Carter Cooper
Above picture from his mother's
biography, A Mother's Story

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
(Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act I, Scene V)
September 2010
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Taking a Closer Look at the Suicide of Carter Cooper
by Sandra Weidner

On the morning of July 22, 1988, 23-year-old Carter Cooper, oldest son of Gloria Vanderbilt and Wyatt Cooper, brother of Anderson Cooper, arrived unexpected at his mother's 14th floor apartment in New York City. He had recently broken up with the girl he loved. He told his mother he was moving back home.

Mrs. Vanderbilt suggested he take the larger vacant bedroom, the one his brother used to have. It had a fireplace and sliding glass doors to the terrace. Having not slept for several nights, after dinner Carter retired to the sofa in his room for a nap. He opened the sliding glass door. In spite of the terrific heat, he vetoed his mother's suggestion for air conditioning, even asking her for a quilt for his nap. Before she left, he asked her, "Mom, am I blinking?" (p. 96 of his mother's book, cited at bottom of page) (He was.)

He definitely slept during his nap because Mrs. Vanderbilt checked on him several times during his nap and found him sleeping.

They were planning to see a rented movie together after his nap.

About 7:00 p.m. Carter, awake, entered his mother's room, looking dazed and asking several times, "What's going on?" (102) After a short conversation in which Mrs. Vanderbilt's attempts were to soothe and orient her son, Carter took off, running up the stairs to his bedroom. His mother arrived swiftly behind him. She found him sitting on the low wall of the terrace, one foot on the floor, the other on the wall. Another short conversation ensued, attempts on the part of his mother to get him away from the wall. He stopped her concerned approach with arm held in a military gesture for "stop!." He wondered, "Will I ever feel again?" (103) He stood, "with a terrible, rigid tenseness, staring past her, past the river as if he didn't see them." (103) Mrs. Vanderbilt suggested calling his new therapist but couldn't remember the number. Carter shouted out the number, then said, "Fuck you!" He stared down, as if mesmerized by the scene fourteen stories below. A helicopter passed overhead. Carter looked up, then back at his mother. He reached his hand out longingly to her. Then he moved "deftly as an athlete, over the wall, holding on to the edge as if it were a practice bar gym, holding firmly and confidently, then he let go." (pp. 104-105)

Carter Cooper was not into alcohol or drugs. His autopsy confirmed none were in his system. He did, however, have a newly prescribed inhaler for his asthma. He was also seeing a therapist, but even his therapist was surprised by his suicide.

Eight years later Gloria Vanderbilt wrote A Mother's Story about this horrendous experience. Her belief was that Carter's suicide was the result of a psychosis induced by that new prescription inhaler.

A Mother's Story contains a number of details, some not that alarming by themselves, that prick ones attention, suggesting that something is not right with Carter:

Carter had had allergies since he was a child. He even hated anesthetics because they made him unconscious. He didn't want to miss a moment of life.

In her search for answers for her son's behavior, Mrs. Vanderbilt looked into the then known properties of the drug, Theophylline, used in Carter's new inhaler. A paper in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (1988, Vol. 81. No. 2) attributed the following reactions to Theophylline: "agitation, insomnia, terrifying nightmares and acute paradoxic, depressive states (97-98)." There were more, but we have enough.

In this paper we are going to look at Carter Cooper's astrology before and during his crisis. We will be asking the following questions:

I have written several other papers about suicide. Here are their links:
The Suicide of Robin Williams
The Subway Suicide of a 9 Year Old Boy,
The Suicide of a 14 Year Old Girl, Vivienne,
The Late Life Suicide of Author and Concentration Camp Survivor, Primo Levi,
Search for "suicide" in the synastry paper of Michel and Francoise Gauquelin,
The Suicide of Chief of Naval Operations, Mike Boorda.

Eric Harris, though also a mass murderer, also committed suicide. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Eric Harris.

