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The Balanced Woman

The Goal of "The Balanced Woman" is to help women more effectively juggle all of the roles they play every day.  It is particularly designed to target the responsibilities of being a wife, mother, employee, chef, laundress, and friend.  Becoming a "balanced woman" is about prioritizing, time management and finding simpler and easier ways to perform the day to day mundane tasks.  We hope that through informative articles and useful links we can help you "balance" your life so that you can enjoy it more.

Thank you for subscribing.

May 1999
JA Hale, Editor
By subscription only! Welcome to your first issue of
              "THE BALANCED WOMAN".
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are at the end of this newsletter.
     =>  Welcome
     =>  Feature Article:The Key to Finding a Job
     =>  Household Tip
     =>  Parenting Tip
     =>  Keeping Romance Alive
     =>  Pampering Yourself
     =>  How to be a Guest Columnist
     =>  Subscribe/Unsubscribe information


Welcome to the first issue of "The Balanced Woman" and thank you for subscribing!!!  It is the dream of "The Balanced Woman" to help woman everywhere "de-stress" their lives just a little bit.  If we can provide even one suggestion that will make your life any easier, we will have accomplished our main goal!  Being a new ezine we're constantly searching for web sites and other links that will enhance or compliment our main objective.  If you have found any sites particularly helpful, please let us know by emailing me at  Additionally, your input is encouraged.  If you have any tips relating to any of our main subjects, please feel free to share them with us and our readers.  This is for you.  Please help us to serve you better.
               by JA Hale
Most people believe the keys to obtaining a job consist of a solid resume and sharp interviewing skills.  Although both of these elements cannot be underestimated, the success, or failure, of a job search begins long before the first draft of a resume is thrown in the trash.

People spend so much time writing and rewriting their resumes.  They labor over their choice of words.  They struggle to describe their past job experiences.  They wonder if they just can't delete an objective statement entirely.(After all, what does an objective statement REALLY say?)  And they question which hobbies to divulge.  Some give up and pay professionals to create their resume for them.  Others spend days or weeks perfecting that sheet of paper until they finally think they have it right.  Then they begin their job hunt in earnest.

Sooner or later, the phone rings and an invitation to interview is extended.  Many accept the invitation and then lose countless hours of sleep preparing what they will say and how they will answer questions.  And then after the interview they go home and wonder.

Probably, success or failure was determined before the search even began.  The REAL key to landing the job of your dreams is to VALUE YOURSELF!!

It is critical that you BELIEVE you have something to offer an employer.  If you don't believe it, why should they??  It is important that YOU think you are worthwhile, that YOU think you have marketable skills, that YOU FEEL you can contribute something.  If you don't believe, think, feel good, no great, about yourself, no one else will!!

Too often, we are our own worst critic.  Where we believe have failed, others see success.  Where we believe we are stupid, others see intelligence.  Where we believe we are incompetent, others see talent.

To help yourself "see" what others see try this exercise:

Sit down, alone, for about an hour and review your accomplishments.  They don't have to be recent accomplishments and they don't have to be work related.  Make a list.

Think about that horrendous project you finished on time and under budget.  Remember the improvements made in the speed and accuracy of your typing skills.  Don't forget about the money you saved your last employer by obtaining a new office supply vendor.

Think hard about all that you've done in the last 5 years.  Think about who you hired, who you fired, the projects you led, the tasks you accomplished, the organization you lended, the budget you balanced (okay so it was your family budget.  that's sometimes the hardest one of all to balance), the number of people you managed (even if they were your kids).

Remember everything you've done at home.  List the home repairs, decorating, painting, and improvements that were all accomplished by you.

Don't forget to list the time you were there for your best friend in her time of need.  Remember how you were her shoulder to cry on.  Don't forget about the dinner you prepared for your neighbor when she came home with her new baby.  Think about all you've done for your children, how you've chauffered them around, how you were their cub scout leader, or their little league mom.

Most importantly, don't forget that you HAVE balanced all of the many demands placed upon you all at the same time!!!  You DID (or are doing) raise one or more small children, hold down a full time, take care of a home and somehow find time for your partner!!!  You DID and ALL of these accomplishments count!!!

List them, and read your list but while you are doing so, imagine that it's a list about someone else.  What do you think of this person?  What adjectives come to mind?  Are you impressed?  Would you want them as a friend? Do you find their accomplishments awe inspiring?  Do you hold them in high regard??  GOOD!!

Make another list of the words that come to mind as you answer these questions.  Write about the person you are reading about, or better yet, write them a letter.  Tell them exactly how you see them.  And when you're finished, review both lists every day.  Review your list of accomplishments and review what you wrote about the person who accomplished them.  REALLY read them.  Take your time.  Make sure you are NOT interrupted.  Believe them.

To easily and effectively clean mold and mildew off of the grout and caulking around your bathtub, thoroughly soak paper towels with bleach.  Place the bleach soaked paper towels all around the grout and caulking.  Leave them for at least an hour, if not more.  When you come back, remove the paper towels and enjoy your clean, white grout!!  PS  Be careful to avoid getting bleach on your clothing!
If you want 50 fights with your children, establish 50 rules.  Instead, choose a few rules that are important to you to enforce and ignore the rest.
Write "I Love You" on the bathroom mirror with a piece of soap.

excerpted from, "1001 Ways to be Romantic"  by Gregory J.P. Godek  copyright 1991

If you don't take care of yourself, how can you take care of anyone else?

excerpted from:  75 Ways to Pamper Yourself, by JA Hale, copyright 1999
    How to be a guest columnist instructions

We LOVE receiving articles from our readers, or anyone else.  Please submit your article about any of "The Balanced Woman's" topics (i.e. being a wife, mother, employee, chef, housecleaner, friend) to by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next month's newsletter.
               Copyright 1999, JA Hale
Editors Comments:If any of you have any ideas, comments and suggestions on how we
can improve this e-zine please let me know. Just send an email
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