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Ranma fanfiction!

03/19/02 - "Cool Mornings" won 2nd place at the One-Shot stories award at The Ranma Fanfiction Awards. Thanks to everyone who voted! ^_^
11/28/01 - Added new fic "Cool Mornings"

My first homepage... it shows, doesn't it? ^_^

Here I will feature my very own fan fiction, my personal tribute to the best anime couple of all time!
Check out my latest work, a mini-series entitled "Waiting For You", a fanfic about Ranma and Akane.

Cool Mornings *new* A picture of perfect, married bliss for Ranma and Akane. No lemon, please! ^_^
Eyes on Me A short WAFF fic inspired by the FF8 themesong "Eyes on Me."
Resolution After a fight with Akane, Ranma sits down to think about his feelings for his fiancee...
Yep, the boy's in for some serious thinking!
It's my very first fanfic, so be warned, and be gentle! ^_^

A Moment of Truth Ukyou sits depressed in her restaurant, after seeing Ranma look so dejected after a fight with Akane... While taking a walk, she falls into deep thinking about her feelings for her "Ranchan." Then, unexpectedly, she stumbles upon an amazing revelation...
Waiting For You A Ranma 1/2 tale of everlasting love. "True love doesn't have a happy ending, it simply doesn't end."
The Long Goodbye *new* Love means knowing when it's time to let go, and when to reach out for your heart's desire.

My Favorite Ranma fanfiction!
I've sorted it into two categories : the short fics, and the longer fics. All fanfics included in the list are highly-recommended. Follow the links to view the list of fanfiction.

Short (One-shot) Fanfiction
Longer stories (Mini-series/Continuing Series)

My Links!
A collection of my favorite sites.

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A proud member of The Ranma and Akane Forever Shrine

This Defenders of The True Fiance site is owned by Stiffanie Flores.

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