Although I did the paper because it was about an individual with Asperger's syndrome, this individual committed suicide. Here is that link: Paper on Woman with Asperger's Syndrome.

And, of course, Virginia Woolf and Vincent Van Gogh committed suicide. They are in the same paper, which I wrote to show the astrology of schizophrenia and "insanity." Here is the link: Paper on Woolf, Van Gogh, Nietzsche, and Nijinsky.

The paper on the death of Bruce Lee shows another unsuspected inherent sensitivity to drugs. Here is the link: Paper on Astrology of Bruce Lee's Death.

Lee's death is really an extension of another paper, one on allergy and allergic reactions. The link is: Paper on Asthma.

Before we can review Carter's astrology, an introduction to this method is unavoidably necessary.

Astrological Method
I have placed this material in blocks so that it can be scanned or easily referred back to.

This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley SVP. On the whole, the tropical zodiac is used in the West while sidereal the sidereal one is used in the East. My take on the practical differences between sidereal and tropical astrology can be found in the following paper: Tropical vs. Sidereal Astrology: A Discussion
This method, sometimes called the Astrospect, uses birth and conception charts, their planets and their harmonics, retaining their separate houses. A whole chart is erected for each of the twelve houses. Each chart contains birth and conception planets and their harmonics, which are used to create the charts. The 3rd harmonic creates the 1st chart, the 4th harmonic creates the 2nd chart, and so on up to the 14th harmonic, which creates the 12th chart. Each chart covers similar areas as do the houses from which they are derived.
House overlaps: birth and conception charts share the same axis while retaining their separate houses. Therefore, birth houses overlap different houses of the conception chart and vice versa. House overlaps sometimes play an important part in this astrology because any planet is in both simultaneously, tying together sometimes disparate interpretations
Each harmonic chart contains forty planets--4 (birth, birth harmonic, conception, and conception harmonic) x 10 (the ten standard planets plus True Nodes). This yields numerous standard planets which combine statically (birth/conception chart), dynamically (progressions), and through space (the 12 harmonic charts also create "position" as do signs and houses) to produce the varied astrological descriptions that yield a human life. Somewhat similarly, the four bases of DNA combine over and over again in different ways and positions to create our complex heredity.
This method uses the Egyptian harmonic, based on the Zodiac starting at 0 degrees Taurus. Traditional harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets, and then the Egyptian harmonic is derived from them. The formula to find out what to do to the regular harmonic to get the Egyptian one is: 30° x (13 - the number of the harmonic). A simpler way is also discussed in the paper: About This Method.
The conception sun is found by using the degrees, minutes, and seconds of the birth sun. The description of how to find it is found in the following paper: Instructions for Finding Conception
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
The harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart's number. But, for ease of reading I have adopted the convention of writing the harmonic number the same as the chart it is from. For example, the 5th chart is created by the 7th harmonic, but its harmonic planet is written as, for example, c5 mars, the harmonic of conception mars for the 5th chart. This is done only in papers put on site.
Lights include suns, moons, and moon's nodes. When mercury rules an Angle (Gemini or Virgo), it also acts like a light, with the same orb as the other lights. The MC and Asc also act like lights, but with only a 2° orb for static, and 1° for progressed positions.
Lights are our consciousness. Planets with them deform or inform that consciousness. Planets have to be lighted in order to express. Without lights they fall into the background of the chart, to express at some point when they do receive lights.
Only conjunctions, squares, and oppositions are used in sets. (There is a table in the paper on chartrules which shows which traditional aspects--e.g., semi-square, trine, quincunx, etc.--in the sidereal are converted to conjunctions, squares, and oppositions in the harmonics and which charts they occur in, link below.) Planets so related to each other express together or alternately and are referred to as "in the same set." Planets in the same set influence certain houses, called their "path."
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, p=progressed, and t = transiting. Any of them followed immediately by a number represents the harmonic version.
Empirically-derived orbs for static planets in sets with lights is 5 (with that being a "wide" orb)°; without lights, 2°. Orb for static MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Orbs for progressed planet/planet or planet/Angle is 1°. Orbs for lights and Angles in the return chart are 2°, with two degrees being weak. Closer is stronger, so all wide orbs accordingly express more weakly.
More details about this method are given in the following papers :About This Method, (Gives History and More on Egyptian Harmonic), and Chart Reading Rules (Reiterates Empirically Found Procedures For Reading Chart Data)

