Once again I have erred in predicting an election winner. This time, however, I have gone back to the drawing board (I am a scientist, not a psychic) and found the right approach and put the new results in a second paper. The specifications for winning are much more rigorous than in this paper, and the results are fascinating, as are their implications. Here is the link to that paper: No Democrat Could Have Won the 2016 Presidential Election: PROOF
This paper is comprised of astrology for winning a contest, in this case in the national elections in the United States in 2016. In that sense, it has nothing to do with what kind of contest it is. The premise is that a winner always has the better astrology and that it specifically shows by timing in one chart in particular. What constitutes “better” as well as “timing” is spelled out below along with comments on the chart being used.
It follows from the above that the choice of the winner is not a matter of my personal preference. It is a function of who I judge to have the better astrology for winning. Personal preferences have no place in astrological prediction, and indeed, are in its way.
Polls also have no place in astrological predictions.
In covering the presidential election of 2012, I erred and predicted Mitt Romney the winner. I did not then know that an incumbent can have far less benefic (positive) astrology for office than a newbie must have in order to win. Specifically, Romney had a far better 10th (career) chart than did Obama. But getting down to the actual time the winner was known, Obama had the right short-term astrology for the elation of winning whereas Romney had the opposite. The “drag” on Obama’s career chart was the obstreperous Republican congress he had been dealing with for some time and would for some time to come. All this is covered in the 2012 election paper still on this site at Astrology for 2012 Election.
This form of astrology originated with me. I am the only one doing it, and the only one who uncovers mistaken presumptions. After the 2012 election, I went back through everything in that paper to see if I could discover my mistake. I did, and came up with another part of winner/loser astrology dependable in predicting outcomes. Then I added many more examples from presidential elections of earlier years. The original and updated astrology are shown for each case.
That paper got excessively wordy. This one is much simpler. Its approach to the prediction of outcomes is also unique to presidential astrology. It is discussed in the next several sections which precede the section "About This Method." Those not interested in the actual astrology can search for “tally” and arrive at a table below showing election results. But those who want to see presentation of the new approach need to read the next several sections.
The best charts for distinguishing winning/losing results with this method are the 3rd (of mind), 7th (significant others), and 10th (career and social image), with the 7th being the main chart of this method. It contains an immense amount of information. Below, however, results presented are primarily those of the 3rd chart for November 9, 2:00 a.m. EST (see note below on date and time used for election).
Why only the 3rd chart? Because every one's feelings, including non-candidates emotionally attached to candidate outcomes, show in their astrology at the time the winner is known. Our planet, Earth, is a planet of pronounced desires. Situated between venus (love, attraction, receptivity) and mars (hate, repulsion, action) it is the ground through which those dualities continuously express themselves through the medium of human beings. Our 2016 national election is highly charged and its outcome is of international interest.
The fact that one of two candidates (or their loved ones, or their enemies or allies, or simply those who have a strong attraction to one of them) has won has a specific, highly benefic (positive) astrology. The same is true if they lose—but specific and discordant. So far the 3rd chart of mind, and the feelings generated from the thoughts it represents, is most consistent in showing that. Since the whole of our astrology is really a map of our consciousness and what it attracts, the 3rd chart is not at all the sole index of our thoughts. But it is turning out to be best for our purposes.
There is an order of importance for the astrology “on election day.” I will list them, but keep in mind it is an over-simplification. Most important are transits—positions of the planets in the sky at the time relative to each individual’s astrology. They can be moving rather slowly, such as transiting saturn. Nonetheless, its exact position with regard to sensitive moons makes a difference.. Transiting harmonic planets can appear more like shooting stars, e.g., transiting harmonic (for the 3rd chart) venus or mars move into and out of sensitive spots in individuals’ astrology rather fast. Next, progressed harmonic moons and return moons move quickly (they are moving 5 times faster than the sidereal planet which sponsors them) and planets moving into their sets are sensitive “timers.” Finally, progressed birth and conception planets, in general, have less importance. Except for candidates themselves, aspects of planets to birth and conception Angles as well as their progressions usually have least importance.
In order, really, to judge all of the above one has to have a relatively good idea of how fast planets usually move and how fast they are moving by progression and transit. Even experienced astrologers can fail at times to see them correctly.
There are a number of ways use of the 3rd chart to judge election results can go wrong. Here are some of them:
The assumption, however, is that the more charged any individual's feeling about election outcomes, the more his/her feelings will be represented by their 3rd chart astrology on election day Therefore, when looking at larger groups from each camp (Trump or Clinton), the majority of the results should reflect who won and who lost.
The problem of accurate birth date and time is always a problem in predictive astrology. If, for instance, time is unknowingly off by just four minutes, that error continues to replicate through progressionand return Angles. These throw off interpretation.
Ultimately I ended up with 14 individuals representing the Trump camp, and 17 the Clinton camp. They range from the candidate himself/herself to their political allies, to various citizens. There is no significance to the difference in numbers. I just found it easier to find birth data on Clinton camp individuals than Trump.
Ivana Trump was Donald's first wife and she has remarried, so is ostensibly less concerned with whether Donald wins or loses. But her adult children with Trump are the ones helping with the campaign. And she has endorsed him.
Rodden reliability of birth data for everyone can be found in Data Acknowledgments below.
Here is the note on the date and time of the election. Election day 2016 falls on Tuesday, November 8. Since it is usually early the next day when we have a projected winner, I used 2:00 a.m. EST on November 9 as the date and time to look at all the astrology, including transits (position of planets in the sky at the time). For the purposes of this paper, that is "election day." Aside from the Bush v. Gore contest (which, as a matter of fact, did not show a winner on election day), results of most elections are known by 2 a.m. on election day + one.
Before going any further, for those interested below are comments on the nature of this very different form of astrology.
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. Here is the link to my paper which discusses the practical differences between sidereal (Eastern) and tropical (Western) zodiacs: Paper on Tropical vs. Sidereal Astrology/
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for static planets with lights is about 2.5°; without lights, about 1°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2° in the static, pre=progressed chart and 1 degree or less in the progressed chart . Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
The reason the word "about" is used in defining acceptable orbs in the paragraph above is that this method is so much different than other methods. For one thing, it has many more lights (suns, moons, and moon's nodes). They include birth and conception planets and their harmonics (for each harmonic chart) and their progressions. As well, lights in current returns function the same as the birth/conception lights for as long as the return lasts (40 days). Here I am having to introduce a change from past working rules discussed in the paper on "Chartrules." It lists larger orbs than those above which with less experienced astrologers end up creating too large, not valid sets. As well, orbs have to be changed in all previous papers. This is because when there is more than one light in a set, orbs are extended a little bit more than stated above.
Further, in terms of interactions with others, we can and do unconsciously, without effort, temporarily "borrow" the lights of others in our immediate environment. This is especially true, for instance, in long-term relationships such as occurs with parents, siblings, marriage partners, and long-term bosses and friends. Within those relationships planets--ones without lights in our own charts and therefore expressing little--pick up excitation from the suns, moons, and nodes of those other individuals and we start experiencing their expression in ourselves. We live in an ocean of energy, including each other's, and that is symbolically represented by such "borrowing" of the lights (consciousness, which is a form of energy)of others.
Stating fixed and inelastic orbs is also endlessly complicated by the fact that most of the charts used here and in the work of all astrologers are not rectified so that we are not absolutely sure time of birth is correct. If it is off by only four minutes, Midheavens are off by approximately one whole degree, and that affects reliability of orbs with lights when only 1 to 3 degrees is the allowable orb.
