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By: D. Clark

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Prologue of Michael Crane



When the fifth month, third year in the new age is here,

So comes the second challenge of mans greatest fear.



            As a note to the reader I will advise that the event that will take place in this story is an alleged prophecy with the odds of it coming to pass are low.  I will say again as I did in my last story, to keep an open mind and do not believe all you read.  I was caught up in that and rode with the beast of a false future. I will say a few more words before we begin; some reactions that could be caused from this story will be disturbing, troubling, and terrifying. My true inspiration for some of the ideas and writings is from a very intriguing, and morbidly mysterious man from the 16th century France, named Nostradamus. A foretold event of a possible future yet to come, was the theme of this type of writing. Some of the information from this story will come from ancient prophecies, and forbidden legends which proved to be immortal against the demons of time. What I really feel a true price to pay of knowing about the end, or of an event such as this, will be like having a dark cloud hovering over you until your last breath. With the presence of the angle of death following you with each step you walked, no matter the place or time. That is the worse part about it, like those who sit on death row, for they know the exact date of their end. What makes them stay sane, how would you be able to accept your own fate, as there is no way out of it. As you read this story you shall feel that same feeling, my whole purpose for writing this is to bring about an awakening of my own. We will enter a brief history of Michael Crane, a possible prophet maybe, but judge for yourself if he is one or not. Let this horrible future that he wished upon be an example of your own possible future. Michael Crane a person who appeared to have met most of the challenges that life could bring, but we shall see if he can beat the challenges of the Third Cycle. With that being said its best to always have a strong faith in god, and to know that the real words of truth are written in the bible.



Michael Crane age 16, was not an ordinary teenager as most would say. During his years of junior high and high school he lived in one of the most violent parts of Southern California, East Los Angles. Everyday here was full of gang fighting and the nights were full of robbery and gunshots. It was a never-ending struggle in this area, the saying “The weak shall perish, and only the strong will survive” explained it very well. I would fully concentrate on those words as they brought me strength as I watched young kids get shot in cold blood before me. As I started high school, it only got worse with armed security throughout campus, this urban war seemed to have no peaceful ending at all. A constant sound of sirens from the many police cars that passed by followed by ambulances. Another casualty has lain to rest, another young kid died for no reason at all. I would sit in English class and think and hope that one-day all this hate and blood shed would stop. One day the tables will be turned and the evil that committed such crimes would face a day so horrible, that death will be their only way out. I wished that a small sample of this horrible day full of fear would come and soon it did. 



1 Oct. 1987, 0:6:30 hrs, off to school on what it seemed like an ordinary day at first, I walk briskly and alert through the lands that are claimed one of the most feared gangs. Just another day with my hand ready with the blade I carried with me each time. I meet up with my good friend Robert who said of a big fight that is said to take place today after school. My watch read 7:43 am, and as talked about this impending battle of the rivals, a sudden dizziness over comes me, a very low-pitched noise like a very loud truck was heard. As I look behind me to see what it was, the entire ground began to shake violently, in an instant glass began to fall from the upper levels of the classrooms. Widespread panic suddenly filled the campus as everyone ran in all directions in mass confusion. At this point I was not even aware of what it was, it felt like a large bomb went. I later heard as we were evacuated onto the football field, that it was an Earthquake measuring 6.1 on the richer scale. For a brief moment my wish was granted, as I seen the fear on the faces of everyone this day, one that they will not forget. This event awakened some, but not everyone and soon everything would be back to normal. I began to think of this day but intensified as I began to write down my ideas into short stories, that had such terrible plots. I found my way to expose my anger in a positive way, to somehow send out a message for others to read. With the ideas and anger, words would flow with such stories filled realistic and terrible themes. From this day on, Michael Crane will be known as one to bring fear into the minds of many. His vision still in place of the day his enemies would cry for mercy on their last hours. As Michael left from one high school to the next, his final destined location was of mixed blessings.



Michael was a good student, but due to the constant moving of his mother’s job he began to fall behind. One last move brought him to his third high school that looked more like a prison. Each time the gate would be locked so no one could enter or get out, once class began. Security was tight at the Continuation School, but the many bad kids who attended this school were somehow different. It was rather odd here, to call each teacher by his or her first names; it was on a more personnel level here. A chance to show what you are truly made of was possible from this style of teaching. Michael was able to make up his lost time, during the summer of 1990. Michael did not even realize that with each long walk to and from school in the blistering summer heat, actually conditioned his train of thought. All of this was part of the training he was to under go, with a new challenge that came in his path that was favored well.