Charts Used
We are going to look at parts of five charts in examining the apparent suicide of Carter Cooper: the 1st chart (of early identity and its somatic consequences) to see his significators for asthma, his 3rd chart (of mind) to get insight on his mental state at the time of his death, his 7th chart (of significant others) because it is usually the most important chart for death, his 9th chart (of higher mind, religion, philosophy--all involving distance from the conventional) because he died as a result of a fall, and his 12th chart (of hidden matters and institutions) because it will tell us more about his early death. Below are descriptions of areas covered by each chart.

Like the other charts of this method, the 1st chart is a harmonic derivative of the house from which it takes its name. It describes our identity formed in childhood and its somatic consequences. Allergies and asthma are two somatic examples. I have written a paper on the significators for asthma, found through the following link: Paper on Individuals with Asthma. The 1st chart shows who we are independent of other--essentially, who we are to ourselves. Who we are with others shows in our 7th chart. Just to give an idea of the wide variety of subjects covered by the 1st chart, it holds the significators for homosexuality when the boy discovers his sexual identity while still quite young (ca. 9-12 years old). Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Homosexuality .

Our 3rd chart contains information about our mind, some brain dysfunctions, the way we think, special mental talents, and special mental liabilities. It is one of the two charts that contains the significators for bipolar disorder and for insanity. One individual even had his significators for asthma in his 3rd chart (see astrology of SE, Sr. in the paper on Asthma, but he also suffered from anxiety. For him, the two were connected.) The following papers show some of the range covered by the 3rd chart: Paper on Autism, Paper on Indian guru, Chariji , Paper on the Genius of Nikola Tesla, Paper on Indian guru, Osho, Paper on Indian guru, Vivekananda, Patty Duke and Manic Depression , Paper on One Twin Retarded, the Other Normal, Another Paper on One Twin Retarded, the Other Normal, Robert Schumann--Bipolar Disorder and How It Was Reflected in His Life, John Hinckley and Schizophrenia, Paper on Insanity for Virginia Woolf, Vaslav Nijinsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Vincent Van Gogh

The 7th chart, the main chart of this method, contains a great deal of information about our lives. Theoretically, it is concerned only with matters pertaining to the 7th house, our relations with significant others, including marriage, sexuality, business partners, and close friends. However, in fact it contains information about just about every aspect of our life, including health, finances, death, career, talents, children. and so on. It just doesn't contain all the information on these subjects. The 7th chart occurs so frequently among the papers on this site I have not provided any links to them here.

Our 9th charts, in addition to our 9th houses and Sagittarius, show our interests, talents, problems, and deficiencies in the areas of law, religion, philosophy, aviation, equestrianism, and most recently discovered, interest in the languages and history of antiquity. For the latter, see chart analysis of Professor John E. Boswell in the paper on homosexuality. Here is the link again: The Astrology of Homosexuality. There are two papers on aviation deaths: Paper on Death of John F. Kennedy, Jr., which also contains discussion of the chart of Christa McAuliffe of the Space Shuttle Challenger, and Paper on Lockerbie and 9-11. The beginning of the Lockerbie paper has a discussion of reasons astrologers, including myself, can be wrong when they say death had to occur, even after it is known to have occurred. My paper on gurus also focuses on the 9th chart: Paper on Gurus. Toward the end, the latter paper also includes discussion of 9th house, 9th chart, or Sagittarian emphases in the charts of Madalyn Murray O'Hair (school prayer), the Red Baron, Patty Wagstaff (show pilot), Patrick de Gayardon (died skydiving), Justice Stephen Breyer, and John Muhammed, the D.C. sniper.