So "acceptable orbs" is a very dynamic process. I am still learning something about them. Yet, with 33 years experience with research with this method, I state unequivocally that when it comes to relationships between planets, "closer is always stronger" and keeping orbs stringent is not only important, it is the way things work empirically. Doing that "reasonably" with this method so different than standard astrology can only really be accomplished through increasing experience with the method for each astrologer. That takes time and much work, usually research.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” I did not discuss them in this paper, but they can be significant. The convention used when writing about house overlaps is to put the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:
About This Method
Empirically-Derived Rules for Reading These Charts
Because returns prior to the event in question play such a vital part in assessing the outcome, more should be said about them.
This method uses a return that occurs every time the sun in the sky reaches exactly 40° 00’ 00” from the individual’s birth sun, then 40° 00’ 00” from that sun, then 40° 00’ 00” more from that sun. This results in nine harmonic solar returns per year per individual throughout his lifetime. Their Angles (Midheaven and Ascendant) and their planets relative to the individual’s birth, conception and progressed planets have proven invaluable. All work together to demonstrate the astrology of an event.
The difficulty of doing returns for elections is that most of the time it is unknowable where individuals were for the return covering the election. Therefore, very few return Angles can be used in evaluating results. That is a loss, because return Angles are just as important as progressed ones. For instance, I resorted to using Paul Ryan's return Angles to come to conclusion. But where Paul Ryan lives, and where he will likely be during the election, is a well known fact--Janesville, WI. For all the other individduals in this paper, every part of the return, other than the Angles, is usable no matter where each individual was. In those cases, the return was done for the place of birth.
Only planets falling within 2° of return Angles are valid. Any planets in the return which fall within 1° of the individual’s birth, conception, progressed birth, and progressed conception Angles are also effective. Houses within returns are not interpreted. Whatever falls on Angles and into sets with lights (return, birth, conception, and progressed) are primary.
Each candidate has one harmonic solar return prior to the election which is in effect for the date of the election. Each will also have different returns occurring prior to the inauguration. I did check inauguration astrology for Trump and Clinton, but have not included it in this paper. Inauguration results were consistent with election results.
So, how with this method do we judge what, actually, is “winning” (and losing) 3rd chart astrology?
The Significators For Winning and Losing Events
There are two planets which sponsor much of our bad fortune—physically, mentally, and materially, depending on which chart they fall in and which houses they influence.
And two different planets sponsor much of our success, joy, and good fortune.
The planetary authors of most of our good feelings are venus and jupiter, known to traditional astrology as the lesser and greater benefics, respectively.
venus and jupiter together with a light (sun, moon, or moon's node) on or influencing an Angle, they create a golden benefic. Golden benefics are in evidence in almost all instances of success, winning, joy, in all areas of human experience.
To see the golden benefic (a conjunction of venus to jupiter) on his 4th house cusp (that is, on an Angle, in the same set with the Midheaven) for President George Bush for his stunning victory in 2004, do a search for his name in the paper on Eastern spiritual teachers: Paper on Gurus. His was one of several pieces of astrology included in that paper to show the power of golden benefics in charts of people other than spiritual teachers.
In excess they can and do sponsor difficulties, especially when some other part of the individual feels "deficient." Then, the bounty that jupiter sponsors is used to compensate for lacks in other areas of the individual's lives. People get greedy, substituting acquisition of money for love and self-acceptance. They eat too much.. They engage in excess sexuality, becoming addicts, and so on. Then venus/jupiter are “too much of a good thing,” that is, their influence is not balanced by the prudence sponsored by the pitfalls of mars and saturn.
The planetary authors of many of our difficult feelings and experiences are mars and saturn, known to traditional astrology as the lesser and greater malefics, respectively.
When not in excess, mars and saturn work well, as they should, to sponsor meaningful and productive lives. In moderation they represent that our aims are not always easily achieved, but perseverance and struggle brings them about. Even when forefront, if they are also accompanied by forefront benefics like venus and jupiter, they have their useful place in human experience.
For instance, mars and saturn are often forefront in the charts of explorers, boxers, extreme sportsmen. They show the difficulty of that particular lifestyle, its physical arduousness. They are famous and successful explorers (or sportsmen) if they also have 7th or 10th charts which contain forefront--often golden--benefics. Otherwise they remain anonymous. Without those accompanying benefics mars and saturn experiences are hard for all of us. Even then they have their place, if but a harsh one. For instance, ultimately our experiences of saturn--assuming they are not so severe as to bury us--sponsor some of our deepest, most individual, most humble, but genuine, learning experiences.
saturn is also one of the planets that is predominant in the abstract part of intellect, especially good for comprehending symbols and patterns. So, for instance, it plays a part in being good at mathematics.
From the above discussion, it should now be clear how we are going to identify the winners of the election:
The individual with venus and jupiter on or influencing Angles in his 3rd chart on the date of the election identifies the potential winner. The one with Angle/light/venus/jupiter, or just light/venus/jupiter—all together or summed--specifically functioning by timing close to the time the winner is projected is the winner.
Conversely, the loser of the same contest at that time will show an excess of Angle/light/mars/saturn in those two astrological forms, but especially the latter one—the faster-forming set.
To make the prevalence of these two sets of planets more obvious in their astrology for election day, throughout this paper I have coded venus and jupiter in an aqua blue, while mars and saturn are coded red. The usefulness of this practice becomes obvious when looking at actual election results for each candidate.
Because presidential elections involve their candidates in long-term, arduous campaigning, clearly both will have a certain amount of Angle/light/mars/saturn in various combinations late in the campaign as a reflection of just that. The question is, then, do they also have the necessary benefic influence?
Charts Used
This election uses primarily the 3rd chart (of mind), though I occasionally comment on sets in 7th and 10th charts.
Here is a reminder of conventions used in this astrological method:
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used below are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. MC = Midheaven. Asc = Ascendant. B-Loc MC, for instance, stands for the birth Midheaven for a given locality. And pB-Loc MC, for instance, represents a progressed birth Midheaven for a given date and place. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers—for ease of reading—I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but to avoid worse confusion I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.” Something like “pc10 venus” is translated the harmonic of progressed conception venus for the 10th chart, while “t7 venus” stands for the harmonic of transiting venus for the 7th chart.
Worth repeating: the acceptable orb for progression of a planet to an Angle and vice versa is no more than 1°. If it is with a light, orb is extended by about one-half degree. Return Angles, however, have an allowable orb of 2°, with 2° being the weakest acceptable.
All of the individuals are well-known, so biographical information is kept to a bare minimum.
FYI: the cycle of the moon in the skies is approximately 27 and ½ days—during which time period it goes through all 360 degrees of the zodiac. That equals about 13 degrees per day. Therefore, sidereally, in the secondary progressions (used here) where a day’s movement in a daily ephemeris equals one year, the progressing moon moves 13 degrees per year (ca. plus or minus 1 degree), or around 1 degree per month. So its harmonic for the 3rd chart (which uses the 5th harmonic), moves around 5-7 degrees per month, or about one degree every six days, or ca. 10 minutes per day. The harmonic moons are the fastest moving lights in all progressions. The lights which surpass them are transiting suns and moons. Transiting sidereal suns move ca. 1 degree per day, with their 3rd chart harmonic moving ca. 5 degrees per day. Transiting sidereal moons move that whopping 13 degrees per day, and in the harmonic for the 3rd chart, approximately 5x13=45 degrees per 24-hour day. These latter moons, however, cannot be used in elections because we are not certain of the exact time the election/contest will be decided.
We have three individuals for this category. Donald J. Trump is running for the presidency of the United States. [Because his methods are so controversial, in late October I added much more on Donald Trump than on any other individual written about in this paper. For almost all others, the astrology and biography are the bare bones necessary for identifying them and whether or not they won or lost.]
