An earlier version of Uncle Sam, picture from DC Wiki

September 2018
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The Connection Between Presidential Astrology and Acts of War During His Tenure in Office
And, As It Turned Out, Hurricanes
Roosevelt, Bush 43, and Lincoln
And Trump?
by Sandra Weidner

Is it possible for a country to know beforehand a period of time during which it is more likely, than not, to be attacked by a foreign government or foreign group?

This paper was worked on over a period of 14 months. Because of that, numbering of Sets in the examples below is not sequential. There are even two Set (e)s. But within the discussion of the astrology for each individual the sets are correctly identified.

Research for this paper ended up establishing not only that war shows up as current, highly afflicted astrology in the president's chart, but so do devastating hurricanes. They occur in different charts: war shows in his 12th chart, while hurricanes show in his 9th chart. The period of time--summer of 2017--examined for potential war in President Trump's astrology in his 9th chart turned out to represent hurricanes Irma and Harvey, not war, consistent with the other war/hurricane results.

Wars and hurricanes both involve destruction of the land and individual deaths as well as displacement of populations. A case can be made for hurricanes being 9th chart or 9th house phenomena. They certainly are not 3rd house events because the 3rd house covers local conditions and events. Hurricanes appear 9th house matters in exactly that sense that their inception is not local, but foreign--Harvey and Irma apparently started off the west coast of Africa.

It is not surprising that war turned out to be a 12th chart phenomenon. After all, the 12th house (and chart) is also called the house of "hidden matters." Both Pearl Harbor and the 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Center were surprises.

Workups of presidential astrology for hurricanes Katrina (2005, Bush) which so devastated our gulf coast states, and Sandy (2012, Obama), which hit the northeast coast so hard have been added. As of this date, September, 2018, I have also added Trump's astrology for hurricane Florence (hitting the Carolinas).

In order to demonstrate these occurrences of war and hurricanes in presidential astrology, I have first to introduce the concept of an astrological significator.

Astrological Significators for Events
If an event is represented by the same distinct astrology each time it occurs, then that astrological "pattern" is called a significator for that event (or condition). Each time the event occurs, that significator will be prominent. We cannot, however, say the event must occur. There may be other astrological or life conditions which preclude it. Or an event, or even a condition, may occur which also satisfactorily represents that astrology. We do not yet know what those alternatives could be for the event of an act of war.

Here are links to papers which shows significators for other types of conditions. : Heart Paper, Schizophrenia (Nash) Paper, Schizophrenia (general) Paper, Diabetes Paper.

It has been established, for instance in the second "Alzheimer's paper," that certain diseases which have a distinct medical diagnosis share similar astrology. Right now we have no capacity to discriminate between them. That is, we lack the knowledge to do differential diagnosis. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Various Brain Disorders.

It often takes time to fully develop a significator. It took me several years to find the full significator for homosexuality. It took longer than that to discover the one for winning a presidential election. I was wrong for both 2012 and 2016. Here is the link to the paper in which I finally got it right: Second Paper on 2016 Election.

For "president-linked" war we have a good start for its significator, but it is derived from only three presidents.

Two of the presidents in office during acts of war were Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and George W. Bush at the time of the attacks occurring in the United States on September 11, 2001. Lincoln's astrology for the Civil War was added later after I discovered it also fit the war pattern.

So, this paper establishes the typical astrology that occurred in the charts of three U.S. Presidents in office during acts of war against the United States. Franklin Roosevelt’s (FDR) astrology FDR's was very strong, and that war lasted almost four years, so it was used as the potential general significator for war.

Additionally, Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of New York City for 9/11 is included.

President Trump’s astrology for summer 2017 was examined to see if it matched those three. I wanted to look at his astrology for that period because there was a station of the planet saturn on his moon (at 27 Scorpio 13) conjunct SN (at 26 Scorpio 29)—a set that also represents his attitude that if struck, he should strike back at least twice as hard. So it could reasonably be involved in an act of war.

Transiting saturn was at 27 Scorpio 13 on July 19, 2017 moving retrograde. It turned stationary direct at 26 Scorpio 12 on August 24, 2017. Moving forward again, it moved back to 27 Scorpio 13 D on September 29. It was within one degree of its station for a total of two months, 10 days.

When saturn transits a planet (especially a light or Angle, and Trump's moon and South Node are both lights), it usually depresses, constrains, or withers whatever it touches during that time. It causes difficult pauses, breakdowns, and stress.