People who have trouble with the law, including John Muhammed, may have afflicted 9th charts (or afflicted 9th houses in their 7th or 10th charts). Gurus and spiritually realized individuals, including our own American Ralph Waldo Emerson and Mary Baker Eddy, have highly benefic 9th charts containing golden benefics.

The 9th chart, turning less beneficent, also shows falls from high places, whether they be through mountain climbing, skydiving, or suicide.

Defining the bailiwick of our 12th charts is a little trickier. I suspect like many astrologers, I struggle with its meaning and implications.

In its association with the 12th house, the 12th chart implies something held in bondage or otherwise not allowed to flow freely, something either restrained or hidden. In its association with the sign Pisces, naturally correlated with the 12th house, we get an implication of suffering or sorrow. Hence, with this method the 12th chart is prominent in murder.

On the other hand, the 12th is also associated with hospitals and institutions, and can mean either the inmates or the employees, either one of which may have a life free from excessive suffering. Or the 12th house/chart can simply mean some activity or condition whose antecedents are difficult or impossible to find. That is why the house is sometimes called the house of "hidden things."

We can now start looking at the charts themselves.

Carter Cooper, The Charts
We start with Carter's 1st chart to establish his susceptibility to asthma shown in that chart.

His 1st Chart
Briefly, the planetary significators for asthma, again, in the 1st chart, are mars and neptune. But there is more to it. Their path is Angle/3rd/6th/ and sometimes 8th houses. Sometimes mercury or Gemini substitute for the 3rd house influence. When saturn becomes part of the set or summed sets, it symbolizes severe, life-threatening asthma attacks. The whole significator for the 1st chart is written: Angle/(light)/mars/neptune/(saturn)/3rd/6th/(8th). The parentheses imply the planet does not have to be in the significator but often is. A light is necessary in the set if it is not on an Angle, but rather picks up its influence to an Angle through rulership of one the planets in the set. The link to the paper about asthma is given above.

Carter Cooper
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House

Placidus: c11-19Gem, c12-20Can, c2-12Vir, c3-11Lib b11-24Tau, b12-27Gem, b2-18Leo, b3-15Vir

Set (1) above contains the full significator set for asthma. It contains sun/moon/mars/jupiter/jupiter/neptune/pluto. C sun rules C Asc in b 1st house. B1 moon rules B Asc in c 12th house. C1 mars co-rules (14 of 33°) c 3rd house. C neptune rules co-rules (12 of 29°) c 8th house. The distance between mars and neptune is over orb. It is exactly 6°, but acceptable orb must be no more than 5°. However, there are two lights between them. By between, I mean at degrees higher than mars and lower than that of neptune, so the acceptable orb is increased. It is not doubled as one might assume with two lights. Rather, it increases to about 6-1/2°. Progressed c1 neptune was at 6 Libra 14R on the date of his death. It was getting closer in orb to mars and thereby increasing his asthmatic sensitivity. Closer always means stronger.

The two jupiters in the above set may help reduce his sensitivity because they are benefics, but they certainly do not cancel it.

On the date of his death this chart showed a new Angle/mars/uranus (pB MC at 11 Taurus 44 with b1 mars, ruler of B MC and co-ruler of b 4th and 9th houses, at 11 Taurus 24, and with pc uranus, ruler of c 6th house, at 11 Leo 41R). Angle/mars/uranus shows anything from courage to foolhardiness. But this set includes a 6th influence, so the Angle/mars/6th shows new health (6th) agitations (mars). Carter also had that important new Angle/saturn, greatly increasing his sensitivity to allergens, I suppose because saturn depresses vitality, and makes any fight--physical or psychological, much more difficult. The set was: pb1 saturn at 7 Virgo 54 with pC Asc at 7 Virgo 42.

