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Got Questions??


Hello there!  This is an open invitation to contact me to visit about questions you may have regarding Jesus Christ, the Bible, or the Wesleyan Church.


I am of the opinion that it is OKAY to ask questions!  Honest questioning is good!  Rather than being afraid of questions, God is ready for them.  Many times, King David questioned God.  A quick reading of the Psalms will reveal this.  He is big enough to handle your questions.  He won’t be shocked or surprised – He’s heard them all before!


You may be a skeptic, an agnostic, or an atheist.  You may be someone who wants to believe, but need some questions resolved.  You are welcome to ask.  My only request is that you ask them in an adult manner, refraining from foul and hateful language.


I will tell you honestly that I won’t have all the answers.  For those questions I cannot answer quickly, I promise to research your question until I can give you an answer.


Questions and answers will be confidential, unless you give me express permission to use your question (your name and other info would remain anonymous) in other settings.


You can e-mail me at, or you can call [(605) 225-2873] or write me at Aberdeen Wesleyan Church, 1701 8th Ave NE, Aberdeen, SD 57401.


You can be assured that your questions will be taken seriously, and I will endeavor to answer them as completely as possible.


I look forward to hearing from you!


In Christ’s love,


Pastor Brian La Croix


“Then you will call upon Me and I will listen to you.  You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:12-13