It is necessary to mention something about the astrological method used here. It was fundamentally derived by me in 1983 and has been developed through research and readings ever since.

Astrological Method
This method is not traditional. It uses birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis:

This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. Here is the link to my paper which discusses the practical differences between sidereal (Eastern) and tropical (Western) zodiacs: Paper on Tropical vs. Sidereal Astrology/
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” In traditional astrology that is referred to as an aspect, but in traditional astrology many more aspects are used, e.g., that of 45°. 60°, 135°, and so on. A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Orbs for static planets (before progressions) with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°, and these are wide.. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2° when a return Angle is in the set, but only 1° for birth/conception Angles or progressed Angle/planet. These are discussed more in the paper on empirically-derived chart rules, link just below.

The “chartrules paper” also discusses which traditional aspects (45°, 60°, 36°) not accepted in this astrology are nonetheless picked up by harmonic development to turn them into acceptable aspects (sets) and which charts develop them.

Because this method uses both birth and conception charts (latter's derivation discussed in Method paper) and they share the same axis (that is, work together), birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” FDR's 9th/12th overlap is an example. They can be significant. The convention used when writing about house overlaps is to put the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:

About This Method
Empirically-Derived Rules for Reading These Charts

Because returns prior to the event in question play such a vital part in assessing the outcome, more should be said about them.

This method uses a return that occurs every time the sun in the sky reaches exactly 40° 00’ 00” from the individual’s birth sun, then 40° 00’ 00” from that sun, then 40° 00’ 00” more from that sun. This results in nine 7th chart harmonic solar returns per year per individual throughout his lifetime. The harmonic suns of the 7th chart establish the date and time of their occurrence, but the sidereal part of each return is used for each of the harmonic charts. Their Angles (Midheaven and Ascendant) and their planets relative to the individual’s birth, conception and progressed planets have proven invaluable. All work together to demonstrate the astrology of an event.
For events, we usually use only the return which occurs immediately prior to the event. In this paper we are looking at a period of time, so two returns are calculated. If an event occurs, we will have a date that will enable the elimination of one of them.

So, what actually is the astrology of war? As mentioned above, to establish that we have only the astrology of the two presidents who were in office when attacks “on United States soil” occurred. While two examples do not constitute a big enough number, their high degree of similarity suggests they are certainly within range of being correct.

The Event Used to Establish the Significator
The United States fought WW II on two fronts—Europe and Asia. The surprise bombing of our naval base on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was the precipitating incident. If a war significators exists, such a massive, devastating event should reveal it.

The Significator, The Charts Involved
Roosevelt and Bush had their significators in the 12th chart of hidden matters. Trump's tentative “war chart” (which turned out not that) was his 9th chart of foreign countries. The 9th and 12th houses are prominent in the path of the significator, so it was reasonable that it could occur equally validly in either of those charts.

We had a few questions about Trumps 2017 astrology about whether or not it represented some other difficult event.

One of those questions wascan Trump’s summer 2017 astrology represent impeachment?

We had two examples of presidential impeachment—the approaching impeachment of Richard Nixon when he resigned, and the House impeachment of Bill Clinton. Both showed a very strong Angle/saturn at the time. Trump’s astrology does not, so it is unlikely about impeachment.

We do not have any astrological examples for removal of a president from office via application of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. But it, also, involves a complex process which could take considerable time, so it should be represented by an forefront Angle/saturn. Since Trump's summer 2017 astrology lacked that, it was unlikely to represent removal from office through that amendment.

The Significator, The Planets Involved
The set that appeared most important in FDR’s war astrology was his forefront mars and uranus. Forefront usually mean having influence to an Angle by either being on one, or by being in a set in which on of the planets rules one.

Mars is the planet that sponsors aggression and uranus, the planet most associated with sudden, surprising occurrences. So, their occurrence in significator representing precipitation of a war made sense.

It was also found that the sun was also often on an Angle through progression, or was configured with mars and/or uranus at the time. “On an Angle” suggests that the president has essentially (sun) been called to service as important person (sun) in an important matter.

The Significator, The Path
The mars/uranus in the charts of our three war presidents described a path of influence to an Angle and 9th and 12th houses.

The 9th house part of the path, of course, is connected to the war act being sponsored by a foreign (not USA) country. Perhaps it also represents “alien” in the sense of adversary because we found it in Lincoln's astrology. The 12th part of the path, like uranus, expresses the hidden, unforeseen part of the experience.