Notice that Trump has a dual overlap between 3rd and 9th houses which produces a kind of identity between lower and higher mind, the result depending on exactly what he thinks. So, religiosity (9th) can usurp practicality (3rd), but narrow thinking (mostly 3rd) can also usurp broader viewpoints (9th).
Set (1) shows an MC/jupiter set. Set (2) shows a set with Angle/sun/mercury. And Set (3) shows a wide Angle/venus. Summed, then, he has Angle/venus/jupiter in is 3rd chart, showing a bright mind. Mercury directly on an Angle concurs.
He has been having progressed b sun crossing over B Asc, being at 6 Leo 16 on election day. That shows an individual projecting seriousness and dignity, especially in the sign Leo. His “narcissistic” component comes from his c moon, ruler of c 7th house, at 11 Leo 01 in 1st/8th houses. Moon, not sun, in Leo has a strong tendency to self-aggrandizement. It is also poor at apologizing, apparently because apologizing makes one smaller. Being right all the time doesn't.
Trump's life philosophy of not only attacking back, but doing it much harder, any one he perceives to be attacking him is suggested astrologically by his set comprised of b moon, ruler of b 12th house, at 27 Scorpio 13 conjunct b SN at 26 Scorpio 29. His b sun, ruler of B Asc (making the set forefront and likely to express throughout his life), is also in the set, These--none are harmonic--are in all charts. Sun or moon conjunct a South Node is always a problem. Both are lights. The SN represents consciousness from past lives (or ingrained ones in this one, depending on your preference). Belonging to past life consciousness it is not appropriate for this one--"the present." With the moon, which represents automatic consciousness in this lifetime, together they represent a strong ongoing pull toward expressing the sign and houses the conjunction is in. Our lunar North Nodes represent consciousness we should seek in this lifetime as a means of bringing our thinking to a middle between the two--to noumena, to lack of attachment, to the golden mean. So Trump's North Node in Taurus represents moving toward the peace and materiality (luxury, beauty, aesthetics) of this world. Dwelling on that much of his life, he has had success--a good enough reputation for Trump to develop a brand of his name.
South Node conjunct moon in Scorpio shows a consciousness focused too much on struggle and fighting. It also shows up in the chart of a man diagnosed as schizophrenia (paranoid). That man had temporary progressions fitting the diagnosis, but since they were temporary, he was not really schizophrenic. He was paranoid, involved in the consciousness this life is fighting and struggle from some past life.
Trump's conjunction of non-harmonic SN/moon in Scorpio shows another node--harmonic c7 SN at 27 Scorpio 40 in his 7th chart. It significantly increases his tendency to manifest this consciousness with others (7th). In his 4th chart, which besides our relationship to home and real estates shows the influence of the father. harmonic c4 mars, ruler of c 4th and c 11th, and co-ruler of c 3rd house (of mind) and c 10th (social image, career) at 29 Scorpio 03. Its presence in this chart suggests two things. One, that it was his father (4th chart) who re-stressed this form of consciousness so that it would show up in this lifetime. And two, that it will show up strongly and publicly toward the end of this life (4th house).
The sets in this chart that show affliction on November 9 are as follows:
All of the above point to losing a contest.
In his 10th chart Trump has an interesting set worthy of comment. Here it is in table form:
Date | PC Moon | PC10 venus | C jupiter |
10/26/16 | 8 Pisces 33 | 8 Virgo 23 | 8 Virgo 26 |
11/02/16 | 8 Pisces 50 | 8 Virgo 41 | 8 Virgo 26 |
11/09/16 | 9 Pisces 09 | 8 Virgo 58 | 8 Virgo 26 |
Since pc10 venus rules C MC, the above set s hows a progressed golden benefic—a powerful set for success. But it is closest in orb on October 26. By November 9 progressed c moon has passed one-half degree beyond that c jupiter. And there are no other lights involved that would extend orb. So I interpret it to mean that Trump will get a surge in the polls about two weeks before election day which will incline people to believe he is going to win. It may be that he has an ace up his sleeve, perhaps a steady stance, that he will be disclosing just prior to that time. By election day, however, this golden benefic has become "late," having already expressed its fullest potential. Add to that the fact that he has other afflictions in his 10th chart. One of the latter is transiting10 saturn at 3 Capricorn 36 conjunct his C Asc. Combined with his 3rd chart astrology for election day, his 10th chart does not support a win.
[October 17, 2016] Actually,, the position of the above three planets is excellent for the 3rd presidential dabate on October 19, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here they are for that date
Date | PC Moon | PC10 venus | C jupiter |
10/26/16 | 8 Pisces 16 | 8 Virgo 06 | 8 Virgo 26 |
This implies that his polls will get a considerable boost from this debate. Up to this date, though still able to win by a long shot, many of the poll stats have shown him considerably behind Clinton.
Since Trump has been running on his prowess as a business man, and his "brand" plays a large part in that prowess, a look at his 2nd chart (personal finances) in general and for election day should be interesting.
Set (3a) shows Trump has an Angular golden benefic in this chart. venus and jupiter are in the same set with C Asc. The venus is a little wide (2° is the allowable orb), but each time it picks up a progressed or return moon will form a stronger set.
Set (3b) shows another angle/venus influence, with b2 sun ruling B Asc while c uranus rules c 2nd house and b uranus rules b 8th house. The 2nd/8th overlap is helpful in that c jupiter at 8 Virgo 26 is in b 2nd house and simultaneously in c 8th. C2 venus is in b 8th while simultaneously (through a house ruler) influencing c 2md.The mercury in Leo is NOT on B Asc, but it is angular with B MC at 0 Taurus 23.
All of the above give Trump—except for really difficult progressions—a lifelong benevolent astrology for making money.
On the day of the election he has two sets which are worth comment. Progressed C Asc at 28 Aries 27 is in the same set with pc2 mars at 28 Capricorn 07. I did not check to see which was moving faster, but imagine it is the progressing harmonic mars, so this set is not yet exact. Progressed c2 saturn at 3 Capricorn 22 is conjunct C Asc at 3 Capricorn 20. Both suggest he suffers financially. Progressed c2 mercury at 13 Pisces 08 in c 2nd house is in the same set with c NN at 13 Gemini 04. A progressed mercury in Pisces in this instance suggests a sense of suffering and loss.
On the other hand, these are temporary, progressed sets. His 2nd chart starts out at birth--its major emphasis--with both venus and jupiter on Angles. That is, it is a golden benefic. So, he will recover from this. In particular, if he starts a media company with the following of deeply dedicated individuals he has gained from running for president, he will not only recover, he will recoup his losses and go on to make lots of money—maybe more than he had before he ran for the U.S. presidency.
In pursuing devoted followers rather than the presidency, he will be using his Scorpio consciousness, discussed above, in the service of building on his Taurus consciousness. That is, through Trump media he will employ alt- right commentaries in the service of further developing his own wealth (Taurus is natural sign of the 2nd house of money). He presently has 13 million followers in the United States.. [This part and that above on his Scorpio consciousness is being written on October 23,2016.] If only a sizeable fraction of them subscribe to his network at $10 per month times 12 months per year, he will perhaps have arrived at his ultimate branding. Only 10 million subscribers yields him $120 million per year.
The above make sense of his having a campaign CEO in Stephen Bannon, former CEO of Breitbart, an alt-right news outlet.. It makes sense of his growing emphasis that everything, including the election, is rigged. His followers will believe that and stick with him. It makes sense of his continual doubling down on offensive remarks loved by his followers but which cost him so many votes of others. All these behaviors imply that by doing so he is not really “melting down” at the thought of losing the election. He is acting purposefully. Because of the meaning of his Scorpio South Node, I do not doubt that losing anything will not be fun for him. However, doing it intentionally in order to set up an almost “up-and-running” media empire—with potential subscribers worldwide—would compensate any pain and embarrassment at losing. True, he will have made serious enemies among Republicans. True, some followers will be turned off by his loss. But others will not fail to be impressed—not the least turned off—with how astutely he used the presidential elections to create an empire.
