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The Balanced Woman
July 2002
Issue 38
Jackie Hale, Editor


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We realize that not all of the email programs available can accommodate our size. So you can also find this issue of The Balanced Woman at:



=> Welcome
=> Feature Article: "Being Positive Amidst a Negative World"
=> Household Hint: Controlling Mosquitoes
=> Web Pick: Keeping Kids Busy in the Summer
=> Fashion Tips
=> Money Matters: "Load" Funds
=> Classified Ads
=> Pampering Yourself
=> A Little Laughter
=> Site Updates
=> Recommended Resources
=> Recipe of the Month: Italian Pasta Salad
=> Help Others without Spending a Dime
=> Subscribe/Un subscribe information


This Month's Sponsors

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I love July! For me, more than any other month, it represents Summer. The weather's heating up, good fruit abounds, it's time for vacations and the kids are out of school. Well most kids anyway...

Those of you who have been long time subscribers know that I can never resist an opportunity to help a college student. It's because I believe so passionately in education! So when I was contacted by a doctoral student from The Ohio State University asking for help from The Balanced Woman community of course I couldn't say no.

This particular student, Hope, is conducting a web-based women's health survey. If you are a woman and over the age of 18, she would very much like for you to participate! The survey itself is completely anonymous. If you choose to take part in it, you will be eligible to win a prize in the prize drawing (lots of neat stuff!).

After completing the survey, you will be directed to another page where you can enter your information for the drawing.

The survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete.

Please follow this link: If you have any questions or problems please contact Hope McGonigle at 614-688-4898 or

Yahoogroups, the list host for this list, has been causing me all kinds of problems. So, I'm in the process of moving it over to When you receive the August issue of The Balanced Woman, it should come from them. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this move.

Finally, don't forget about the FREE full version software we're offering in conjunction with Planet Lucky. If you have any little ones getting ready for Kindergarten you may want to look at "Little Bear's Kindergarten Thinking Adventure". With vacations coming up the "World Book Illustrated Atlas" may offer you some help planning. Finally, you can never get enough cooking ideas so try the "Woman's Day Cookbook". They're all FREE; you pay shipping and handling only!

(You may have to copy and paste the link into your browser window)

Now on to The Balanced Woman...

Until next month...

PS Don't forget, our site updates and easy recipe of the month are at the end.

PPS On a personal note, I want to thank all of you who sent me information on travelling to Williamsburg, VA for a vacation this summer. I read each and every tip and plan on printing them out and taking them with me when I go! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. "The Balanced Woman" readers are the best!


Feature Article: "Being Positive Amidst a Negative World"
By: Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale

Sometimes it’s hard to be positive when everything around you is going wrong.

It doesn’t have to be the big things either. You may wake up in the morning just feeling plain ole grumpy. Or maybe your spouse woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Or maybe your coworker or friend is having a bad day. Whatever the situation, people you deal with everyday can affect how you look at life in that moment.

If those people are important to you or close to you they may alter your perceptions and feelings during the time you spend with them. You may pick up or catch their “bad mood”.

Then again, maybe it’s not the people around you who’ve got your down. Maybe it’s the weather.

Maybe the sky is cold and damp and gray—again—for the fifth straight day in a row. Maybe you’re stuck in the house with a sick child or a sick you or a sick car. Maybe all the gloom has made you gloomy.

Maybe it’s events that have you down. You can’t seem to find a babysitter so that you can go out for a big night on the town. Money is tight and the bill collectors are calling. Traffic is horrendous and you’re stuck right in the middle of it, on your way to an appointment that you simply can’t miss.

Hundreds of little annoying, negative things occurring every single day can wear down even the greatest resolve to be positive. They make it difficult to keep your perspective and your chin up.

So what can you do about it? How can you lighten your mood and life your spirit when the world’s got you down?

It’s easy to say, “Smell the roses”, “Look on the bright side” and “Count your blessings”. It’s hard to do. And when it’s easy to say and hard to do---that’s exactly when it’s time for faith. Faith is believing that things will get better, that life isn’t so bad, that there are ups as well as down’s. “Faith is believing when common sense tells you not to.” (from the film “Miracle on 34th Street). It is hope.

Yet, it’s hard to have faith when everything is going wrong even though that’s exactly when you need it the most. So faith requires trust—trust that things will turn out all right, maybe not the way YOU want them to, but all right just the same.

If you need to find faith and trust, think back to another difficult time in your life. Remember the struggle, the anguish and the fight. Remember the uncertainty and possibly even the isolation you felt. Remember as vividly as you can. Feel your lowest low again.

Now, remember the resolution and how it all worked out in the end. Even if it ended differently than you had hoped it would, it probably made you better and stronger nonetheless.

The world never stopped. Life went on and often it went on better and greater than ever before.

Hold on to those thoughts. Let them bring you faith because if you do, it will bring you peace. Peace that will allow the struggling and the fighting to stop. Peace that can end the anguish. Peace that just knows everything will be all right.

Lifting weights strengthens muscles. Living through life’s struggles strengthens faith and trust. The good times just don’t do it. Only the challenges do…

Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale is a CPA and the editor of Between Friends: Resources for Mothers Between Friends contains household hints, time management tips, articles on organization, parenting, money management, career, self employment, self improvement and more! Subscribe to its FREE monthly ezine, The Balanced Woman. Visit today!