The other two sets, Sets (2) and (3), show specifically 1st chart Angle/neptunes. They increase his sensitivity to drugs, chemicals, and gases beyond his asthmatic Set (1). Set (2) is a specifically 1st chart set because it has picked up a harmonic node, rendering the Angle/neptune a strong 1st chart phenomenon. Set (3) is specifically connected to the 1st chart because it contains a harmonic neptune. I am not sure of the significance of the two mercuries in that set, do they help or hinder the neptunian sensitivity? Or do they draw his mind into it?

I have not systematically tried to see if any difference occurs when mercury is or is not in the "allergic/asthmatic set." It is interesting, however, that mercury does occur in the allergic set in the 1st chart of martial artist Bruce Lee, who died as a result of brain swelling (mercury) apparently caused by his ingestion of an OTC pain killer for headaches. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Death of Bruce Lee.

Set (3) without the harmonics--that is, as an all-charts phenomenon--shows B MC conjunct mercury in Aries, indicating a bright, verbal, mental individual (all mercury) with a tendency to act or speak sometimes without regard to consequences (Aries). It is an honest mercury, not a diplomatic one.

His 3rd Chart
This is the chart we want to look at for susceptibility to psychosis.

Carter Cooper
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd House

Placidus: c11-19Gem, c12-20Can, c2-12Vir, c3-11Lib b11-24Tau, b12-27Gem, b2-18Leo, b3-15Vir

Set (4) contains node/sun/moon/mars/jupiter/saturn/neptune, with neptune progressing closer to the rest of the set. C3 sun rules C Asc and co-rules (18 of 28°) c 12th house. B3 jupiter rules b 6th house. C3 moon rules c 12 house. C mars rules c 4th and 9th houses and co-rules (14 of 33°) c 3rd and co-rules (11 of 29°) c 8th house. C3 neptune rules c 8th house. B3 saturn co-rules (26 of 29°) b 6th house.

At the time of his death, two progressions and a return position were important to this set. Pc3 saturn, ruler of c 6th house and not originally part of the set, joined the set at 19 Pisces 21, giving the 6th house of health even more influence. Pc3 neptune, ruler of c 8th house, was at 20 Virgo 49R, forming a closer relationship to node/mars/saturn. The latter is significant because mars/saturn/neptune represents siege conditions in whichever chart they occur. Return3 moon at 20 Gemini 49 provided another light for the set, increasing its potency.

Set (4) is forefront because it influences an Angle, C Asc.

The planets in Pisces have nothing to do with psychosis. They symbolize some other form of pathology, discussed below.

Mars/neptune is correlated with all kinds of immune dysfunction. Saturn's presence always greatly enhances the problems created by mars/neptune. Mars/neptune is also strong and forefront in the 3rd charts of paranoid schizophrenics, who suffer from a form of mental immune dysfunction. However, in order for schizophrenia to manifest through the 3rd chart, the 1st chart of early identity must show a weak or suppressed individuality. Carter's 1st chart does not show that. So the mars/saturn/neptune part of this set in his 3rd chart manifests variably as anxiety, periods of fear of loss of mental control, and, I suspect, episodes of disorientation such a Carter experienced following naps. Any of these would be stronger when he was less well physically. And they would be stronger the more close in orb they became through progressions.

South Node conjunct mars conjunct saturn in Pisces is a truly disastrous combination. It includes the greater (saturn) and lesser (mars) malefics in the sign most correlated with dissociation (Pisces) and dumb suffering, both conjunct the node (SN), the symbol representing our habitual forms of thought and behavior. Planets conjunct the South Node are, so to speak, conjunct the wrong end of the stick in terms of growth. These fall in birth 9th/conception 8th houses, suggesting difficult or disastrous (both malefics) transformations (8th) through 9th house matters, among which are aviation disasters and falls from high places. The 6th house influence suggests his health will play a part in how the set manifests. The 4th influence suggests the transformation will be the final one, physical death.

