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Hello, I decided I didn't want to make you scroll all the way down. If you want my ebook, the links are right below this. Make sure you check out the marketplace, some more there, lot's more to come. Keep a watch out for three projects I'm working on. I'm doing a retranslation of "The Trial" by Franz Kafka. I'm also going to be working on a retelling of one of Geoffrey Households novels, not rogue male. And I want to do a retelling and retranslation of a older epic poem, but haven't decided which one. I'll be using a lot of creative license on these three projects. And, of course, the things I normally write will all be available too. Eventually, I'll release a special edition of some type of coffee. Wow, takes me back, Coffee was a rebellious story, If only I had written Isamu's LifeQuest then. That is a long dark and twisted story. For my old fans, think killer 9 (the serial killer story) meets Tears of Blood. If any of you have any of my old ebooks in your directories give me an email and tell me which ones and maybe a short passage and I'll send you one of my pay stories free. Just name which one. (Oh, and if any of you have the .exe version of Coffee, wow, I'll give you a couple of ebooks for it. Just tell me the names of the stories I had coming out soon (btw, some of those are released at my marketplace, some will be soon, and one is gonna be the next epic after Isamu's Lifequest.)
Feel free to click on anything you see on the way down.

Isamu's LifeQuest Chapter 1 This is the first chapter of my epic narrative poem about Isamu's life. This is new and I don't have any stories about it yet. Um, based on a real incident that happened to me, with lots of creative licence thrown in. This part is free. And I want you to go download it and read it, regardless of anything else on this page. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Tears of Sadness or The Red Chimera I can remember working long nights revising this with someone. And wow, all that hard work came to fruation. This story has been published in quite a few places in the literary world, both with and without my permission. I know of at least 2 people who write in this Genre who came to it because of this story. It is both invigoriting and humbling to know I created a Genre, no matter how small. This one costs 1.25 Go ahead and buy it. Cheaper then a cup of coffee.

Unlucky This was fun to write. It's about a couple at the royal ball. It's a tie in to the royal ball in my story Mermaids Tears(should be released in less then 2 weeks). Short, .99 cents Go ahead and buy it, I won't tell.

Charli's Change Charli was orginally my fav. underdeveloped character from my story "Coffee" but over the years since then she pops up in various stories of mine. I shall call her a one shot epic character. But I've never written a thing about her genesis, till now. Short. .99 cents. Go ahead and buy it, I won't tell.

Tortured Revenge I wrote this back in college, I had actually decided to take 2 creative writing classes, a begining writing class and an advanced workshop class. I was given the special premission needed to take the two at the same time, and this was the first story I wrote for the class. It's the first time I blended the fantasy story lines I was working on and the dark almost horror pulp genre. I like how it came out, and I think you will too. It's 30 some odd pages and 1.79. It's still cheaper then most of the stuff on starbucks menu

Innocence I love this one. It was the first really good narrative poem that I wrote. I was taking a literature class at the time, and I had the bad luck of being in a class that graded on a strict curve. For the first half I tried and tried, but even though I was pulling an 84%, it was about 4 scores up from an f. And I admit it, I pretty much gave up after that. I only did just enough, and I ended up dropping to eather the last d or the first f, I forget. For our Final exam we had to do a project. It was supposed to be a report, but I asked if I could do a narrative poem, and he said yes. I went ahead and wrote this, got it ready and turned it in. Pure wow, my grade went from where it was, high F, up to a high high B, in fact it jumped into an A before the last class, second highest. Go ahead and buy it, I won't tell.

Blue Ankh Publishing's shop front

These are five programs that I use on a daily basis. They all bring at least a little traffic (sometimes a lot). After that is my link that lists every program I am a part of. If you use all of these smart, you can get all the traffic you'd ever want, and it's all free.
Maximum Autosurf

Free Million Autosurf

EZ Webmaster Traffic**

Atomic Autosurf

Orange Leads This is potentially the most powerful and the most useful of anything I use. As a free member, you have access to unlimited leads. wow. lots of useful extras too, such as the url shortener

Massive traffic

And If you email me and ask, I'll tell you how to work the above systems. And honestly, I can usually grasp how these systems work. If you have a system you've been using or a system you want to try but you're not sure, ask me, send me a referal link, I'll join your downline, work the system, and tell you what I did. I won't do anything that is against the word or the spirit of the rules. What do I want for this? Same thing, join my programs and work the system.

make sure you check out my ebook

and download the free ones or buy a pay one or 3. My e-mail address is in the free one

I don't give advice on pay systems at all, and if you're gonna try to get me to sign up to one, you better sell me on it. And not with endless lines of "this is the best system".

Show, not tell.

Best piece of advertising advice right there, double your sales.

You have to read this. It's a guide on how to use clickbank, very useful.

What do you call two people in a bar who wanna run off together but can't? Read all about it in the one shot Unlucky. Only .99cents

wow, it's been a long and strange trip. Most of the details are in the authors introduction of Isamu's LifeQuest, but nothing on this website. I'm planning to make this into the website and forum that supports my product line, but for now I just wanted all you coffee readers to know I hadn't forgotten you. I'm going to release a special 10 years of coffee book, most likely with things like different versions of coffee, for free of course. Not sure when, sometime in early 2010 most likely.

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Isamu's LifeQuest

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