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Human Values - Saitatva

I was discussing reactions to the horrifying episode on 11th September 2001 with a friend. She was describing reaction of her 8 year old son who was disappointed when they were showing nothing but the updates on Attack on America. The child’s comments were ‘that has happened last night people are dead, what can we do now talking about it, they should get along with other programs’. Then after going home my 8 year old son asked me ‘it is so boring they keep on showing the same thing since morning, how long are they going to show all this’. These comments kept me thinking -- what values am I teaching my child? Is value of human life is just a minute of silence as a mark of respect to the dead and getting along with life pretending as if nothing has happened? Is this what our lord has taught us? As none of our dear ones were involved, so is it fair to think that it is not our problem, so we do not have to waste time in thinking about it?

I asked my 8 year old son how he would have felt if either his dad or I were in that building which collapsed , I asked him his reaction, he was stunned, he said he would be very sad, ‘probably the saddest kid in the world’. Then I said that is how thousands of children, wives, or mothers who have lost someone very dear to them are feeling. As a human beings it is our responsibility to look after the welfare of others around us too and the least we could do it pray for them. Then my son asked me ‘what is the use of praying for them they are already dead’, I said to give strength to the family members and most important of all when these people are reborn in their next life they should not face such tragedy.

About couple of hours after this conversation, my 3 year old who was present during this conversation, told me, ‘mummy I am going to pray to baba’, I said okay. He prays to the picture of BABA in our bedroom and comes to me and says ‘mummy baba says he will take care of the people’. This innocent remark moved my heart and I thought well it is not hard to teach good values. I made a difference! Children are like clays you can mould them as you like. Everything that they do and say is what they have learnt from us - Parents and environment they live in. When we react indifferently so do they. Empathy is a greatest quality that would stop the wars.

Why did BABA show his grief at Megha's death? Why did BABA take on him the bubbos of Mrs Khapardes son, when she HIM about her plague inflicted son? Why do we pray to BABA when we are in pain and trouble? Is it not to lighten the burden of our problems ? How will BABA lighten our problems unless HE suffers for us. Every religion has taught the same principle of love, forgiveness and empathy. Another thing we should remember is that BABA has promised that if HE takes a ruppee from anyone HE has to return 100 times of the value of the ruppee. HE also said that HE resides in the hearts of all human beings so to treat them with respect and love.

Does this not mean that when you covete someones money or cheat them you loose in the same proportion too? When you harm someone, will you also not be subjected to the same humiliation at some point in your life? I know of people who disrespected their parents in their youth, gave them lot of trouble and neglected them in their old age, and now those children are somebody’s parents and they do not have a night’s of peaceful rest as they are being subjected to the same treatment in multiples. I know of a daughter-in-law who abused her mother-in-law and now a mother-in-law herself is subjected to the same fate. I personally know people who profess to be staunch devotees of BABA and have distroyed lives of people to the point of driving a young woman to commit suicide and covering it up saying it was death of natural causes. Do you think these people are happy - no definitely not, they have offspring who have congenital problems and misery in their lives. I know of people who unintentionally commited harm to others - but were they spared because they did not have any intention of harming? No sir, they are suffering is undescribable.

I recall Guruji, Satpathy, saying during his visit for Sai UTSAV 2001. He said universe works on Einstein’s principle of proportionality ‘for every action there is equal and opposite reaction’, so also Sri Gopala Rao Ravada said during my visit to him when I was in India that ‘love begets love, do no harm to others you will not be harmed’. I find this very true. I am sure all of you would agree with me too. Just take about half an hour of your time - I know it is difficult with our current life style, try it anyway - talk to your spouse about the people or yourself and your position and what have you done previously that is effecting you or others around you. You will be surprised with the answers. We do not have to die to go to hell for out bad deeds, we suffer the consequences of good or bad in our current life. We know of so many rich people and are related to them as well, but are they happy ? Probably they are the most unhappiest people.

I remember a famous astrologist in Hyderabad saying ‘we can change the lines of our fate through prayers and good deeds’. BABA also reinforce the same in Sai Satcharita when HE assures Dr Pillay that he could work out his sufferings in 10 days, instead of 10 births, and blessed him. It is God's grace which relieved Dr Pillay, which Pillay earned through devotion and faith. Perhaps we could make a start now,by helping our neighbour or friend, let us make it a conscious habit of doing one good deed a day. That will unconsciously develop into a habit. Children are like sponges they abosorb a lot of things and most important of all they trust us - ‘parents’. So what we teach makes a lot of differece to world. Do not say that we can’t make a difference, start it at home. Perhaps when they grow up they will not suffer the trauma and impact of hatered, and destruction as we are suffering now.

BABA says “He, who sees Me in all these creatures is My beloved. So abandon the sense of duality and distinction, and serve Me”. As true devotees of SAI let us all adapt these golden words and see SAI in all beings, perhaps that will reduce the ill feeling between us.


Saibandhu Anitha

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