The significators (necessary but not necessarily sufficient) for death in any chart (whether it be death of the body, or, for instance, death of the finances through the 2nd chart) for any individual are Angle/light/mars/saturn/4th, and possibly 8th. They occur most often in the 7th chart. For Carter, they occurred in two different charts. This was one of them. The 4th house influence is the crucial one. It identifies an end-of-life influence which was essentially in place at birth. It was just waiting for timers to be set off.

Another indication Carter’s life might be short occurs with harmonic uranus in Scorpio influencing a 4th house. Uranus in Scorpio/4th is a symbol of a symbol. All by itself it suggests all the astrology that is shown by Angle/mars/saturn/4th/(8th).

Carter's b3 uranus, ruler of b 8th house, was at 9 Scorpio 41R conjunct b3 sun (a light) in birth 4th house, suggesting a sudden (uranus) transformation (Scorpio/8th) which ends in death (4th). One the date of his death it was progressed to 5 Scorpio 12R. Midpoint between the two uranuses was 7 Scorpio 27, conjunct b3 sun. The midpoint had been hitting his b3 sun for some time, forming a long lasting influence suggesting, if nothing else, thoughts of death because sun/uranus/p uranus also falls in b 3rd house (a 4th/3rd overlap). This set by itself, however, does not give any indication at what age death will occur, only that it will occur suddenly. And, I should add, not all sudden deaths are suicides.

Set (5) shows that Carter has a third indication of an unusual life emphasis, one focusing on radical transformations, including death.

Set (5) contains three lights--node, moon, moon--which are with pluto in Scorpio. It has Angle/4th/8th/12th influence, "active(Angle)/death(4th)/transformations(pluto/Scorpio)/unforeseen(12th)" implications. The 8th influence comes through the planets in Scorpio, while the 4th occurs because the Scorpio planets are in c 4th house.

Still discussing Set (5), the NN indicates our direction of spiritual growth, whether or not we recognize it consciously or socially. Carter's Scorpio moon, index of our automatic consciousness, conjunct his Scorpio NN guarantees he will find the type of behavior symbolized by this set early in life. We could say it symbolizes opting (NN), whether consciously or not, for radical (pluto) transformations (8th/Scorpio), one type being death.

Set (4) above supports his mother’s belief that Carter Cooper was suffering from a prescription drug-induced psychosis at the time of his death, with implications that it could costs him his life. There cannot be a clearer astrological representation of such a possibility. Set (5) suggests deeper, spiritual, reasons for the behavior that ended his life.

Almost unbelievably, Carter had another strong influence contributing to the astrology for his death.

His 9th Chart
The significators for death, discussed above, occur in the 9th and 7th charts for most aviation deaths (sometimes they occur in the 12th).

The significators for death also occur in the 9th charts of individuals who commit suicide by jumping as well as individuals who die because of falls from high places, such as occur through air crashes, mountain climbing, and sky-diving accidents.

Suicides who jumped to their deaths with the full set of significators for death in their 9th charts occur in NCGR suicide data for Suicides 7149, 7675, 7775, 8597, 9098, 9343, 10334, 10707, 11501, and 12114. I had more examples but lost them in 2002 when all my astrology files were destroyed.

Carter Cooper
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th House

Placidus: c11-19Gem, c12-20Can, c2-12Vir, c3-11Lib b11-24Tau, b12-27Gem, b2-18Leo, b3-15Vir

Set (6) above shows Angle/venus/mars/jupiter/saturn/pluto. C Asc is the only "light" in the set, so to be valid every planet has to be within 2° of C Asc. C9 mars rules c 4th and 9th houses, and co-rules (11 of 29°) c 8th. B9 saturn co-rules (26 of 32°) b 6th house. C jupiter co-rules (19 of 31°) c 4th house. C venus rules C MC. And c uranus co-rules c 6th house. So, this Angle/mars/saturn set with influences to 4th, 6th, 8th, and 9th houses, suggests death as a result of a fall from high places. Since the 6th is involved, health may play a part.