Combining her Sets (4) and (5) Tiffany has Angle/mercury,venus/jupiter in this chart. Along with her b sun at 25 Virgo 42, all show a fine and discriminating intellect.
However, the unnumbered set above showing c3 NN in Pisces conjunct c moon in Pisces opposed by b3 mercury in Virgo conjunct the Virgo South Node suggest in this lifetime much of Tiffany's growth will come through faith and feeling the oneness of all life (Pisces), not through the sense of separation promoted by the Virgo part.
She has a preponderance of difficult sets in this chart for November 9:
All of the above point to losing a contest. In this case, it points to the loss by someone she is identified with, her father.
Set (6) shows an Angle/jupiter. Since c3 mercury rules C MC and therefore acts like alight, Set &) is a golden benefic for her 3rd chart, with the Sagittarius representing anything from an aspiration, spiritual, international, optimistic and/or philosophical turn of mind. She also has her c moon in Gemini conjunct uranus, suggesting progressiveness and mental flexibility.
Significant sets for the election are:
All of the above suggest Trump's loss of the election.
For the additional supporters on both sides I am going to abbreviate elaboration of winning or losing sets, limiting them “most decisive ones.” That means if there are strong sets (or even just one) involving transits, which emphasize conditions at 2 a.m. on November 9, they may be the only ones shown. If there are no strong transits, then pertinent sets involving progressions and return will be those shown. This will cut down on the amount of astrology that needs to be presented.
For our purposes, a strong negative transit can outweigh positive progressions/ and return combinations because the latter are not as time specific as the former. We are trying to catch the moment and are supposing that moment to be the one in which the presidential winner has been established..
Note that C MC and C Asc are both involved with sun/saturn sets. All are non-harmonc, so occur in all charts. They are the likely progenitors of his heart condition, shown in some other chart.
The second set above points to a sense of upset. With no positive sets to offset both sets, they suggest Trump's loss.
Sets (32) and (33) show that c saturn, ruler of c 3rd house, is Angular in both. They would represent considerable depression except that each set also contains jupiter (for optimism). Set (33) also shows an Angular golden benefic. He has a third interesting set involving B Asc at 29 Scorpio 13 with c3 moon at 2 Gemini 0, b3 mercury at 0 Gemini 13, and c mercury at 0 Virgo 35. With two mercuries on an Angle and a chart golden benefic, he probably did very well on tests.
Rumsfeld has two positive transits. T sun at 22 Libra 20 is highlighting his c jupiter, co-ruler of c 2nd house, at 22 Cancer 06, and t venus at 1 Sagittarius 33 is approaching his c3 moon at 2 Gemini 02.
In terms of the presidential outcome, however, those are outweighed by the following sets:
All the above suggest loss.
Note that b saturn in Set (34) progressing toward both birth Angles at 5 Gemini and 5 Virgo. Since is will hit both Angles at the same time, it represents a heavey Angular saturn emphasis, representing and time of darkness and struggles. Progressing b saturn was at 5 Gemini 43 when he was 20 years old. But because each Angle acts like a light (with a small orb of ca. ½ degree), it would have been felt sooner than age 20. Progressing b saturn was at 4 Gemini 20 at age 10. So about half way between around age 15, things got really rough and lasted for around the next 5-7 years. This is based on a 2:30 birth, so time may be a bit off, but it was New York City, so time may be right on. Since the mercury, b3 mercury at 4 Pisces 26, also acts like a light because it rules both B Angles, during the progression of saturn over those Angles he would have had two progressed Angle/light/saturns—dark.
Set (35) would have helped him during that time as it is an optimistic set. While that jupiter is out of orb to be affecting C MC, the two moons in the set bring it into orb.
Relevant sets for the election are:
Giuliani does have one nicely positive set in the form of pb3 mercury, ruler of B MC and B Asc and light, at 9 8corpio 20 is in the same set with pb jupiter at 9 Leo 00, but it is not as good a timer as the sets above involving transits.
The above sets represent a loss.
Murdoch's interest in media is shown by the conjunction of c venus at 14 Geini 09 to b jupiter at 16 Gemini 41—in c 3rd house—lighted by c3 moon at 16 Pisces 00. He also has c jupiter and b3 sun in Gemini. Set (36) also shows he has mercury on an Angle.
Set (37) shows an Angle/jupiter.
Relevant sets for the elections are as follows:
Murdoch does have pc NN at 1 Aries 08 emphasizing Angle/jupiter shown above in Set (37) and nothing more (by progression, return, and transits) which is positive.
The above sets suggest Murdoch loses in his choice for president.
Note the above is about the 10th chart. Limbaugh's 3rd chart did was not good enough to make any conclusions about the election. His 10th chart is. We can use it even though it represents his career and not Trump's because as a well-known public figure, when he backs Trump he takes on some of the luster of Trump's success, and vice versa, loses some prestige if Trump loses.
The surprising thing for me in Limbaugh's astrology is his conjunction of venus and jupiter in Aquarius on C Descendant, shown in Set (38). Considering his ongoing success, the venus/jupiter is not surprising. But I usually associate Aquarius with progressive attitudes. Mercury's presence in that set contributes to his success as a talk show host. In his 7th chart it picks up a saturn in Aquarius. Set (39) shows an Angular mars in Aries in b 3rd house, an aggressive set demonstrating perhaps rash or less-than-factual statements.
Sets suggesting Trump's loss in Limbaugh's 10th chart are as follows:
Limbaugh's astrology does not evidence that much positive astrology on election day in this chart, so the above sets suggest loss.
Nicklaus' astrology is dual, but his positive sets outweigh his negative one. His main negative one is strong because it influences both conception Angles. It is comprised of:
His positive sets consist of the following:
Because transits are for the most part not affecting Nicklaus' negative sets and they are his positive ones, I have to interpret this astrology as a win for Trump.
Set (40) shows that Hannity has a 3rd-chart golden benefic (with saturn). The nodes make it stronger. Set (41) shows b3 mercury on an Angle with C Asc at 23 Aries 23 with .three lights, a highly active set for speech and communication..
Hannity's sets for the election are mixed:
But he also has:
In sum, it looks like the negative sets outweigh the positive ones, but the latter are not negligible. Noteworthy is the fact that t10 saturn at 3 Capricorn 36 falling in Set (40) above. That gives the set two saturns, pulling down the normal good fortune of the set. So I am going to judge this a loss for Trump.
Note his b mercury in Gemini in the same set with both B Angles and c sun shown in Set (41a). It is not surprising he is a spokesman for a certain segment of our nation.
Duke has one major negative set for the election, but it does not pick up a 2 AM transit. Here it is, pc moon, ruler of C MC, at 27 Aquarius 18 is in the same set with pb saturn at 27 Leo 23 and pc3 mars at 27 Scorpio 41,
His positive sets are:
Sets (42) and (43) show that Falwell has ,b>saturn on two Angles, creating obstacles in life along with sobriety and hard work necessary to succeed. Saturn is anti-charismatic. Set (42), already on an Angle with a node, also influence C MC through c neptune. While saturn is good at establishing boundaries (in whichever area of life), neptune does just the opposite. It dissolves and obscures boundaries, making Set (42) one which describes a sense of vulnerability as well as deflation.