His writings became stronger as each one he written the few that read them feared him greatly, Michael became the teacher’s pet in English class. As he wrote about a great quake that occurred on the San Andreas Fault, many again were filled with terror, with a story that seemed so real.  He wrote on after being inspired by a short story written by Ray Bradbury, titled “There will come soft rains.” This event in his story was the coming of a Third World War. His hated words of disaster and cataclysm were fueled by another source these words did not just come from him alone. Michael wrote only a few out of the many stories that he swore would come true one day, his prophecies of the devastating future events that are yet to come. As Michael said “Challenge shall favor the open and prepared minds during the coming of the Third Cycle.” Michael had a sudden insight as he watched an episode of his favorite show, The Twilight Zone. One such episode was titled, The Midnight Sun, which was about the effects of the Earth’s orbit as it shifted and brought it closer to the sun. It was horrible indeed as the whole planet perished and at the last minute showed the main character a young woman, awakening from a nightmare. With the irony of this nightmare, the tremendous heat she felt during this dream was her high fever she had from a very bad cold. As she was thankful for it being only a terrible nightmare, she noticed everyone dressed in heavy clothing as if a winter blizzard had hit. She told of her dream she had, and they all just stared at her with a very scared and nervous look, as the radio news announced that there is no end to the cold, and the Earth’s unstable orbit is moving it farther away from the sun. This tale intrigued him so much he wrote a short story titled Deep Freeze, based on this idea but with a more horrible twist to it. This was one of his last stories he wrote back in the summer of 1990. Michael explained in his story exactly how this would take place he gave a series of other events such as, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and a third world war. These extremely troubled times he explained as the first phase or the coming of the Third Cycle. Michael expressed his concerns of three major events that will forever change the face of the globe.



At the age of 18, Michael earned the eyes of many at this time, but his problems at home only grew worse. His long hours at a nowhere job made it even more of a struggle to meet his time for his writings. Soon a new chapter of his life would come to light, of another pre-cursor event of the future as he saw it. As his graduation came, as only an announcement over the school intercom saying that Michael Crane has just received all his required credits to receive his diploma. This saddened him a quite a bit, while others of his peers had the traditional cap and gown, his was nothing more then a handing of his diploma. As conflict arose as a pre-courser event in the Middle East in 1991, a short war occurred between the U.S. and its allies, against a dictator from Iraq. Michael at the age of 19 saw this as a wake up call to a new and exciting challenge for him. As this short war ended his mind was made up, a solution out of his imprisoned and boring life was to enlist into the U.S. Army. With his date of basic training of the 2nd of May 1992, he began his own type of training, which consisted of both mental and physical conditioning. Michael felt he was ready for this new adventure as he soon realized nothing would prepare him for the most rigorous 2 months he ever endured in his life. His mom did not want him to join at times he would second guess his decision about enlisting, but he knew this was a calling for him. As he left with his mom in tears on the 26th of June 1992, he knew there was no turning back from this point. This long journey into his destined future started with his basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Michael sure struggled during these 10 weeks, but he began to love the pain and being tested to the limits.



His time in the U.S. Army was not without conflicts. After all the tiresome training was done, during his last day of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, another challenging path was right before him. His first duty assignment was a one-year hardship tour at Camp Coiner, South Korea. Given one of the most important roles of the raising of moral for soldiers during a war, the U.S. Mail service. With such a labor of importance with the devil’s own hands of temptation, many with the weakness of will power suffered a swift punishment. During this year of stressful and tediously long 16-hour shifts, and being so far away from home for the first time, his shields were down and the demons surrounded him. Michael began to drink heavily as a means to escape reality, with no care at all of the consequences of his actions. Michael said while intoxicated in the barracks, “One day there will be an Army of the Awaken Soldiers, a day so cold that even hell will freeze over!” No one even understood what he meant and laughed at him as he was the clown of the whole unit. Amazing as it was it almost seemed true what he said that day when winter came along in Korea, it so cold that hell could freeze over. Situations came to pass that brought Michael long exposures to the bone chilling winds of ten-degree temperatures. His conditioned mind favored the challenges of the extreme cold weather, where many others did not. His mind over matter type of attitude sure proved to be worthy, which he learned during his days of childhood. Now that you understand about Michael’s background, and his trials and tribulations that he under gone, you will see first hand his next greatest challenges if he survives them. With a brief history into the mind of a possible prophet, or just a writer with a way with words, I shall invite you now to enter Michael’s dark world of mystery and utter fear.





Third cycle begins



When the sands of the east are plagued with fear and fright,
 on this day the dragons shall unleash their fiery might.



