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The Balanced Woman!


The Balanced Woman
February 2002
Issue 33
Jackie Hale, Editor

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=> Welcome
=> Feature Article: "Laying the Foundation for Change"
=> Household Hint
=> Web Pick
=> Fashion Tips
=> Parenting Tip
=> Classified Ads
=> Pampering Yourself
=> A Little Laughter
=> Site Updates
=> Recommended Resources
=> Recipe of the Month
=> Help Others without Spending a Dime
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We all know that February is host to Valentine's Day but I thought it might be kind of fun to discover the other things that February is about! So here it is, a list of, "February is the month of". It contains an interesting blend of the worthwhile and the amusing. I hope you find it interesting too.

February is American Heart Month
February is American History Month
February is Black History Month
February is Children's Dental Health Month
February is International Friendship Month
February is National Cherry Month
February is National Embroidery Month
February is National Grapefruit Month
February is National Snack Food Month
February is National Wild Bird Feeding Month
February is Responsible Pet Owners' Month

Enjoy this issue!

PS Don't forget, our site updates and easy recipe of the month are at the end.


This Month's Sponsors

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Put some SPIRIT in your job search with:

"The Nitty Gritty Tool Kit For Career Transition: A
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This interactive workbook is written by Staci Backauskas - career consultant, writer, minister and creator of the award-winning site For more
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Feature Article: Laying the Foundation for Change
By: Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale
February is International Friendship Month. It is also host to Valentine’s Day and Random Acts of Kindness Day. Both are days within a month that all share the same theme, taking a moment to recognize and acknowledge those who are important to our lives. These days and this month are opportunities we have to give back and to express our gratitude. They force us to find and to count our blessings.

Finding and counting our blessings are two activities that should not be taken lightly. They are the foundation for effecting any real change. Why? Because change is much easier to make and much more likely to occur when we’re happy and happiness or, the quality of our lives, is a direct result of where and how we focus our attention.

Each and every life is filled with both good and bad. It is the nature of all things because nothing, or no-thing, is perfect. We can choose to focus on the good or we can choose to focus on the bad. Focus on the bad and the outcome is unhappiness, anger, disappointment and lethargy. Who can make positive changes amidst all of that?

Focus on the good and we can be propelled into action. It’s easier to lose weight, deal with our finances, get organized or spend more time with our kids when we’re happy, overall. It provides us with a “can do” attitude that gives us the strength and the energy to accomplish whatever it is we want!

I once had a friend with a very demanding job, two kids, a home, a husband and volunteer activities. Talk about being busy! Her free time was rare. But one day she got tired of complaining about how busy she was. She took a good look at her life and realized that almost without exception the people and the things that kept her busy were also the people and the things that brought her great joy! So she changed her focus by changing her words. Instead of talking about how busy she was, she spoke of her “full life”, a life full of events, projects and demands that ultimately were very rewarding. By focusing on how “full” her life was rather than how “busy” it was, she realized how lucky she was to have a wonderful family, a lovely home and even a job. She began to look at things differently. Her attitude changed and so did the quality of each day. Today, she is busier and happier than ever!

Did it happen overnight? No! It took a consistent and conscious effort daily to achieve. But eventually her new thought patterns became habits and she didn’t have to “find” her blessings any longer. Instead, what she “found” was that they were there all along. She just didn’t see them.

She is not unusual. Unfortunately more often than not, most of us see all that is wrong. We look in the mirror and immediately “see” that additional 10 pounds we think we should lose. We talk about our jobs and conclude that they’re inadequate and far beneath our talents. We list our spouse’s shortcomings faster than we drive. We see all the bad so clearly and easily. Perhaps it’s because we’ve been conditioned to do so?

What if we were conditioned to look for all that is right instead. What if we saw our beautiful brown eyes, the job that provides a roof over our heads and our husband’s thoughtfulness? What if we saw the incredible sunset, the majestic trees and the rainbow in the sky? What if…

Condition yourself to “see” the positive. Start this month. Phone a friend, celebrate your Valentine and perform a Random Act of Kindness. Focus on the good and over time you will find the quality of your life improve. Even more importantly yet, you will begin to believe that anything is possible

Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale is a CPA and the editor of Between Friends: Resources for Mothers ( Between Friends contains household hints, time management tips, articles on organization, parenting, money management, career, self employment, self improvement and more! Subscribe to its FREE monthly ezine, The Balanced Woman. Visit today!