When Carter died, pc9 saturn, ruler of c 6th house, had joined the set at 18 Scorpio 35. That put both birth and conception saturns in the set. So, both 6th houses were then influenced by Set (6), increasing the influence of health.

Set (6) includes the same planets/path as in Set (1), except it lacks neptune. But neptune is not needed to show death through this chart.

The benefics in the set--venus and jupiter, the lesser and greater benefics, respectively--show a famous death (then or later).

At birth Set (7) (shown above) is not a threat to life. But by the time he died it became one, shown below as Set (7'):

Set (7')b9 mars11 Aquarius 49ruler of B MC, co-ruler of 9th (18 of 33°) and 4th (24 of 36°) houses
pc uranus11 Leo 41Rco-ruler of c 6th
pc saturn/pb saturn11 Aquarius 15both influencing 6th houses
pc9 pluto11 Leo 17R
pB MC11 Leo 44

The saturn in the above set is the result of a midpoint between pb saturn at 9 Aquarius 52 and pc saturn at 12 Aquarius 38. The only way we can know we can use midpoints like this is through experience. They were in effect, for instance, in the astrology of John F. Kennedy, Jr. at the time of his death. There have been other instances, especially with midpoints of secondary progressions of non-harmonic saturn and other outer planets. They also appear to work between suns. In general, I am conservative about using midpoints.

Set (7') shows the progressed Angle/mars/saturn with 4th and 9th influence that shows in the charts of individuals who died in aviation, and, it turns out, falling disasters. Return9 mars was at 10 Leo 51, return9 uranus at 10 Scorpio 37, and return moon at 10 Taurus 10. Because return orbs are slightly larger than progressed ones, these can be included in Set (7').

Carter's b9 SN was at 7 Virgo 59 in the same set with pC Asc at 7 Virgo 42, highlighting whatever existed in this chart because lights on Angles potentize whatever else is on or influencing Angles. His pc NN was at 8 Gemini 26 in the same set with pC MC at 8 Gemini--another 9th chart highlight. Return SN at 21 Leo 20 was conjunct return9 moon at 21 Leo 48 and b pluto at 21 Leo 40, suggesting a sense of emergency.

We were going to look at his 12th chart.

His 12th Chart
I won't show progressions or return values for this chart. We just want to see that it contains a set similar to those in the 3rd and 9th charts.

Carter Cooper
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11-19Gem, c12-20Can, c2-12Vir, c3-11Lib b11-24Tau, b12-27Gem, b2-18Leo, b3-15Vir

Set (8) shows node/moon/mars/saturn/pluto with influence to two Angles, 4th, 8th, and 9th houses. B moon rules B Asc. B12 mars rules B MC in c 9th house and c 4th house. C12 saturn rules c 6th.

Note the set shows he again has a North Node conjunct moon on Scorpio in a 4th house, suggesting there is some spiritual purpose to his (unconscious) interest in death. Scorpio moon also shows an interest in merging with others, on a cosmic scale a merging with the universe.

As I mentioned above, the 7th chart almost always shows our deaths. Carter's was not strong for his death. It contained, however, that set I referred to above as a "symbol of a symbol for death": pB Asc at 15 Leo 14 in the same set with pc7 uranus in Scorpio at 15 Scorpio 10 which was in b 4th house. That is, it showed uranus with an Angular, 4th, and 8th (in Scorpio) influence.

Carter Cooper's death was powerfully foreshadowed in his astrology. It showed his vulnerability to asthma as well as to drug-induced psychosis. It showed his manner of death, and its timing.

