“The quantum condition emerges at points where the electronic velocity of light equals the nuclear velocity of sound.” Frank Znidarsic 2009
"50 nano-meters ..is the magic domain that produces a detectable cold fusion reaction" Jed Rothwell, Infinite Energy, Issue 29, 1999, page 23.
" Deuterium begins to condense when constrained in very small domains of a few tens of nanometers in dimension. It certainly can achieve a metallic deuterium state and perhaps becomes a BEC (Bose Einstein Condensate). It has been clear for some time that the reactions we work with are not a uniform bulk phenomena but rather must be produced within some unusual domain that is quite extraordinary." Russ George D2Fusion
"Although just 100 millionths of the acceleration due to the Earth’s gravitational field, the measured field is a surprising one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein’s General Relativity predicts." Clovis de Matos The European Space Agency. ESA news Dec 2006
"All good theoretical physicists put this number (the fine structure constant) up on their wall and worry about it." Richard Feynman
"The results we found provide the first direct evidence for a significant and unconventional role of phonons in the high temperature superconductivity, meaning that all the reasons that have been used so far to disregard the importance of phonons are not valid anymore." Prof. Alessandra Lanzara, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Nature July 8, 2004
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