Webmasters and publishers may use this article in their ezine or website, as long as the *entire*  article is used, and the *copyright notice* and *resource box* are left in tact, including this notice

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I live in a house that is 20 years old. It has an old, dingy, fiberglass shower enclosure. The other day, I got sick of looking at it. In desperation, I plugged the drain, ran the shower until the fiberglass pan was filled half way and poured in some bleach. When I came back 4 hours later and let the water out, that old dingy fiberglass shower enclosure was white!



To celebrate "Random Acts of Kindness Day", take a look at this site: It features inspiration, activity guides and even help for educators! Just imagine what the world might be like if all children were taught about Random Acts of Kindness! Take a peek and spread it around!


Parent like you mean business! Stop nagging and fighting with your kids! Get your home running more smoothly than it has ever run before. Discover a simple, effective and proven system for putting sanity back into your life with the new ebook THE BUSINESS OF MOM!

For a full description and to order your copy securely, visit my Web site at



Finding The Right Hair Color

“What color should my hair be?”

This is one of the questions I hear most often. My answer: the one that nature intended. You’re usually born with the color that best suits you, and for most women, doing nothing is best. But very few women leave nature alone. In fact, nearly 3 out of every 5 women color their hair, usually for one of three reasons: to stay blonde, to cover gray, or to give themselves a boost.

If you do want to color, remember this: make sure your hair color compliments your skin tone. Nothing screams “dye job!” louder than a color that clashes with your skin. Most women get into trouble here by following trends, mimicking celebrities, or by succumbing to the flattery of an over-zealous hair stylist.

So how do you know if you “clash”?

Look at some pictures of yourself. If you see the
hair first and the face second, as two distinct pieces
instead of a combination, you probably have the wrong
color. If you look washed out or ill, it’s probably the wrong shade.

If you were blonde as a child and want to return to that color, take childhood pictures of yourself with you to your next color appointment. Show them to your stylist and ask him/her if she can recreate that color with highlights or frosting. Odds are, you’ll be very pleased with the results.

If you’re trying to cover gray, opt for a slightly
lighter color than you had before you started to turn.
Since your skin undertone fades a little with age,
you need to use a lighter color to keep up with the
diminishing tone. Sticking with your old color will
make you look older, not younger.

Want some other tips before you head to the hair salon
or beauty supply shop? Pick up a copy of
“Head-To-Toe Beauty,”

Diana Pemberton-Sikes is a wardrobe and image
consultant and editor of "Fashion Savvy", a monthly
online newsletter dedicated to helping women achieve
more success through dress. You can visit her online at



If you have an infant that hates the bath it may be because the water is too hot. Infants are most comfortable in water that is 98.6 degrees. To an adult, this feels cold. Water that feels good to us is usually much hotter than 98.6. So do your baby a favor and buy a bathtub thermometer. You’ll both be glad you did!

Classified Ads

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Let us help YOU succeed on the Web with Tips, Tools, News & Views on Web Marketing and E-Commerce, from a street-smart Marketer. Subscribe FREE at:

This ezine is listed at


Pampering Yourself

Be your own best Valentine. Buy yourself a bouquet of your favorite flowers or just one single, red rose. Revel in your specialness!


A Little Laughter

One day a little girl came home from school, and said to her mother, "Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn't do."

The mother exclaimed, "But that's terrible! I'm going to have a talk with your teacher about this ... by the way, what was it that you didn't do?"

The little girl replied, "My homework."



Site Updates...

Please stop by and cast your vote at our completely anonymous site poll, if you haven't yet. This month's poll asks:

Why do YOU think you do too much?

Take a look at our newest articles on the web:

"Daily Planning"

"Disciplining Your Toddler: The Path of Least Resistance"

(If you have liked what you've read, please forward this newsletter to friends or family members who you think might enjoy it! It might encourage them to subscribe. Thanks!)



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Chicken Noodle Casserole

Submitted by a Balanced Woman subscriber, Renee A. Thanks Renee!

Boil a bag of noodles.
Boil about 3-4 breasts of chicken and chop.
Layer noodles in a casserole dish.

Mix chopped chicken, 2 cans of chicken noodle soup, 1 cup sour cream and then pour over noodles.

Melt 1 stick of butter and crush 1 sleeve of Ritz crackers. Mix together and spread over top of casserole. (More butter and Ritz crackers are even better.)

Bake covered at 350 for 30 minutes.




The Hunger Site is back! Click here and you will feed a hungry person. It doesn't cost you anything!



The appearance of advertising in The Balanced Woman should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the editors of the service, product, business, or program being advertised. We take no responsibility for claims or representations made in any ads. The Balanced Woman is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The ideas and information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone either explicitly or implicitly. In no event shall Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation. The opinions expressed by our columnists are not necessarily the position of The Balanced Woman.


Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 JA Hale
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