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Go to the Hall
Hello, and welcome! Have a seat, have a seat.   I am Mr. Goodwin, principal of M.S.O.E.  This is a new school, so we don't have very many students.  We strive for the best here though, and we have many after school programs and we give out report cards every month!   Sorry about my cluttered desks, I'm just getting settled in and Mrs.Vi.Xen is busy in the office so she can't help.  If you would like to enroll in our school, talk to Mrs. Vi.xen.  *sigh* I don't know what we would do with out her.  And I don't know what I am going to do with TAYLOR ALDEN! Drawing on his locker again!!!!!!! *picks up phone* Mrs. Vi.Xen? Can you please call Mr. Alden into my office?   What? He didn't come to school AGAIN?!?!  Ok, that will be all thankyou.   Well nice talking to you!  Click Here To register in this school!

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