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Rifts: The Astrolite Province

Welcome to the Astrolite Province! I am Fear's Edge. I created the Astrolite Province to help Rifts players and GMs have another world to fall back on. Afterall, we can't be expected to use the stupid books all the time, can we? Anyway, you may have seen this material on Ash's webpage: "Bridge of the SDF-3". It has been officially transferred here. Anyway, Enjoy!
By the way, I need someone to draw for me. I need some art or this won't look good. So if anyone would be willing to, just email me. Thanx.

From now on, all updates will be displayed on my "What's New" Page. I will, however, let you know when I have updated on this page.

Last Updated 1/24/01

Happy Birthday to me

What do you think of my new section on the MALU? Let me know on my message board.

I would appreciate your feedback. You can contact me on ICQ if you wish, my number is 74550770.

What's New

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Calvin Toemas
O.C.C's of the AP
CS encounter with the AP
AP city defenses
AP equipment
AP bots
AP's encounter with Erin Tarn
AP's history
AP's population breakdown
AP's relations with other governments
AP's timeline
AP vehicles
AP Battle Tactics
AP Garrisons

Invasion from Krymus

MALU Net Dimension Book

My opinion Page

Info about me

My Guestbook please sign it!!!!!!!!!

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Murphy's law!

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