So, although there are other supporting sets, tthe main significator for war is Angle/mars/uranus/9th/12th. For presidents it occurs in the 12th chart.

As it turned out that the same planet/path is described in the 9th chart in presidential charts for hurricanes.

I suspect the 8th house, if not part of the significator path, also plays a meaningful role. As well, pluto seems prominent, with mars/pluto representing force. Subject to further research. The present part of the significator is enough to get a good start as will be shown below.


Here is a reminder of conventions used in this astrological method:

In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used below are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. MC = Midheaven. Asc = Ascendant. B-Loc MC, for instance, stands for the birth Midheaven for a given locality. And pB-Loc MC, for instance, represents a progressed birth Midheaven for a given date and place.

Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers—for ease of reading—I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but to avoid worse confusion I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.” Something like “pc10 venus represents the harmonic of progressed conception venus for the 10th chart, while “t7venus stands for the harmonic of transiting venus for the 7th chart.

Worth repeating: the acceptable orb for progression of a planet to an Angle and vice versa is no more than 1°.(for unrectified charts) If it is with a light, orb is extended by about one-half degree. Return Angles, however, have an allowable orb of 2°, with 2° being the weakest acceptable. Therefore if a return Angle is in a set comprised of non-return planets, the whole set has an acceptable orb of 2° (but no more).

We start with Roosevelt. I have not, as I usually do, included small biographical sketches for individuals. It is assumed they are known to all, and here we are only interested in whether or not at a given time each had war (or hurricane) significators. We are looking at the 12th chart for the next three presidents plus that of Mayor Giuliani.

The four charts below—of Bush, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Giuliani show war (or other possible interpretations consistent with the astrology) in their 12th charts.


President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
picture from

Below is Roosevelt's astrology for the start of WWII, December 7, 1941.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 12th House (a.k.a. 12th chart)

Placidus: c11—3Lib—c12--26Lib, c2—19Sag. c3—28Cap b11—3Can, b12—4Leo, b2—25Vir, b3—25Lib

Roosevelt's astrological inclination to attract acts of war can be said to be a bit over-determined. Set (1) is already on an Angle. The mars/uranus part of it is already in 12th/9th houses, and they are lighted by both the Angle and the b12 NN at 16 Scorpio 47. This is an ongoing war significator set, i.e., he was born with it and it is permanent in his 12th chart.

Set (1) was further lighted, therefore made stronger, on December 7 by progressed b moon at 16 Leo 46.

He almost has another full set—Set (2). The mars/uranus in it is already in the 12th/9th houses, and it looks like that c NN—the light—at 26 Scorpio 11 is heading right for it. So it was. On December 7, 1941 pc NN was at 25 Scorpio 05. Transiting NN was at 24 Leo 06. The set only lacks an Angle influence to become a full significator. It certainly adds to the indicator for unforeseen aggression.

On December 7, Roosevelt has another Angle/mars/9th because pc mars, ruler of C Asc, at 26 Taurus 15, is conjunct c SN at 26 Taurus 11 in b 9th house. Return (occurring on 11/14/41, Washington, D.C.) NN was at 26 Leo 54.

Some others:

Some of his other significant sets were:

Bush 43

George W. Bush
picture from

The following astrology shows Bush's significator for war for September 11, 2001.

President George W. Bush
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 12th House (a.k.a. 12th chart)

Placidus: c11—9Tau—c12--14Gem, c2—5Leo. c3—0Vir b11—7Tau, b12—13Gem, b2—4Leo, b3—29Leo

Although Bush's 12th chart ends up containing his significator for the surprise attack, right away it is apparent it is not nearly as strong a significator as was FDR's. But then, although devastating, the 9/11 attack lasted only one day compared the the nearly four years of WWII.

Set (3)--a sun/mars/9th/12th/12th—shows a lighted (by the sun) mars in Gemini in both 12th houses. Since the neptune in the set co-rules (31 of 32°) b 9th house, the set has both 9th and 12th influence. It lacks Angular influence.

Set (4)--a uranus/12th/12th set—shows uranus in Pisces (which already has a 12th influence since Pisces is natural ruler of the 12th house) in both 12th houses. It lack 9th influence, a light, and Angular influence. On September 11 it became lighted by pb moon at 28 Virgo 47.