Webmasters and publishers may use this article in their ezine or website, as long as the *entire* article is used, and the *copyright notice* and *resource box* are left in tact, including this notice


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In many of the states in Northern America, July means that mosquito season is in full swing.

To help control mosquitoes around your home:

1. Change standing water in birdbaths and rain barrels at

    least once a week.
2. Empty children's pools and store them when they are not

    in use.
3. Clean out your rain gutters regularly.
4. Keep your lawn and hedges well trimmed to reduce shady

   areas where mosquitoes tend to rest.
5. Use bleach in your family pool to help kill mosquito larvae.
6. Try to pick a breezy location when enjoying the outdoors.

    Mosquitoes have a hard time flying even in light wind.
7. Wear light-colored clothing, since mosquitoes are

    attracted to dark colors.
8. Avoid using heavily scented shampoos and toiletries.

Excerpted from:

Learn 140 time savings techniques to help you put hours back into your day! Visit



"Mom, I'm bored..." Sound familiar? Summer is fun but it can also be challenging. How can you keep your kids busy? Need a few ideas? You'll find plenty here...


Parent like you mean business! Stop nagging and fighting with your kids! Get your home running more smoothly than it has ever run before. Discover a simple, effective and proven system for putting sanity back into your life with the new ebook THE BUSINESS OF MOM!

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What should you wear this time of year?

It’s a question a lot of people ask themselves during the change of seasons. For as soon as you’re certain the new season has arrived, the old one seems to reappear.

So how should you stock your closet to dress appropriately during the transition? With key pieces that span the seasons and look right in any kind of weather.

Here are a few suggestions:

*Start with year ‘round fabrics.

These include favorites like jersey, cotton, silk, and denim in weights that are appropriate for your region.

*Buy in year ‘round colors.

These are the basics in your “best colors” like black, brown, navy, and gray, as described in “Wardrobe Magic,”

in tones that mix and match with other pieces in your wardrobe.

*Keep neutrals handy.

Use your taupes, camels, creams, and beiges generously this time of year. They work well with both seasons and can make your ensemble appear as one season or another by their appearance or their absence.

*Layer for maximum versatility.

Always include pieces that you can add or subtract as the day’s temperatures rise or fall. Opt for classic styles in neutral colors so you can do a lot with very little.

The key to success is flexibility. While you may be tempted to show off your new season wardrobe, don’t be so quick to jump the gun. Nothing looks sillier than wearing the wrong season’s clothes, even if it’s just a few weeks off. Instead, pull out your transitional fabrics, colors, and seasonless staples to look great no matter what the weather.

Need some additional tips? Download a copy of “Wardrobe Magic” to see just how easy looking great can be,

Diana Pemberton-Sikes is a wardrobe and image consultant and editor of "Fashion Savvy", a monthly online newsletter dedicated to helping women achieve more success through dress. You can visit her online at




In the world of investments, you'll often hear mutual funds referred to as front loads, back loads or no loads. What are these "loaded" funds and what does it all mean?

Mutual Funds that charge a sales commission are called load funds; funds that don't are called no-load funds.

A front-end load is the sales commission charged at the time of purchase or investment.

A back-end load is the sales commission charged when the fund is sold.

Front-end loads are more common than back-end loads. Back-end loads are sometimes referred to as contingent deferred sales charges. Loads may vary between 1% to 8 1/2% of the amount of money invested or withdrawn.


Classified Ads

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Pampering Yourself

July is National Ice Cream Month! So, go to your favorite ice cream shop and order away--why not try a banana split or a hot fudge sundae? What a better way to celebrate the month, the summer and the child within...

Discover 100 no to low cost ways to pamper yourself and make it a daily habit! Visit


A Little Laughter

You might be a redneck if your idea of an independence day parade is five 4 wheel drives heading to Bubba's house from the liquor store.

courtesy of


Site Updates...

Take a look at our newest articles on the web:

"New Protection for Online Consumers"

"Sugar Addicts Anonymous: The 12 Step Program to Beating Sugar Addiction"

"Getting Organized: 5 Secrets To Help You Get Started"

If you have liked what you've read, please forward this newsletter to friends or family members who you think might enjoy it! It might encourage them to subscribe. Thanks!)



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Italian Pasta Salad

egg or spiral noodles
ham-thin, diced
black olives-diced
Italian dressing
shredded mozz. cheese
*optional diced tomatoes, green olives

Boil noodles. Drain. Toss with a little Italian
dressing with when warm. Add other ingredients. Toss with more dressing. Chill. Serve with bread.



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The appearance of advertising in The Balanced Woman should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the editors of the service, product, business, or program being advertised. We take no responsibility for claims or representations made in any ads. The Balanced Woman is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The ideas and information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone either explicitly or implicitly. In no event shall Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation. The opinions expressed by our columnists are not necessarily the position of The Balanced Woman.


Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 JA Hale

Editor's Comments: If any of you have any ideas, comments and suggestions on how we can improve this e-zine please let me know. Just send an email to:


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