C 3rd house shows a lighted neptune in it. Along with his neptune on an Angle, it suggests a certain amount of grandiosity (in Leo, neptune, make believe) along with a tendency to be deluded. I would include his calling Trump a modern Churchill in the latter category.
Falwell’s mind is helped by the set—Set (43a)-- which includes c3 mercury, ruler of C Asc in b 3rd house,, at 2 Pisces 11 in the same set with b sun at 2 Gemini 07, c3 venus at 2 Gemini 21, and b moon at 1 Sagittarius 42.
Falwell’s sets for election day are mixed in the implications.
Among his benefic ones are the following:
The above are strong positive implications for a win for Trump. But let’s look at his negative ones:
Which do we count predominant? Most of the time in this particular paper, I have not payed that much attention to which houses are ruled. For instance, a set influencing a 3rd house of mind will be stronger for positive when with benefics like venus and jupiter, and more strongly negative when with malefics like mars and saturn. I know, for instance, that just venus transiting a moon—regardless of what house that moon rules, is a powerful indicator of a temporary sense of victory.
Above, Falwell has the venus transit to a moon, and it even influence an Angle and a 3rd house. Moreover, he has venus on an Angle, t saturn at 20 Scorpio 18 is bearing down on his c3 sun (ruler of c 3rd house) at 20 Scorpio 37, and t3 NN at 16 Libra 16 is bringing even more forefront his Angle/node/saturn/neptune with influence to two Angles.
So, if I look just a little further in his astrology—past 2 AM EST on 11/9/2016, to 7 PM on that date, we will see that t venus at 2 Sagittarius 24 has passed out of Set (43a) and its influence to C Asc in b 3rd house. Likewise, t3 saturn at 11 Aquarius 53 has moved into closer opposition to c moon at 12 Leo 46, and t saturn, at 20 Scorpio 23 has gotten even closer in its conjunction to c3 sun, ruler of c 3rd house, at 20 Scorpio 37.
I am going to list Falwell’s astrology as Ambiguous in the table below, but I think the paragraph above points to a loss for Trump.
Set (44) shows us another Angle/mercury, this one with uranus. It means he is a spokesman, and really smart and intuitive about something—probably basketball. His other Angles show an Angle/venus and an Angle/pluto. The Angle/venus picked up a jupiter for the election—doesn't get much better. And he has other beneific directions at the time of the election. Nonetheless, as an official Trump supporter we want to look at his astrology for 2 a.m.:
The above suggest Knight's candidate loses in spite of Knight's strong positive astrology during the period of the election.
Set (45) shows an Angle/mars/neptune. Combined with the Asc/pluto, Seagal has a summed Angle/mars/neptune/pluto. It seems good for martial arts though more astrology may be involved.
Seagal's sets for election date are:
The above sets represent a presidential loss for Seagal.
Set (46) shows another Angle/mars/neptune in an athlete's chart (they don't all have it). It provides excitement and energy. The other set involved B Asc in the same set with three lights and jupiter, which rules c 4th house and co-rules c 3rd, provides mental optimism. It also provides support in the later years (4th).
Jenner's astrology for election night is as follows:
The above sets suggest Jenner's candidate—Trump—loses.
We have six individuals for this category. Bernie Sanders was originally included until I realized his birth data was entirely unreliable as to time.
Note that Secretary Clinton has two mercuries on Angles—on both Ascendants. Set (8) shows jupiter and saturn both on B Asc and C MC in all charts. One of the interpretations of Angle/mercury/saturn in this set is “bad press” (mercury=press, speech, saturn=bad), Trump has one in his 10th chart discussed above, I just did not mention that particular interpretation of it. Set (9), I believe, represents a capacity for extensive research, a wish and efforts to get to the bottom of things, hence research. B3 saturn can also be included in it, with mercury/saturn/pluto representing an ability to concentrate of details.
Not in the drawing, but important to the chart is the conjunction of b venus, ruler of B Asc at 22 Libra 14 to c3 jupiter, ruler of c 3rd house in the same set with c3 SN at 24 Capricorn 40—a golden benefic.
Her 10th chart also has b10 jupiter in that set with Angle/pluto, with jupiter at 18 Cancer 15. Also in that chart, b10 venus at 26 Capricorn 52 gives her a golden benefic for ongoing social prestige.
Sets pertinent to the day of the election are as follows:
Her return for New York City shows return MC at 6 Taurus 34 in the same set with b jupiter at 6 Scorpio 31 and return moon at 5 Scorpio 49; return Asc at 10 Leo 58 in the same set with c venus at 13 Scorpio 24; return3 NN is at 23 Libra 25 conjunct her conjunction of venus and jupiter in Libra with influence to B Asc through venus. Transiting sun is at 22 Libra 23, highlighting it.
All of the above sets point to the experience of being a winner on election day--Clinton wins.
Tim Kaine has some really interesting 3rd chart astrology.
Set (10) shows C MC in Aries conjunct mercury and uranus. The b uranus in Cancer is also part of the set. C mercury rules c 3rd house. This is the set of a brilliant (mercury/uranus/3rd), innovative (uranus in Aries), progressive mind. It is great for coming up with new ideas in old places.
Set (11) seals the deal in terms of his next job as Vice President with a job of bringing people together. It is a golden benefic with two sets of venus and jupiter. The two nodes in the set act as the lights. venus/jupiter/NN in Libra is superb for successfully (NN) influencing others. Influence to Angles occurs to B MC through the two b jupiters and to B Asc through b neptune. B 3rd house is ruled by the two b venuses. This part of the set ensures that his brilliance and mediating abilities will be successful and recognized.
I did not work out the exact dates, but Set (11) will suffer some loss of benefic potency at a point in the future when pc3 saturn enters it for several years. On November 9, 2020 it is at 9 Capricorn 29R. On November 9, 2024 it is at 8 Capricorn 52R. It is moving approximately 37 minutes per year and its influence will be strongest as it passes through those two nodes at 7 and 8 Libra.
For the election his 10th chart shows pb10 venus, ruler of b 3rd and 8th houses, at 10 Pisces 36 conjunct B Asc. His return picks up affliction around its Angles, but it is done for Washington, DC, so these Angles are in question. 3rd chart sets demonstrative of successful results are as follows:
All of the above suggest a successful election outcome.
Set (12) shows us what is almost, but not quite, a golden benefic. With mercury/venus/jupiter/saturn in it, it lacks a light. The 3rd house influence is through mercury, which is naturally associated with the 3rd house. Influence to an Angle is through c saturn, rule of C Asc. Set (13) has the light, but lacks Angular influence. It is, however, a lighted conjunction of venus and jupiter, and it is in Virgo, the sign prominent in charts of generals (as tacticians). It is also in Clinton's c 8th house, where it works well to discern and influence the motives of others.
Also noteworthy in President Clinton's 3rd chart is that conjunction of mars and neptune in Virgo to B Asc—also in the same set with B MC (which acts like a light with 2° orb for the set on the Asc). Both the b mars and the c neptune influence 3rd houses, In Virgo, again, it is highly analytical, with the mars/neptune providing a wilyness—“now you see me, now you don't.” Normally Angle/mars/neptune/3rd in a 3rd chart tends to paranoid schizophrenia. But this does NOT because none of the planets are harmonic—this set is in all charts and there is nothing specifically 3rd chart about it. The strong benefic influence to a 3rd house (Set 12) also counters mental illness.
Sets in this chart germane to election outcome are:
All of the above suggest an outcome of winning.
Chelsea's 3rd chart golden benefic is shown in Set (14). In it b moon rules B MC and c venus rules c 3rd house. Set (15) shows mercury on an Angle. With pluto it tends to intense focus, research. Since that mercury co-rules (18 of 22°) c 3rd house and also co-rules (26 of 42°) c 6th house, it shows a potential interest in health matters.