But the Angular mars and Angular uranus for the event significator are not developed through Sets (3) and (4) above. Instead they show up thus:

Set (4a)pB MC23 Taurus 06
c uranus23 Taurus 29
pb NN23 Taurus 07coming from 26 Taurus 36 at birth
c moon24 Taurus 10

The two lights in the above set pull the MC/uranus together. And

Set (4b)return mars25 Scorpio 32(8/17/01, Wash DC)
pbB-Loc Asc25 Leo 25(for Washington, DC)
b uranus25 Taurus 10
pb12 neptune25 Taurus 23c0-ruler (30 of 31°) of b 9th house

Some of the other pertinent sets were:

  • pb mars, ruler of B MC, at 19 Virgo 28 is in the same set with b sun at 19 Gemini 47

  • pc12 moon, ruler of C Asc, at 9 Sagittarius 18 is in the same set with pc12 uranus at 9 Pisces 25, and perhaps (larger orb), pb12 saturn at 9 Virgo 45.

  • return MC at 9 Aries 57 is in the same set with pb saturn at 9 Cancer 28 and pc mars, ruler of C MC, at 8 Cancer 12. This mars and saturn, normally too far apart to be in the same set, are here brought into contact by the return MC and c12 moon, ruler of C Asc, at 8 Aries 23.

Bush, like Roosevelt, also does not have a progressed Angle/saturn. One is beginning to form through pb12 saturn at 12 Capricorn 32 which is starting to oppose B Asc at 13 Cancer 08. It represents his more serious Commander-in-Chief responsibilities following 9-11.


Rudy Giuliani
picture from

Giuliani was mayor of New York City on September 11, 2001 when the twin towers were attacked.

Rudy Giuliani
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 12th House (a.k.a. 12th chart)

Placidus: c11—1Pis, c12—12Ari, c2—15Gem, c3—6Can b11—9Can, b12—9Leo, b2—2Lib, b3—2Sco

Set (A) in the drawing above shows c mars at 4 Taurus 27 in 9th/12th houses and lighted by c sun at 3 Leo 19—a light/mars/9th/12th influence.

Set (B) above likewise shows a two lighted uranuses (at 14 Taurus by b sun at 13 Taurus 19) in 9th/12th houses, Saturn at 14 Leo 12 is also in the set.

The two sets above combined shows light/mars/uranus/9th/12th. Neither influences an Angle.

Set (C) above shows C Asc at 23 Taurus 54 in the same set with b12 mercury, ruler of B Asc and B MC, at 24 Scorpio 26 and c12 urnaus at 25 Scorpior 02. So it is showing an Angle/light (mercury acts like a light when it rules an Angle)/uranus influence to two Angles with mercury in mars' sign of Scorpio..

Another set, with c moon at 15 Aries 37, b12 neptune at 15 Aries 54, b12 venus, ruler of b 9th house, at 14 Cancer 39, pc pluto at 14 Cancer 41, and b12 mars at 14 Capricorn 44 shows a lighted mars influence to b 9th through venus and that mars is also in c 9th house.

The missing part of the significator for war as so far defined is an Angle/mars. That is shown as the first progrssion of the sets below:

  • pC Asc at 9 Cancer 37 is in the same set with b mars, ruler of b 98th house, at 9 Cancer 37, an Angle/mars influence.

  • pb mars at 14 Leo 01 has entered Set (B) above, yielding a lighted mars/uranus/(saturn) influence to a 12th house because be sun rules b 12th house.

  • pb saturn at 10 Gemini 21 is in the same set with return (8/20/2001, NYC) MC at 10 Sagittarius 59, return NN at 10 Gemini 13, and c12 pluto at 9 Pisces 07.

  • return sun is at 3 Leo 19 (making two suns there) joining Set (B) above along with pb12 mercury, ruler of both birth Angles, at 3 Scorpio 02, yielding an lighted mars influence to two Angles.

  • pc12 saturn, ruler of C MC and co-ruler of c 9th house, at 6 Leo 38R is in the same set with b12 sun, ruler of b 12th house, at 6 Scorpio 22—a lighted Angle/saturn influence.

  • pb12 saturn at 26 Scorpio 28 is in the same set with pc12 mars, ruler of c 12th house, at 26 Taurus 08 and pc12 NN at 26 Taurus 34—an additional lighted/mars/12th influence. The Taurus planets (mars/NN) are also in b 9th house>. Return mars is at 26 Scorpio 51. The midpoint of the two harmonic uranuses—c12 uranus at 25 Scorpio 02 and b12 uranus at 28 Scorpio 19 is 26 Scorpio 40, also falling within this set and if we accept it, creating a light/mars/uranus/12th influence.