Man from land to sea, shall not escape what is meant to be  During the 11th day of September 2001, one of the deepest wounds the United States ever suffered occurred. With this day began the first event of the third cycle and a great lesson to be learned as the world braced its self in horror and confusion. One man, a great leader of the United States, was faced with his greatest challenge anyone in his position will ever face. With this challenge underway, the world watches with vengeful anger as the bombs drop on the terrorist targets of the Taliban, and others.  As you read this blood is being spilled in the sands of the Middle East, and justice is being served in a cautious manner. A global awareness and cleansing started because of this war, but the cleansing was not over at all. This war only over shadowed this troubling prophecy that no one cared to believe or understand. Man was going to be tested again, for his wrong doings for centuries, which Mother Nature would not let go unpunished. At this time Mother Nature had her birthing pains as warning signs telling her other children, a new earth is about to be born.  It seems these are all lessons that mankind is going under now, we have been taught to be united as one during these times now and to be vigilant. Our next lesson I believe will be of survival, for we shall need to pass all these lessons if we expect to survive the final challenge of the third cycle. On this day, our blood will finally be one color of red, but the blood of the true enemy will not.



With the information that is open to all thanks to the internet, I did as much research as I could on this so called next visit of a 10th planet, called Nibiru. Its said this planet has an elliptic type of orbit that during its 3,600-year cycle, it makes a near miss of earth. As the signs of this, which are amazingly occurring, are mutations, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are on a global scale. As during The Great Exodus of Egypt, the last know cycle of Nibiru, the same effects were documented, even in such ancient times the world had a means of vigilance. A king of terror rushing its way back from the cosmos, to teach man another lesson, to show him the true faith and a mind over matter. These cycles have been accounted for countless millenniums of an endless circle of evolution for earth. We shall see this extraordinary challenge of man soon, but we should not fear it, but welcome such an event to bring a new chapter in the human race.



31 Dec. 2002, New Years Eve… for many it was hard to celebrate due to the impending war being still fought in the sands of the east, this challenge was going to be a long drawn out one. This war was taking a turn into one that no one wanted to place upon any enemy no matter of the iniquity they committed. No one would imagine what was to take place next; no man on earth was prepared for the next encounter of The King of Terror. With the few who were awakened before the second challenge of the third cycle, they felt these birthing pains of earth as they increased intensively. Soon after a global awakening took form, as all turned to God before the great violent storms of apocalyptic proportions. With this added to the madness of Michael as he invited all he knew to his home for a New Years Eve party they will never forget, since for some it would be their last. As prepared as one could be, Michael went all out on this occasion. He had all his sounds that all had one theme in common; they all portrayed the same words about an end of the world. As all the sins of man flowed like the liquor and rose like the smoke of every type of illegal narcotic ever known was being used that night. As few would notice on how Michael had no care at all of the police that showed up a few times, and about the type of music being played. It was rather odd indeed, with a person like him who no one would expect to have this wild side to him. This massive party had a hidden agenda that was about to be found out. Michael had planned a very shocking surprise for all to see, on a very cold and clear sky night as all were intoxicated, the music suddenly turn off and he began to yell with a loud voice… “Ok now that all of you enjoyed yourself and are on the same level as I, its time for the grand surprise!” Michael began to lead everyone out side his back yard, then as they all stood outside complaining about the cold and upset the music turned off he then yelled, “Now do you remember when I said one day I shall have my last laugh, as everyone thought I was a outcast!” “Do you remember when I also said that one we will all pay for all the hate we caused, you all thought it was during September 11th 2001, guess what are all wrong!” As everyone started to ask what he meant, Michael became silent for a minute, then said, “Look right up there, you want to see your end, there it is right there about five months away!” As all stared in the area where he was pointing too, a sudden confusion began to take place. As everyone look all over then saw the moon, then looked at this huge red object again. Many were in shock on what it was, and then it became clear it was in fact a planet.



With this begins the great chaotic calamity when the sky shall be as red as blood,
 and then began the great panic that furiously flowed like the deluge flood.


