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Things That Will Be

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Monty and Susan are on the left, and Nate is on the right. Click on the pictures to go to their sites and find out more about them.
Hello! I've spiffed up the joint...I hope you like it. I added buttons...just like my other make things look nicer, and make it a little less cluttered. If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to e-mail me, or sign my guestbook. All of this is accessable by the buttons above. Thank you and come back!!
Want to play a fun game of Swat the Monkey? Click here to download Swat the Monkey. If you would like to visit Susan and Monty's site click here. Click here to go to Nate's Sock Monkey Hub.
Sock Monkey Kits!!!
Want to make a Sock Monkey of your own? Go here to get it!!!