Chelsea's pertinent sets for this chart for election day are:
All of the above sets verify Chelsea's participation emotionally in her mother's election as President of the United States.
Set (16) shows an Angle/sun/mercury/jupiter. The jupiter is too far from C Asc, but the sun in the set increases orb, and every time a progressed or return light enters the set it also acts to include jupiter.
Set (17) shows a lighted venus, with c venus ruling C MC. Summed, Sets (16) and (17) show a 3rd-chart golden benefic. Neither set influences 3rd houses except that the mercury in the first set on an Angle already refers to an excellent intelligence.B MC in the above drawing Is in the same set with c3 uranus and b NN. That NN/uranus conjunction favors change as well as the use of the word “change,” as was the case in his 2008 election.
Sets in this chart which bear on the outcome on election day are as follows:
All of the above speak astrologically of Obama having a feeling of winning on election day 2016.
Worth mentioning is the fact that he also has a return-oriented dark malefic (Angle/mars/saturn). His B MC at 4 Scorpio 41 is in the same set with return3 saturn at 4 Aquarius 13 and return3 mars at 4 Leo 47. This return occurs on October 26, 2016 and I was uncertain where he would be at the time. I wonder if it is not a reflection of his reaction to Trump's apparent ascend-ency—discussed above under Trump;s astrology—in the second week prior to the election. Something else that would agree with that is that return moon at 19 Leo 44 was in the same set with return saturn at 18 Scorpio 51, i.e., saturn is under the moon. During the next two weeks it crosses into exact aspect with it, then beyond it, ending up at 20 Scorpio 18 on November 8/9. In passing beyond it, the pressure and uncertainty—actually, depression—dissolves and that progressed Angular golden benefic with pB Asc in Aries then comes into play at 10 p.m. November 8, He goes from fear and depression, or perhaps for Obama, I should just say grave concern, to joy.
Set (18) shows us Angle/sun/venus, with b sun ruling B MC.
Set (19) includes Angle/jupiter/saturn/neptune. Summed, the two sets show a golden benefic in this chart. True, it includes saturn (as it does for several other individuals written about here)--if there is enough benefic support, the saturn then serves to bring delays or learning experiences which promote wisdom. Biden's birth time was given as 8:30 a.m.--probably a good estimate. Birth about four minutes later would also put his c mercury, ruler of c 3rd house, at 29 Capricorn 58 and his c3 mercury, at 29 Capricorn 52, in Set (19). Mercury/jupiter/neptune is expansive and religious/spiritual. The mercury/saturn part in his 5th chart worked through the early death of his daughter (and wife) in an auto accident, while in his 10th is works out as him sometimes “saying what is one his mind” and getting into political hot waiter because of it. Notice how it works differently for him, Hillary, and Trump.
Biden's sets in this chart germane to election day are as follows:
All of the above refer to the feeling of winning.
Some of the following individuals were outright Clinton supperters, and some were only deduced from their behavior in public life.
This is a a 9:00 PM birth, so even though the time is from the birth certificate, the on-the-hour time suggests it was approximate. So, we are uncomfortable using any Angles.
Noteworthy in his chart is the conjunction of B Asc with c SN in Gemini, Set (47) above. T he Pope has a tendency to to being head heavy, but the conjunction of the NN to mercury in Sagittarius in 7/8th houses encourages higher mind and spirituality in his relations with others and rewards him for same.
The above is not his only Sagittarian (9th house, religious, spiritual) influence: he has b NN at 0 Sagittarius 24, b sun at 2 Sagittarius 03, b3 moon at 3 Sagiitarius 25, b3 neptune at 5 Sagittarius 28—all of those lighted and with a NN showing growth through spirituality. His b jupiter is also at 9 Sagittarius 41, and c3 venus at 23 Sagittarius 18 is conjunct c3 SN at 24 Sagittarius 13. C3 venus rules C Asc.
2 a.m. EST equals 8 a.m. MET, a time the Pope has likely already been up for some time. His election results are as follows::
All of the above suggest a win.
The set—number (48) around both C Angles also includes three lights, so that jupiter in Sagittarius has an influence on those Angles that its large orb from them would normally disqualify. (Acceptable orb to Angles is 2°). Light/jupiter/neptune is an aspect with several interpretations—mystical, religious, philosophical.
Gore's transiting astrology for the election is minimal, but it is also all there is. There are no negative transits. Here, including some plain progressions, are the benefic ones:
The above suggests Gore's candidate wins.
Set (49) shows C Asc in the same set with mercury,venus/mars/uranus.
Carter has a serious transiting malefic set with t3 saturn at 1 Aquarius 30 conjunct c SN at 11 Aquarius 04, b3 mars at 11 Aquarius 01, and with pc3 sun at 11Leo 07. Although it shows a timed light/mars/saturn set for 2 a.m., none of its planets rules an Angle, so its effect is not as strong as the positive ones below:
The above sets ultimately suggest a win for Carter's candidate, Hillary Clinton.
Since c mercury rules C Asc, it also acts like a light, and Set (50) shows (light)/mercury/venus/uranus influence to an Angle. Bush's B Angles in the same set with neptune show an influence to gentleness.
He has a node/mars/saturn in his return astrology, but none of them rules an Angle. His pertinent benefic sets for the election are:
The above sets culminate in suggesting a Clinton win.
Set (51) shows B Asc in Aquarius as Angle/node/mercury/2 saturn. With mercury rules C Asc this set influences two Angles. It produces a heavier thinker good with details and perseverance. It would help offset a tendency to flights of fancy with that b3 neptune in Leo in c 3rd house on an Angle with B MC and b SN in Scorpio.
Mondale's astrology for the election is dual. For serious negative sets he has:
On the positive side he has:
Of the two, the negative saturn transit in Aquarius is strongest because of its influence to two Angles and it is lighted. Who knows? Perhaps the fact that he already has saturn there considerably lessens this set's negative implications--”been there, done that, t'is nothing new.”
It is not that he does not have some nicely positive sets for 2 AM, with no information I have no explanation for his “nicely negative” t saturn set. I have to declare this astrology ambiguous for announcing a winner.
Set (52) just shows Blair has an Angular uranus. Combined with his lighted c uranus in b 3rd house, he appears progresive, innovative, intuitive, and flexible. Set (53) show us, again in this paper, an Angular mercury.
Blair has a progressed sun/mars/saturn, with pb sun at 22 Gemini 08, pb mars at 22 Gemini 11, and pc saturn at 22 Virgo 35. Although they pick up emphasis for 2 AM through t3 sun at 21 Virgo 41 and t3 moon at 21 Pisces 04, none of the planets in the set rules an Angle. He has other return negative sets.
Blair's birth time was given as 6:10 am GDT. Since European births are traditionally recorded to the nearest quarter hour, the suggestion here is that Blair's birth time was either exact or to the nearest 5 minutes. Hope so, because here I have to use his progressed Angles.
Blair's benefic sets for the election are:
While the above sets do not necessarily make astrological comment on Clinton's win, they do provide enough positive astrology to record it possibility for this endorser.
Here I will just state I have omitted the astrology for Dianne Feinstein. Her 3rd-chart workup is complex, but in the end is negative. That is, while she has two strong lighted <jupiter sets for election day, the transits are both powerful and all negative. According to the way I have been interpreting such situations, then, her astrology does not confirm Clinton's election.
It is possible that her positive astrology confirms Clinton, and her more closely timed negative astrology reflects either losses in the tate of California, or the Senate being unable to achieve a Democratic majority. At any rate, I will include her in the table as a loss for Clinton.
