This new section on SWE allows you to view and print Star Wars DVD covers - most of which are fan-made - and use them at home in DVD cases. We reccomend you use a program like Photoshop to print these out onto high-gloss paper to obtain maximum quality. Just scroll through the sets of covers and inserts (organized by author) and click one of the covers below. Remember that these are all linked from other sites and are not on our own webspace; therefore we cannot guaruntee their availablity.
If you have a cover you think should appear here, please submit it to us.
COVERS, STYLE A: Covers match the Episodes I & II covers
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
COVERS, STYLE B: Front Cover uses the movie posters
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
INSERTS: Inserts match the Episode I insert
A New Hope Side 1, Side 2
The Empire Strikes Back Side 1
Return of the Jedi Side 1
Submitting a Cover:
If you have created or found a cover that you would like to appear linked to on our site, just e-mail it to us. Don't worry if it matches existing covers or not - as long as it's Star Wars, we'll link to it. Covers or inserts may include alternate TPM and AOTC covers, Original Trilogy covers, or covers for the Holiday Special or Star Wars cartoons. You could even send us advanced Episode III or Clone Wars covers or inserts. It's up to you! Just remember, the cover or insert you're submitting must exist on another website. We only link to covers; we don't actually have them on our site.
Submit us your covers!
The Star Wars Empire does not promote the use of these covers for bootleg DVDs.