May 2003, with the blood that drenched the sands of the Middle East, with the final thought of an unthinkable outcome, as the dragons drew their fiery breath to scorch mother earth, Mother Nature herself would not allow her sacred soil to be poisoned and plagued by mere man. During the last moments of the third war, all continents began to collide with each other. Even the power of the nuclear fires that the dragons unleashed in several states of the Middle East did not compare to the furious wrath of Nibiru. Colossal calamity took place as the Earth stopped its rotation and the skies turned as red as the blood that soaked the sands of the east. A global rumble took place with enormous volcanic and seismic activity as well. The grand visit of Nibiru showed its reddish might, with such panic that even the war its self began to stand to a still. As both north and south poles began a slight shift, all the thoughts of this war were washed away by the great tidal waves that caused a deluge in most parts of the world. These huge waves created a large deluge in some areas not seen on earth since the times of Noah’s arch. With many struck with pure chaos and great panic, most tried to run and escape the floods for higher ground, some made it and I was one of them. Michael began to yell, “At last the days that everyone ignored and feared has come, I somehow knew a day like this would happen, if you think its over, your in for a big surprise!! The best is yet to come!!” As the ash of all the volcanic eruptions engulfed the reddish sky, the water began to subside. Total shock gripped those who survived with the ground still shaking no words were said for hours after. In the distance we could still see the waters that flooded the whole area, and the eruptions of volcanoes far in the distance. As I realized the cold truth that many who faced the second challenge of the third cycle that were totally unprepared suffered greatly. Millions were chosen as their fate consisted of drowning, suffocation of being buried alive or incinerated in volcanic eruptions. It seemed that Mother Nature did not shed a tear, not one at all as she watched so many perish. I knew exactly what we had to face with the next phase of The King of Terror…



August 2003, a few months later as Nibiru showed no mercy to those who survived, by this time we were not ignorant to the next phase of the third cycle. Nibiru’s great gravitational power caused the Earth to loose orbit for a brief amount of time. Great ice glaciers formed during the aftermath of the first phase, now the second will bring a chill to all that survived. Man suffered terribly during this time, but the will to survive did not die just yet, human race would not give into Nibiru’s occupation. I began to feel great remorse and anger now over this event, and to wonder if it was worse to survive it. I think back to all the hard times that I have been thru that got me to this point. I wonder of my family if they even survived, how I did not even think of the horrible price that was paid for something like this. As during the Third World War, this lesson with irony proved its value now, for the deaths of that war has set the example for mankind during the deep freeze. Again the prophecies proved themselves, ones that were set during the first visits of the ancient disciples. On such a freezing summer day, as I look up in the sky behind the clouds of ash and smoke, I see clear as day, the horrid face of Nibiru that stared down on this conquered land. I have a great sense of anger towards Nibiru now, not fear any more, but not knowing of a way to get back at this demon. I stood in the below freezing temperatures wondering of the many who lost the first battle of this evil in the sky, but was it truly evil after all, as I read of this in the great book of revelations a similar event, but unsure if this was even what was prophesized. I felt truly brave in a form of a barbarian with a thirst for the blood of vengeance against those who destroyed our world. I had no idea I would actually see a day to where I could seek my revenge, for it was not long off indeed. As the days passed by, I lost most of my aspects of both time and space, with the world literally turned upside down; the imbalance of the fallout cursed us for years after. A driving force in me, a sixth sense I always known I had told me to prepare for yet a unseen force that I sensed emanating from the 10th planet. We valued this time as we were in the eye of the storm, for it was not over yet, the best was yet to come. With the severe climate conditions as they were, it made us only stronger, as we gathered all the weapons we could find to ready ourselves for a battle that we all dreamed would come some day.



As man walked his last steps on his final stand,
 many suffered and perished on earth’s conquered land.



We still had communication most of the time with short wave, CB’s, and ham radios that many had or stocked up on in fears of the War in the East turning into a nuclear one. Now that was ironic, how we all feared our end would be of a nuclear holocaust, but how wrong we were, in a way thankful it wasn’t. In a strange way that thought calmed us as the temperatures continued to drop. A struggle to keep warm was rather difficult, but somehow we were adapting to this drastic change in climate, we shall never give up. Our great United States Government did in fact survive, we were able to hear broadcasts on ham radio of the President and his top military intelligence officials who relayed to us information of the effects, how long we expect to have this temperature drop, and what to expect next. At this point, there were no secrets; information was not kept from us now, if it was we were able to tap into it. What is being explained to us now is, intelligence have detected rather large movements deep in the surface of the planet Nibiru. As was stated by the ancient Samarian texts, legends said of a reptile like alien race inhabited this planet, and during each 3,600-year cycle of its return orbit to earth, this alien race would mobilize all their forces and launch an occupation on earth. As the purpose of this occupation was in search of massive gold deposits primarily from the Middle East, but each time they take many humans back with them, those who they take are said to be either as slaves, or food. We have misinterpretations that have spread from all corners of the earth since man first seen this event, with such a long distance of time between each cycle orbit of this planet, it was hard to fully get accurate information, during the last known orbit was during the ancient Egyptian times, a ray of hope exists there. If we try to make a positive outcome of the last visit, how the Great Pyramids were built, can this explain this and how other cultures described beings from the heavens that came down from the sky during a troubled time. At this point I would be willing to believe anything to bring a light of hope, for the fear has started up again, but we were ready incase this alien race did become hostile.


