'd get a giant burrito, too! (He charges off, and stops when he smashes a loaded Gas Truck, he goes on his hind legs, flailing his arms in front of him) BOOORIIING TOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!

(He charges off once more, hitting a street lamp, causing a fire, and the cop cars to stop, the lead car, opens and the S.W.A.T leader from Walk of Doom gets out and takes off his sunglasses)

Cop: GET IM!

Camera goes to the Krazy Taco, a guy is seen taking out fries from the fryer and eating some fries, making his cheeks red, someone behind him throws a burrito thru a tube, which is put on a tray. Reciever of the burrito sniffs it, and winces. Camera goes to the drive thru teen guy, whos bored and near his machine.

DTTG: Welcome to Krazy Taco may I take your order please? (He hits 2 buttons) So thats 2 large tacos, a burrito and a medium Gir take us back to the base right now, you want a drink with that?

Camera goes to Gir, Zim yelling in the background "--master! Gir take us back! Gir! I command--"

Gir: What kind o' drinks you got?

DTTG: We got new poop, classic poop, diet poop, cherry poop n' salty lemonade.

Gir: ...I'll have a large glass o POOP!

Zim: BOY! (he looks out the window after hearing sirens, showing cop cars heading at them)

DTTG: Pick up your order at the first window.

Gir goes to the next window, which is under a taco shaped frame, which Gir brakes. DTTG takes the bag from a conveyor belt and hold it thru the window

DTTG: Here you go, sir.

Gir: I love da little tacoz..I love them goood...

Zim takes the bag from DTTG

DTTG: Have a nice day.

Zim: Shut your noise tube, taco human (throws a bunch of money at him) Gir.

Gir: Yes master?

Zim: Gir I have your tacos.

Gir: ...GIMME!

Dttg puts the Large Poop on the window and slides down to the floor

Zim: No Gir...

Gir: But I NEEEEED tacos! I need them or I will explode...that happens to me sometimes.

Zim: I will give you tacos, oh such tacos will I giiiiiiive. But you have to take us back to the base. They're only getting COLDER, Gir.

Cop cars pile up behind Gir and just...wait. They watch as Boosters come from Gir's....uhh...just Gir. Gir turns around and runs in the direction of the cars, toppling a bunch of them on their heads. He hums while he does this. Lead car spins around and chases after Gir, along with a few others. Gir jumps the City Center Mall, cops stop in front of it, well CRASH into it, causing a few letters to fall down. Camera changes angle, showing the smoking city, and Gir walks back into the Cul De Sac, turns around and puts the tubes where they were. Camera goes inside the house. A claw is smacking around the walls of the living room, taco in hand, Gir is grunting loudly.


Zim: Are you going to cooperate, Gir? Its time we fixed all of this mess and got you back to normal.

Gir: Okey dokey (claw hands him the taco)

Zim: Thank you, Gir. Now, take me to the equipment room. (Tile beneath him opens up, and brings him down. Camera goes to the armada, Then the Tallest, then Zim) There were a few problems, some glitches here and there, but dispite these minor mishaps, everything is normal again. (Gir, in the background, has a Krazy Taco hat, and eating...whatelse..a taco.) If possible, things are more normal now then they ever were...(Gir dances off screen)

Camera shows a man in his chair, a cord on his head, which he is watching carefully. The cord gets off of him and charges at the screen, ending the episode.


This was written by Morter!



THE END!!!!! PHEW! THIS IS HARD!!!! Please don't steal this script!!! I'm sure it's taken Morter a very very very very very very very... well, you get the point... long time to do!