Set (54) shows us our Angle/mercury/uranus seen so often in the paper. This one also includes jupiter—an excellent set for intuition (uranus), ideas (mercury/Gemini) and intricate details (Virgo jupiter). Since the mercury in the set rules C Asc, it also acts like a light and further strengthens the benevolence of this set.
Set (55) shows another Angle with lighted/jupiter—a strong, sound mind.
Brown's relevant astrology for the election is:
The above sets, not accompanied by much that is malefic, suggest Clinton wins.
Sets (56) and (57) summed show Angle/mercury/jupiter/uranus.
Sets relevant to the elections are:
Just for a kicker, his 10th chart (the prestige he gains from having picked the winning candidate, though he hardly needs it) in his 10th chart Bloomberg had the following set: t3 venus at 18 Taurus 37 in the same set with pc jupiter at 18 Taurus 19 and return moon at 18 Taurus 30 and return10 sun at 18 Taurus 46. B jupiter is at 17 Taurus 36. Return saturn at 18 Scorpio 11 is also in the set, but by 2 AM has passed on to 20 Scorpio 48, which I am reading as having lost its influence on this golden benefic set.
So the above astrology interprets as a win for Bloomberg's choice, Clinton.
Set (58) describes an Angle/sun/jupiter/uranus. He does not have an Angle/mercury, but a Gemini Angle is a powerful representative for mercury since with this method its two rulers—sidereal and harmonic, are already lights, so whereever they are, they are influential.
de Blasio does have a significant negative set in the form of:
That is an Angle-influencing sun/moon/mercury/mercury/mercury/pluto set with three lights being hit by transiting saturn. It is very powerful. It has to represent something quite unpleasant. But is it Clinton losing? Or is it some other political outcome? It is so powerful that if it applied only to Clinton it could easily be chosen as the deciding set representing her loss.
His positive sets for elections day are:
The above two sets point to ambiguiity with regard to whether de Blasio's endorsement of Clinton wins.
We are back to the often-seen Angle/mercury/uranus, but this one also includes a NN and a saturn. saturn/uranus together imply an ability to work innovatively (uranus) with the status quo (saturn).
Bradley's pertinent election sets are:
The above sets suggest an election win for Bradley's candidate.
Set (60) is just an interesting illustration of her Gemini lights on an Angle and in the same set with C MC/node/jupiter/pluto—surely a well-known communicator. While she does not have mercury/uranus on an Angle, she does have them in two sets, one of which influences b 3rd house and the other which influences—a sign of high intelligence.
Maddow's pertinent sets for the election are:
The above astrology points to a win for Maddow's apparent choice of President.
picture from en.wikipedia.org
McCain is running for re-election as the Senator from Arizona..
Set (22) include moon/venus/jupiter in winch c venus rules C MC and c 3rd house as well as most of c 9th. It constitutes a golden benefic. Also in this set, not shown, are c3 venus at 17 Pisces 28, c3 pluto at 7 Pisces 20, and c3 saturn at 18 Pisces 51. I did not want to try to interpret them. They may have something to do with his years as a POW.
Set (23) shows b venus in the same set with C MC and C Asc.
McCain's sets active on election day that predict his attitude toward the outcome are as follows:
All the above sets, unchallenged by any serious affliction, spell out John McCain's successful re-election as Senator.
I confess Ryan's astrology for the election is so complex that a decision of whether he won or lost was quite difficult. Ultimately I resorted to two other charts. This method has two moons—birth and conception—which can be used to do lunar returns, both of which last about one month. His birth lunar return occurred on October 29, 2016 at 9:34:58 a.m. CST. His conception lunar return occurred on October 18, 2016 at 6:07:05 a.m. CST. Both were erected for Janesville.
First, let's look at his 3rd chart astrology.
Set (24) shows jupiter and saturn in the same set with C MC, with jupiter closest to C MC. The jupiter occurs in all charts, whereas the saturn is peculiar to this 3rd chart alone. Whereas saturn/Angle is usually most difficult, jupiter and saturn work well together to check and sober (saturn) his enthusiasm (jupiter).
Set (24) shows an Angle/uranus. Since this kind of set occurs in many of the political charts I have looked at, I suspect it helpful in creating the flexibility needed to be in politics, on committees, and in endless discussions.
Set (25) is Ryan's golden benefic for his 3rd chart. It shows a conjunction of sun/venus/jupiter/pluto in Capricorn (with mercuries in Aries and Cancer). It shows good fortune (venus/jupiter) in areas connected to power, structure, and function—i.e., governing. In it b3 sun rules B MC, c3 jupiter rules C Asc, and b3 mercury co-rules (23 of 30°) b 10th house, with that mercury being the only reference to a 3rd house within the chart. It also suggests conservative because saturn and Capricorn have relevance to conservative interpretations.
Ryan's 3rd chart could make a paper all by itself because its implications are so interesting. Here are the sets in his 3rd chart relevant to the election:
Set (27) | C MC | 10 Libra 16 | |
pB MC | 10 Libra 11 | ||
pb jupiter | 10 Libra 40R | ||
b jupiter | 10 Libra 56 | ||
pc3 mars | 9 Capricorn 41 R | ||
pc3 jupiter | 10 Capricorn 18 | ruler of C Asc | |
pc saturn | 10 Aries 04 |
The above set influences three Angles. Normally I would not include the two jupiters in Libra in this as a progressed set because they are over half a degree away from the two Angles in Libra and there is no light. However, those two Angles act like lights to each other, so I do include them, yielding a set showing 2 Angle/3jupiter/mars/saturn. (The Capricorn saturn is too far away to be in this progressed set.) The progressed saturn is especially ominous because it is closest to both Angles in Libra. Angle/saturn usually means loss. But Ryan is an incumbent. As I learned from Obama's 10th chart astrology for the 2012 election, progressed saturn opposite a Midheaven (and moving very slowly, so there a long time) can have other meanings. In both cases it appears to have relevance to both men's heavy task with congress/the House. This is late August. Ryan's can also interpret—if it keeps happening—as the attack on his reputation by Breitbart, i.e., Steve Bannon.
So I can interpret Set (27) as essentially positive. But it is longer term, so not decisive for election day.
Set (28) | pB Asc | 13 Sagittarius 55 | |
C Asc | 14 Sagittarius | ||
pb venus | 14 Pisces 17 |
Set (28) is an unalloyed benefic (venus) set with influence to two Angles. Although important, it is also a longer-term set.
What else?
Set (29) | c3 mars | 20 Aquarius 15 | |
c3 mercury | 20 Aquarius 19 | ||
pc sun | 20 Taurus 38 | co-ruler c 8th house | |
t saturn | 20 Scorpio 18 | ||
return3 uranus | 20 Scorpio 16 |
Sun/mars/saturn is a hefty negative. But this set does not influence any Angles, so even though it involves a transiting saturn—a short-term timer, I count it as less effective than this next set in which the return is cast for Janesville.
Set (30) | return MC | 2 Gemini 45 | |
return3 moon | 3 Gemini 32 | ||
pc jupiter | 2 Virgo 04 | ruler of C Asc | |
return Asc | 3 Virgo 06 | ||
t venus | 1 Sagittarius 33 | ||
pb sun | 1 Pisces 48 | ruler of B MC |
Transiting venus in the above set reaches 2 Sagittarius 24 by 7 p.m. EST November 9. In both positions it is part of Set (29) which shows a golden benefic completed as a golden benefic around the important time of confirming election results. The reason I am uncomfortable using this set to convince me he has won is that the Anglles are those of his return, with no guarnatee he is in that locality on election day. We do know, however, that that is where his family is and that is where he was born and that is where he returns when Congress recesses, so it is a good bet, but still just that.
So I added lunar returns into my decision-making.