As the desperate child cried for its distant mother with blind trust,
these Artic winds shall blow with a cataclysmic gust.


            What military forces that did remain, were mostly air crafts that were lucky to be in the air as this occurred, most of the nuclear forces that were still in full alert status, were now given a new missions as was stated on the ham radio. Once again we shall defend our great nation, and the whole world against an unseen possible hostile force, that has not shown its true face yet. Sources say the movement has intensified quite a bit now, in a matter of a few days or hours possibly we will see the first wave of such a possible first strike of this alien race. A strong force of arms is our standing, as all the rest of the armed forces of the world joined together, even those countries that fought against America helped in this global readiness. As the temperature still dropped, I could only wonder if this was another long ice age that was said to occur during a few of the visits of Nibiru. A correction was just found out… a shocking revelation of this event was made light…  As I said before no information was going to be withheld from us ever again, what is now clear is, Nibiru never made its orbit, its visit is not for another 349 years, this massive object was in fact a cloaked battle ship.  I start to feel the numbness all over my body, as I conjure what little strength left, I ready myself as death comes closer with every step. I began to get prophetic sensation that play out before me, as suddenly the cold starts to subside, I see the plans at work of a retaliation strike against this enemy. I get a clear message from out of the cosmos; we are not alone in this final battle for Earth. Words were compiled from the message, and they are written as encrypted format sent by subliminal origin…




            As I see the great mass of the vast armies of Nibiru stand ready, two more follow also down the vengeful path of the cold dove, with the words of the Poetic Prophecy that began to come to pass with shocking precision and accuracy, I watch before me and compile the thoughts and ideas from the cosmos into these such words. For a remote viewing of this amazing lesson of survival is playing out before me as I receive words of each action taken, each calculated strategy in the game of conquest. United we did stand and Divided we did fall words that were brought about so much during the times that proceeded, were going to bring a new light this time, an unexpected ally will come, before mankind is done. As I pass these words to the present before the great leaders who favored such a challenge, a thought of a time of the past haunts me. As the times began with the darken cloud that covered the truth, with the imbalances it caused, it was foretold even then of the right time when the clouds be overcome with the light of truth. I journey back onward with the understanding of the awakening process that started before the third cycle began, the meanings still new but now being known. For an army was drafted one day, the Army of the Awaken Soldiers was activated, this day will bring the most accelerated revolution this land will see. Out with the old and in with the new, all stood as one with a mind so true. Ancient disciples radiant eyes beyond the cold of the deep freeze, we have at last entered the maturity of man, with a new neighbor who will be welcomed soon. A prerequisite of standards, morals, obedience, and disciplined minds will forever exploit the insecurities of a distant past. An end to this cold could come soon, and once again an attempt to exterminate man, proved to be a failed one, as earth stood still in the shadows of its final demise, a weakness of this king of terror blinded them before the grand surprise. This gift for all shall see, from land to sea is meant to be, as evil in all forms during the 12th year of the new age will suffer and perish by a furious, and radiant rage.



When the wounds bleed one color of red during the second phase of the third,
only then will the lion’s eyes be earned and cries are heard.


            As I gain my strength back, a large rumble is heard, yet another birthing pain is occurring, another contraction as they are more frequent now this could be the time now. For thousands of years these past few years have been seen, a treacherous long awaited path to a sudden finish, with only one victory standing ahead of the eyes of defeat. How wrong they were to bring about this deep freeze, how wrong they were on the power that has intensified over it. Now I welcome this event and all it has taught us, and I shall pray for those of the ignorance, with closed and mislead minds with a calculation onslaught has reversed back onto them one hundred fold. A proven point from the ancients of time, a setting of an example, the taming of the beast, this new age will be know beyond even our own solar system. A stage is being set right now before us, for the next phase of the third cycle will bring a final chapter of man, and began a new one. My wisdom beyond the stars, and courage from the lion that shall soon awake, will bring an end to this horrid suffering, as a century of discover not of disaster shall be one we shall make….



Read the rest when the book titled “Deep Freeze” is released!


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Click here to read my three poems which one is based on this story called, "Poetic Prophecy"



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