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The health of this great nation is reflected in the freedom, safety and prosperity of its people. Our vitality is the direct result of uncompromising standards set by proud Americans who came before us. Freedom, bravery, honesty, trust, valor, achievement, national pride and our faith in God have made this land the envy of the world. Small businesses, small towns and family farms made the United States of America a bright spot of hope among less favored countries. American entrepreneurship -- the dreams of Americans fueled our success.

HeartbeatUSA is a constantly changing source of news, opinion and debate relative to basic foundations of American life such as: freedom, fair trade and the safety of Americans today in our world. HeartbeatUSA is also a developing resource for the many needs of those who are at the forefront of caring for our wonderful USA.

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Buzzards, Lame Ducks & Pegasus
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Cattlemen's Legal Fund The Paragon Foundation
Organization For Competitive Markets Sustainable Agriculture Network
Huma Base Campaign For Food Safety CSA-L Archives

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