  • pC MC at 25 Pisces 59 is conjunct pc12 pluto at 25 Pisces 36. One could state it represents either profound sorrow and/or profound sense of vulnerability.

  • finally, return12 NN at 23 Scorpio 06 has entered Set (c) above, the Angle/mercury/uranus with influence to two Angles, highlighting it.

Giuliani's 12th chart has an excellent set of war significators active at the time of the September 11, 2001 attack. So, it looks possible that the war significator shows up strongly in charts of social leaders when the “war” particularly influences their domain of influence.

Oh, wait. We have birth data for another mayor of New York City. Bill de Blasio was mayor on October 31, 2017 when there was a terrorist attack in Manhattan that killed eight people. Let's see what that looks like.

de Blasio

Mayor Bill de Blasio
picture from

Below is de Blasio Astrology for his 12th chart on October 31, 2017.

Bill de Blasio
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 12th House (a.k.a. 12th chart)

Placidus: c11—28Pis—c12--9Tau, c2—5Can. c3—26Can b11—24Leo, b12—22Vir, b2—13Sco, b3—16Sag

Starting significators can be misleadingly simple as de Blasio's illustrates.

Set (1) in the drawing above shows a set with mercury, mars, and neptune. The mercury in the set—c12 mercury, rules C Asc and co-rules c 12th house. The mercury and mars part are in b 9th house. So this set shows an Angle/light/mars/9th/12th influence. The neptune part of it combines with the mars to present toxic conditions. Mars/neptune is involved in inflammation.

Ibidem for Set (2). Very simple, it shows b 12 uranus in Virgo in b 12th house. Once again, c mercury, ruler of C Asc and a light, is part of the set (this time the non-harmonic c mercury). So the whole set influences C Asc, and c 12th house. C Asc is in b 9th house (only about 1° degree away from it, so I include it in that house), so the whole set also influence b 9th house. So, the whole set shows this influence: Angle/light/uranus/9th/12th in which the 12th house involved is c 12th house. The whole set does not influence b 12th house because no planet in it rules or co-rules b 12th. But the uranus in b 12th counts as a lighted/uranus/12th.

Astonishingly, Sets (1) and (2) summed give de Blasio a complete (pre-progressed) war significator.

His return (NYC) for the attack started on October 21, 2017 and covered the next 40 days. The attack, which occurred on October 31, 2017, had the following powerful sets:

  • pb moon, ruler of B MC and co-ruler of b 9th house, at 8 Pisces 58 is in the same set with c12 uranus, ruler of C MC and co-ruler of c 9th house at 9 Virgo 10, pc sun a 9 Virgo 16, pc mars at 8 Gemini 33, and pc12 saturn, ruler of c 8th and 9th houses, at 8 Pisces 09. The two lights pull all of the planets into one set. This Angle/2light/mars/uranus/(saturn) set influences two Angles, c 8th, and both 9th houses. /p>
  • pb mars at 9 Leo 02 is in the same set with b NN at 9 Leo 03.

  • pb NN is in the same set with c mars at 4 Taurus 35.

  • pC Asc, at 26 Cancer 38, is in the same set with c uarnus, ruler of C MC and co-ruler of c 9th house, at 26 Cancer 32, return uranus at 26 Capricorn 13, and pc12 uranus at 26 Libra 48—Angle/3uranus/9th!

  • return MC at 8 Cancer 18 and return12 moon at 7 Libra 37 pick up Set (1) in the drawing above.

  • pb12 NN at 26 Sagittarius 06 is in the same set with c mercury, co-ruler of c 12th house, at 26 Gemini 25.

    pc12 mars at 29 Libra 38 is in the same set with return mars at 29 Libra 44 and pc uranus at 29 Cancer 46, without light. C uranus rules C MC.

  • pb12 mars at 6 Pisces 25 is conjunct b12 NN at 6 Pisces 35 and c12 SN at 6 Pisces 45 (all in Pisces, natural sign of the 12th house) and return moon at 6 Sagittarius 56, and retrun12 saturn at 6 Gemini 53. Because of the two lights (nodes) involved, we can also include return12 uranus at 7 Virgo 07 and return12 neptune at 7 Pisces 38 in the set. This 2node/mars/saturn/uranus/neptune set does not influence an Angle or either 9th or 12th houses, but the involvement of the return moon brings it forefront into experience.

De Blasio had impressive 12th chart war signficators at the time of the October attack.