Ryan's birth lunar return is just as mixed a message as some of the sets above. But his conception lunar return has MC at 3 Cancer 06 in the same set as c3 venus at 2 Libra 02. Return venus is at 5 Scorpio 18 within conjunction to B Asc at 6 Scorpio 19 and return jupiter at 13 Virgo 25 is in the same set with C Asc at 14 Sagittarius 00 and pB Asc at 13 Sagittarius 55. There were no afflictions to Angles.
All of the above eventually translate into a predicted win for Paul Ryan.
Discussion and Tally
It remains to be seen whether, as believed, these 3rd chart results turn out to be good indicators our response to some one winning or losing.
Results in table form are as follows:
RUSH LIMBAUGH | LOSS (10th Chart) |
*************** | ******** |
The above table shows supporters of Clinton experiencing mostly a feeling of winning on "election day," whereas those of Trump show mostly feelings of losing. That leads to the conclusion that it is Clinton who wins the election.
Here we are measuring an essentially two-person contest (unless you want to include Vice Presidents since their win or loss is locked to their President's, then we have a two-two contest). We could actually do this kind of work-up for three or four or more candidates in any contest. We could even do it for the jockeys (and, I presume, their horses had we their correct birth time) in a horse race. Or we could do the jockey, the caretakers and trainers, and the owner(s) of each horse and compare and eliminate them by groups. But the difficulty of deciding the winner increases with the increase in number of contestants. That is why for something like a state lottery, which often has millions of contenders, had we all the birth data finding the winner would involve finer and finer discrimination between contenders. Even though we presently know a number of fairly stringent parameters which define the winner of a lottery, with large numbers if contestants there are going to be a large number of individuals who appear to have won when, in fact, only one or several did. To handle cases like that the parameters for making the decision have to get more and more defined and exclusive. And that assumes there is not something outside astrology, e.g., a moral or ethical weight in an ultimately moral universe, which also influences that outcome.
Here are the two Senate race results:
Data Acknowledgments
Letters following the name show Rodden rating for reliability of birth time. As memory serves me, (AA) means verified by birth record on hand, (A) means something similar but slightly less reliable, B means from a biography, C means reasonably okay but not from verified public records, (DD) stands for "dirty data," i.e., not at all verified or verifiable, therefore unreliable. Birth dates are listed in the same order as presented in the paper.
Biography, “Trump, Donald John,” Microsoft (r) Encarta, Copyright 1994 Microsoft Corporation, Copyright (c) 1994 Funk and Wagnalls Corporation.
Biography: Trump, Donald J. and Tony Schwartz, "Trump, The Art of The Deal," Random House, Inc., 1987
Biography: Trump, Donald J. and Chester Leerhsen, "Trump, The Art of Survival," Random House, Inc., 1990
Conception:9/05/1945, 5:10:06 p.m. EDT, Jamaica, NY.(Jaume Martín, editor Rev. Astr. MERCURIO-3 (Spain) quotes recently deceased Swiss astrologer Alexander Marr for a rectified time of 7:58 PM CST.)
However Eileen Applegate quotes an article from the Chicago Sun Times stating, "Her mother went into Edgewater hospital after midnight and Hillary was born early on the morning of October 26th."
In an article in "Horoscope" magazine, November 1998, by Frances C. McEvoy: "Mother states in article to 'Chicago Sun Times' in 1992 that Hillary was "born in time for breakfast."
Basil Fearrington relates in January 2001, "A musician friend of mine played in the Democratic fund raiser for Al Gore in Manhattan this past summer. Afterwards he got a chance to talk to Hillary. Knowing my on-going love affair with astrological data (he is a student of mine), he asked Hillary what time she was born. Her exact words were, " I know it was very close to 8 AM, 4-5 minutes before or after."
Webuser Cmatr@aol.com writes that she was born in Park Ridge, IL. Pasmanabh rectifies to 10:45 AM, sidereal, submitted to AstroDatabank 7/2001. Alice Mason called on January 16, 2003 to report that she had talked to the Clinton Democratic Office in NY and was told by a helpful associate (who wished to remain nameless) that Hillary Clinton was born at a recorded 8:02 AM.
Biography: Laura Ingraham, "The Hillary Trap: Looking for Power in All the Wrong Places," 2000. In August 2005, a source who wishes to remain anonymous wrote: "I had asked Hillary Clinton whether she was born at 8 PM; she replied " I think so". Earlier I had asked her, her time of birth and she kept mum].• Dana Haynes reports that one website lists "Born at the stroke of midnight (12 AM CST" but no source was given. The AstroDatabank website comments on her chart include an unverified claim from Zayin Cohen claiming to be quoting from birth certificate saying "I can say that I have the correct Birth Time. 26 OCT 1947 2:18 AM Chicago,IL." A poster on Noel Tyl's website gives a rectified time of 01.29.37 AM.
In early Feb 2008 Arlan Wise wrote to the ISAR e-zine vol. 477 the following: "HILLARY CLINTON >from Arlan Wise to Marguerite dar Boggia.:I know this is hearsay, but, my chiropractor has treated Bill and Hillary when they come here (Martha's Vineyard) in the summer. She told me she had a conversation with Hillary about how they have the same astrology-both Scorpios with Pisces moons and both Leo rising. I haven't seen a time that gives Hillary a Leo ascendant but that's what she says she has. It definitely negates the 8:02 am time and adds to the confusion."
Estadella rectified to 8.05.40 CST. Starkman rectified to 01.55.40 CST Asc 10Vir31'
Conception:1/13/1947, 1:59:42 a.m. CST, Chicago, IL.
Tim Kaine (AA)
Birth: 2/26/1958, 7:59 a.m. CST, St. Paul, MN. From Astrodatabank, the source of this data is an uncertified copy of his birth certificate from the Minnesota Department of Health purchased by Patrick Watson. Watson possesses a PDF of the scanned image of the birth certificate.
Conception:5/18/1957, 10:55:12 a.m. CST, St/ Paul, MN.
William Jefferson Clinton (A??)
Birth: 8/19/1946, 8:51 a.m. CST, Hope, AK. From Astrodatabank, note in hand from Mrs. Virginia Kelley, Clinton's mom, to Shelley Ackerman with the time hand-written. She gave the same data in an interview with "Family Circle" magazine of 2/02/1993, p.23.
(Virginia Miller quoted Clinton for the time of 7:30 AM given without hesitation.
(David Maraniss "First in his Class" stated that Clinton was born one hour after dawn, "Details of his birth from Edith Cassidy's records, in possession of her niece, Myra Irvin. As his grandmother was a nurse who worked at the local hospital, she would probably have taken her daughter into the hospital for the birth." (Source detailed in the Notes section of the biography.) (Dawn is 5:24 AM)
(Kathy Forrest called 10/13/96 to relate that she had talked to Clinton's mom about four years back and that she had said he was born at 7:30 AM. Kathy asked "Are you sure?" and the mom said "I should be, I'm his mother." Virginia Kelley relates in the Maraniss biography that her Bill was an eight-month baby, despite his birth weight of nearly 8 1/2 lbs. Her husband, Blythe, returned from Italy where he was stationed eight months before Bill was born.
(Edith Custer sent a long letter from Rowena Wall dated 6/121/95 in which she related that when Clinton began his campaign she asked her mom, who lives in Pine Bluff, AR, to see if she could get his birth data. Her mom replied that she found the data in a book in the library that had the birth certificate in it, giving 3:44 AM. When this information was printed in AFA DX No.104 (5/02/92), both Mark Lerner and Ken Irving called the library but were told that no such book was there. When Rowena Wall asked her mom to double-check, the alleged biography could not be found, making the quote impossible to verify.)