Some people might call these findings "fated," but I do not like use of loaded words impossible to test. We can say, along with his mother, that his death was not a suicide, at least not in any ordinary sense of the word. It would be hard to find an astrology which better described what happened to him, so can we really say he "chose" what happened to him? We can't really call his death an accident, either, because "accident" assumes a randomness which did not exist here. Rather than committing suicide, it was more like Carter "was suicided," likely a difficult and scary concept for some of us to entertain.

We don't have any trouble accepting that an individual dies non-volitionally in an auto accident, or from choking on a cork. Yet, astrologically those deaths are no more accidents than is death in a hospital bed. They all have astrological correlates. But, somehow we always assign free will to the individual who dies by apparent suicide. I am not suggesting all suicides are non-volitional. Right now I do not know. But, since suicides seldom have a witness, especially ones cognizant of their inner promptings, we may be a bit in error in always judging all suicides as self-willed.

A Mother's Story is a rare and intimate narrative of one individual's suicide in those precious hours preceding his death. It provided an equally rare opportunity for the astrologer to "see" his state before death and compare and contrast it to his astrology.

This form of astrology makes it possible to examine the 10th chart for information on the individual's relationship to his mother. Carter's 10th chart was not afflicted at all. That confirms his relationship with his mother was not a troubled one. This chart also contained c10 SN at 2 Pisces 17 conjunct b10 venus at 3 Pisces 44, that is, harmonic and therefore specific to this chart, in 8th/7th houses. It suggests a deep (Pisces) and affectionate love (venus) between them. And, if you believe in past lives, a love established prior to this life (SN). Together they suggest that in his "right mind" (that is, the usual Carter Cooper mind), even if he had intended suicide, he would never have done it right in front of his mother.

Through his astrology we can also say that Carter Cooper came here (to this level of reality, Earth) with a major emphasis on radical transformations. I have no doubt whatsoever that Mrs. Vanderbilt would a thousand times over rather have kept her son than lose him. But, I also perceive that when she wrote her book eight years after his death she had intuited a possible spiritual reason for his death because of the way it affected her life, causing a radical transformation in her that could never have happened voluntarily. That doesn't imply she wanted it, or ever could.

Since we really cannot prove something was fated, it behooves us to continue improving our life and that of our fellow man regardless of what we presently think. Right now that involves a brief discussion about prescription drug testing.

Carter Cooper's astrology suggests an answer to the question "why can't drug companies thoroughly test their drugs for side effects?"

There is a timing factor in all drug and chemical sensitivities that drug companies cannot foresee or test for. By "timing factor" I mean individuals are variably sensitive to drugs and chemicals based on the astrology they start with along with their astrology at the time. If they are vulnerable to extreme reactions it shows in their astrology as "faults" (like geologic faults) from birth, such as Carter had. Such faults suggest extreme reactions at some time in the life. At some time is again a function of their continuing astrology, that is, future progressions, returns, and transits which reinforce their original fault.

In that sense, it doesn't really matter how careful drug companies are in the selection of test groups, especially with regard to asthma, which in itself is a reaction to chemicals. Without the astrology of the individuals in them, the testers are working in a black box of individuals comprised of presently-non-sensitives, never-will-be-sensitives, active-sensitives, latent-sensitives, and potential-disaster-sensitives. And they don't have the ability to identify which position most of them are in even in the present, let alone at some future time.

Everlasting Pea (cropped)
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela

A Mother's Story by Gloria Vanderbilt. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996, 144pp.

Anderson Cooper's astrology for homosexuality and social and career success can be found in another paper. Here is the link: Paper on Astrology for Fifty Male Homosexuals.

Data Acknowledgments
Letters following the name show the Rodden rating for reliability of birth time. "B" means the data was taken from his biography.

Carter Vanderbilt Cooper (B)
Birth: 1/27/1965, 6:07 p.m. EST, New York, NY. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes his mother's autobiography, Woman to Woman.
Conception: 4/17/1964, 2:39:58 p.m. EST, New York, NY.

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