Abraham Lincoln
picture from

The astrology below shows Lincoln's war significator for the start of the Civil War, April 12, 1861.

President Abraham Lincoln
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 12th House (a.k.a. The 12th chart)

Placidus: c11—11Libra, c12—4Sco, c2—28Sag, c3—7Aqu b11—7Sag, b12—30Sag, b2—16Pis, b3—20Ari

Set (14) in the drawing above contains an Angle/mars/(neptune) with c12 mars ruling c 12th house. So this set already contains part of the war significator—Angle/mars/12th. It lacks uranus and 9th influence.

Set (15) contains moon/mars/saturn, with b12 saturn co-ruling b 12th house and b mars ruling B MC and co-ruling b 9th house. Among other things, it shows he has a lighted Angle/mars/saturn, which makes this chart afflicted. Also, however, it contains the Angle/mars/9th influence, which together with Set (14), gives this chart an Angle/mars/9th/12th influence. In terms of the war significator, it is still lacking Angle/uranus/9th/12th.

Set (16) contains mars/uranus, and it even has influence to two Angles as well as 9th and 12th houses through b12 uranus ruling B Asc, c mars ruling C\ Asc and c 12th house, and b12 mars ruling B MC as well as co-ruling (15 of 25°) b 9th house. It needs a light to become truly active.

Summing then, Sets 14, 15, and 16 Lincoln has the full significator for war in this chart except that the Angle/uranus/9th/12th part of it lacks a light. That makes this a strong chart for a president likely to experience war while in office. In terms of strength, it comes right after Roosevelt's 12th chart.

I should point out that at the time the event occurs, there will always be an increase in the strength of the significator through progressions, transits, and returns. Such was the case with Lincoln.

I used the date of the Confederate attack on Fort Sumpter, April 12, 1861, as the date for the start of the Civil War. On that date Lincoln had the following additional astrology which increased his war significator:

  • return (3-24-1861, Washington DC) moon at 16 Leo 32 and return uranus at 15 Taurus 49 fit into Set (14) in the drawing above, giving him mars and uranus on B MC with influence to C Asc and c 12th house.

  • return MC at 27 Aries 41 was in the same set with c saturn at 27 Libra 18—an Angle/saturn affliction.

  • return 12 mercury at 2 Scorpio 38 is conjunct pC MC at 2 Scorpio 59. This mercury in Scorpio, and the one below, just show distress, like thoughts of the deaths that will occur in a war.

  • pb12 mercury, ruler of b 8th house, is in the same set with return Asc at 3 Leo 31.

  • pb NN at 11 Libra 09 is conjunct c uranus at 10 Libra 29 increasing his overall uranus influence. B NN started out at 14 Libra 05,

  • pb12 NN at 6 Leo 07 is in the same set with b12 uranus, ruler of B Asc, adding more uranus influence.

  • pb12 uranus, which started out at birth at 6 Scorpio 16R, has progressed to 20 Libra 54 in an early conjunction to c12 SN in b 9th house at 20 Libra 14. Planets approaching lights are allowed a larger orb that when approaching Angles.

  • return12 uranus, at 11 Sagittarius 32 is conjunct his c mercury, ruler of C MC at 12 Virgo 12.

  • Here is the clincher. Return 12 NN at 17 Cancer 51 has entered Set (16) above, the one which contains the 2mars/uranus with influence to two Angles 9th and 12th house.

Looked at as all occurring at the same time as shown above, Lincoln has an enormous amount of Angle/mars/uranus//9th/12th influence on the date the Civil War started.

He also an Angle/jupiter set. It was with mars, suggesting aggressive (mars) expansion (jupiter).

We have arrived at President Trump's 9th chart astrology that shows two hurricanes which have already occurred during his tenure. Additionally included are Bush astrology for Hurricane Katrina and Obama's for Hurricane Sandy.

The charts below show the consistent astrology for hurricanes in the 9th chart of presidents. Other are possible if they are consistent with the astrology.


Donald J. Trump
picture from

We are going to take the date of September 20, 2018, for all progressions for Maria hitting Puerto Rico.

Donald Trump
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 9th House (a.k.a. the 9th chart)

Placidus: c11—19Sco. c12--9Sag, c2—19 Aqu, c3—29Pis b11—4Gem, b12—6Can, b2—27Leo, b3—25Vir

I have not numbered the set involving C Asc at 3 Capricorn 20. With it are c9 jupiter, ruler of c 12th house, at 2 Aries 42, and b venus, ruler of B MC, at 1 Cancer 46. This is a golden benefic, and it implies that most of Trump's “9th house” (travel, law, religion, etc.) activities are usually fortunate.

