Chapter 4: Saria, Darunia, Dodongos and Stuff Like That

"Where are we headed again?"

"To Death Mountain, Goku."

"I don’t like the sound of that. Link, can we just skip it?"

"I wish we could but we must save Hyrule."

"I bet you just want to help the lovely Princess Zelda."

"No I don’t! I just want to enjoy the solitude of my tree house." The two reached the trail to Kakariko. After going up it they found the village. At the back gate they saw a guard who was rude and said they couldn’t pass through. Link showed him the letter that Zelda had given him. It read as follows:

This is Link and Goku. They are on a mission to save Hyrule.

Princess Zelda

After recognizing her hand the guard let them through telling them they could get a special discount for a Hyrulian Shield at the Bazaar if they said he sent them. Link and Goku continued on to much in a hurry to listen. Goku thought the guard was rude by calling Link "Mr. Hero" and wasn’t much nicer to him either. "Lucky for him I am not in a fighting mood," thought Goku as they continued up the trail……

It was a TOUGH climb. Again Goku wished he could fly. Once again he sort of tried. On the mountain a rolling Goron knocked them off the trail. During the free fall Goku kept trying to fly, but still he and Link landed both a little embarrassed but determined to reclimb. They avoided the Goron the next time and went straight into Goron City. All the Goron were telling them about a nasty famine. Link and Goku made it down to the bottom level. It had a closed door with a carpet in front. They talked to a Goron next to the door and he said that "Big Brother" had locked himself in his room to wait for the royal family’s messenger. Link figured it out and played Zelda’s Lullaby on his ocarina on the carpet. After he was done the door opened. Darunia, the king of the Gorons, was in the room. He was upset because they had "sent" two boys to him. In his frustration he refused to tell them about the Spiritual Stone of Fire. Link tried the Lullaby again but King Darunia wanted a green song to dance to. Link was thinking that forests are green but he didn’t know any one who played a song for dancing. Then Navi who Link had been ignoring blurted out what she was trying to say for a long time, "What would Saria say if we told her we were going to save Hyrule?"

"I guess we better ask her," said Link. "Come on Goku back to Kokiri Forest." So that’s where they went……

When they reached Kokiri Forest they went straight to Saria’s house but she wasn’t there. So they went to Mido’s house and he more or less said she was in the Lost Woods and the wood was behind her house. Link and Goku climbed a ledge a vine wall and found the entrance. Inside there was a strange music. Goku started doing odd movements and when Link asked him if he was all right he said, "Yea I’m alright but that music makes me want to dance." Link suggested that they follow the music. They followed it a while until they saw the owl again. He told them about playing the ocarina mentioned something about following the music and flew off. The two followed it ‘till they reached the Sacred Forest Meadow……

As they approached the gate a Wolfos jumped at them in surprise Goku dropped his sword. He and Link killed the Wolfos by using sword attacks and karate. After they defeated it the gate opened. They wove their way through a tight alley guarded by Mad Scrubs and soon found their way to a place with Saria siting on a tree stump. Goku was the first to recover from the shock, "Saria? How did you get here? Link and I had to battle a Wolfos and half dozen Mad....murph muph murph." Link had gotten embarrassed and placed his hands over Goku’s big mouth. Saria said a lot of stuff amazing for a kid and taught them Saria’s Song……

Goku and Link were nearing Hyrule Castle again. "Goku, if you pay half I’ll get us a Hyrulian Shield to share." So it was agreed they bought one Hyrulian Shield for them to share and Link would be the one to carry it. "That guy was right about that discount," said Goku.

"Yea," agreed Link. "Imagine getting a 80 rupee shield for 50."

"Link, what’s that odd look on your face?"

"I’m thinking about that graveyard in Kakariko."

"What about it?"

"I wonder what’s inside."

"Oh no!" Goku lost that fight an soon Link found a place where the grass was cut like a Triforce. He thought that maybe if he played Zelda’s Lullaby……

"Link what did you do!"

"I just played Zelda’s Lullaby." Lightning flashed all about them and then a bolt struck a headstone in front of where Link was standing knocking both Link and Goku of their feet. "Goku the storm is over and look at that hole in front of us."

"Ooooooooh noooooooooo," screamed Goku as Link dragged him down the hole……

They ended up in a room with four bats that Navi called Keese. Link defeated three while Goku took on one. After that they went into a room with a new enemy, zombies called ReDeads. They ran like greased lightning past them and into a room with writing on they back wall. The writing contained a poem and a song to change night into day and visa versa, the Sun’s Song. Getting out of the hole again because ReDeads freeze when you play the Sun’s Song. They soon saw something or someone they never saw before, the grave keeper Dampe. Link had a hunch when he saw a head stone with flowers in front and dragged it away. "No way. Not this time," said Goku. So Link went down alone. When he came back up he had a surprise. He found a Hyrulian Shield in a treasure chest. So now they had one each.

When they finally got back to Darunia, Link plays Saria’s Song and the Goron king started dancing. At that point Goku ran away in fear. Finally Darunia gives Link the Goron’s Bracelet and tells all about the Goron’s Ruby. Link goes looking for Goku and found him talking to a Goron. They were both begging each other for food. Link was excited to show Goku his new "toy." Look," he said picking up a heavy Bomb Flower and throwing it.

"Why do need that bracelet?" asked Goku doing the same thing Link did only throwing it way too late that exploded in his hands. Link was amazed at Goku’s strength and stupidity…….

Later in Dodongo’s Cavern Link was couching Goku on how to throw a Bomb into the Giant Dodongo’s eyes. They already defeated four Lizalfos, three Dodongos, and found a Bomb Bag, which Link was carrying. "Like this," said Goku throwing one into the air. It missed its target and landed right next to Link. "Noooooooo!!!!!!!" BOOOOOOOOM! Lets just say after that Link wouldn’t let Goku get near another Bomb. When they entered the place where the Compass said the Boss was Link got frustrated and bombed the floor sending him and Goku to where they met King Dodongo….

While Link was fighting it by throwing bombs in it’s mouth Goku got too close to the red-hot lava and started screaming, "My bottom’s on fire!" When Link defeated it the Dodongo rolled into the lava and burned leaving behind its head and front legs. Link and Goku jumped in to the warp hole and were out side the cavern. Then suddenly Darunia appeared and gave them the Goron’s Ruby and told them to see the fairy at the top of the mountain. The Gorons were happy and tried to give Link and Goku hugs. Luckily, they got away and started up to the summit of Death Mountain…..

They found rocks in their way and Link went to work blowing them up. Will climbing both agreed that of all their enemies so far, Fire Keese were the worst. They were nearly there when the volcano erupted the two took cover under their shields. There were two more eruptions before they reached the top. A wall was up there and Link was used to blowing things up by now. They went into the cave and found a fountain with a golden triforce in front. After Link played the lullaby a Great Fairy rose up teaches Link and Goku a new attack called Spin Attack, gave them a Magic Meter, told them about her friend at Hyrule Castle and disappeared. Upon leaving the cave they saw the owl who gave them a ride back to Kakariko. Then Goku opens his big mouth; "I wonder how Malon is doing?" So they planed their next stop to be Lon Lon Ranch……



A/N don’t miss Chapter 5: Horse Radish and Fried Fish to Go

A/N don’t worry Goku flies in the end.


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