Noteworthy is that his c 9th and 12th houses, and his b 9th house within this chart do not contain mars, uranus, or for that matter, saturn. But b 12th house contains an unlighted b mars at 2 Leo 48, and there is a lighted mars conjunction uranus.***

Set (5) shows a node/mars/uranus—so, a lighted mars conjunct uranus. It has no Angular influence. As well, it lacks 9th or 12th house influence. But it picks up the 9th influence around September 20, and it is a lighted mars/uranus set—a significant part of the significator.:

Set (5a)c9 mars23 Taurus 15
c uranus23 Taurus 21
b uranus23 Taurus 55ruler of b 8th house
pb9 neptune23 Taurus 20ruler of b 9th house
pb NN24 Taurus s 07coming from 26 Taurus 49 at birth
c9 NN23 Leo 49

As can be seen in the set above, Trump's only 9th chart mars/uranus—Set (5)--has picked up a second node and 9th house influence—both of which are significant. B9 neptune was at 10 Taurus 27 at birth, so it has traveled about 13° in his lifetime. If his astrology also comes up with another mars/uranus with Angular and 12th influence, he will have a completed a hurricane significator set. (I generally accept that a node has entered a set when it reaches within about one degree of the set.)

Here are the rest of them:

  • c9 sun, ruler of c 8th house, at 28 Leo 21is in the same set with return9 sun at 28 Leo 21, b9 moon, ruler of b 12th house, at 29 Leo 22, b9 saturn at 28 Aquarius 13, b sun, ruler of B Asc, at 28 Taurus 56—a lighted Angle/saturn/9th influence. Return9 sun could have been in 8 other positions, so here it counts as a new, temporary light in the set. Transiting9 (12:01PM EDT) saturn is at 24 Leo 17.

  • pB MC at 8 Cancer 28 is in the same set with pb saturn at 8 Cancer 47—a progressed Angle/saturn.pB Asc at 3 Libra 32 is in the same set with pb9 moon, ruler of b 12th house, at 3 Cancer 12, return uranus at 3 Aries orR, and return9 uranus at 3 Cancer 56—an Angle/light/uranus/12th set. The Cancer planets also constitute a lighted uranus/12th because they call in b 12th house.

  • return saturn is at 26 Scorpio 19 conjunct his b SN at 26 Scorpio 29>

  • T9 saturn has moved to 26 Scorpio 45 and is conjunct the combination of his b SN at 26 Scorpio 29 and his b moon, ruler of b 12th house, at 27 Scorpio 13.

  • pb8 saturn at 6 Gemini 35 is in the same set with pc NN at 6 Gemini 31.

  • pb9 pluto at 18 Virgo 19 has come to an opposition of b9 sun, ruler of B Asc, at 18 Pisces 21.

  • pb9 uranus, ruler of b 8th house, at 0 Pisces 33 is conjunct b9 mars, co-ruler of b 9th house, and pc9 moon at 0 Pisces 19. This is a lighted uranus/9th influence.

  • pc mercury, ruler of c 9th house, at 22 Scorpio 29 is in the same set with pc uranus at 22 Taurus 19.

  • return (9/6/17, Wash DC) MC at 6 Aries 11 is in the same set with pc mars at 7 Cancer 13, pc9 mercury, ruler of c 9th house, at 7 Cancer 17, and pc9 uranus at 5 Capricorn 24. This shows an Angle/mars/uranus/9th. The Cancer planets are inb 12th house, and show a lighted (by the MC) mars/12th.

  • return mars at 5 Leo 37 is conjunct his B Asc at 5 Leo 59.

  • return Asc at 16 Cancer 15 is in the same set with b and c plutos at 16 Cancer 04 and 16 Cancer 52, respectively.

  • return sun, at 18 Leo 56, is conjunct c sun, ruler of c 8th house, at 18 Leo 56 and return9 saturn at 19 Leo 27. They are in the same set with return moon at 19 Aquarius 27, and pc9 mars at 19 Taurus 24—a sun/mars/saturn set without influence to an Angle or 9th or 12th houses.


Donald J. Trump
picture from

Trump’s astrological afflictions in his 9th for Hurricane Florence, date of landfall--September 14, 2018.:

So we are going to use September 15, 2018 for the date for Florence.

Donald Trump
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 9th House (a.k.a. the 9th chart)

Placidus: c11—19Sco2—c12--9Sag, c2—19 Aqu. c3—29Pis b11—4Gem, b12—6Can, b2—27Leo, b3—25Vir

Set (6e)—sun2/moon/saturn shows an Angular saturn influence because b sun at 28 Taurus 56 rules B Asc.

Set (6f) demonstrates a forefront influence of the 9th house within this 9th chart because c mercury, at 0 Leo 59, rules c 9th house.

Set (6g) contains the lighted mars/uranus we so far associate with dramatic destruction like war or hurricanes, but none of the planets in it rules a 9th house. Here is how it has changed on the date of Florence’s landfall:

Set (6g’)c9 mars23 Taurus 15
c uranus23 Taurus 21
pb9 neptuneruler of b 9th house
p uranus23 Taurus 55ruler of b 8th house
pb NN23 Taurus 58(coming from 26 Taurus 49 at birth)
pc mercury23 Scorpio 30ruler of c 9th house

As can be seen in the set above, Trump’s progressions bring his forefront 9th chart mars/uranus into influence to his 9th house within the chart—to both 9th houses. It doesn’t influence an Angle, but it doesn’t have to because he starts out with a 9th ruler—c mercury in Leo—continuously on an Angle. That makes him, as president, somewhat of a Typhoid Mary with regard to primary astrological conditions for hurricanes. It doesn’t mean they will happen, but until those 9th house influences move out of the set (which will take longer because he has TWO nodes in the set), they are possible.

This same set in his 12th chart would “predispose” him to war (or attracting war). Perhaps, however, there are other possible interpretations that are equally valid..

Set (6h)pB Asc4 Libra 18
return (9/6/18, Washington DC) mars4 Capricorn 18
pc9 uranus4 Capricorn 59
return mercury4 Aries 47
return MC5 Cancer 11
return moon5 Cancer 15

The moon in the above set allows the inclusion of pc uranus in the set. Otherwise, it is too far away from pB Asc to be in a set with it. The moon temporarily (for the duration of the return) increases acceptable orb. This set shows a lighted Angle/mars/uranus.

Set (6i)return Asc1 Libra 03
pc saturn0 Cancer 48

Set (6i) provides an Angle/saturn.

Set (6j)b9 mars0 Pisces 46co-ruler (29 of 31 degrees) of b 9th house
pb9 uranus0 Pisces 528th ruler
c9 moon1 Gemini 15

Set (6j) shows a new, non-Angular, lighted mars/uranus influence to a 9th house.

Return9 sun, at 28 Leo 27, joins Set (6e) in the drawing above, providing another light and strengthening its Angle/saturn influence.

Trump’s astrology for Hurricane Florence fits the specifications found so far for indicators of hurricanes occurring in presidential astrology.

Bush 43

George W. Bush
picture from

Hurricane Katrina, using the date of August 29, 2005.

President George W. Bush
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 9th House (a.k.a. 19 chart)

Placidus: c11—9Tau—c12--14Gem, c2—5Leo. c3—0Vir b11—7Tau, b12—13Gem, b2—4Leo, b3—29Leo

Set (K) above yields a light/mars/uranus?(pluto) set. C9 uranus rules c 8th house. B9 mars rules B MC. In terms of the significator, it shows Angle/light/mars/uranus but lacks 9th and 12th influence. Technically, B MC (0 Aries 14) is within c 9th house which ends at C MC at 1 Aries 58—over 1-1/2° away. But I usually include planets that close to a house cusp as “in the next house.” Needs looking into with Angles.

Bush's return (8/17/2005, Washington DC) mars at 16 Aries 03 joins the above set for the hurricane.

Set (L) shows a permanent Angle/light/uranus/9th/12th influence. The mean of the lights (two nodes and the c moon) in the set is 24 Fixed 27'. B uranus rules b 8th and 9th houses. B12 mercury rules b 12th house. C moon rules C Asc/

Bush has one more pre-progressed set, Set (M), which contain sun/uranus with b9 uranus ruling b 9th house.

On August 29, 2005, circa 6:10 a.m. EDT Hurricane Katrina made landfall in the state of Louisiana. Bush had the following astrology at the time:

  • pB MC at 26 Taurus 56 was in the same set with pb9 neptune, co-ruler (30 of 31°) of b 9th house, return9 mars at 26 Scorpio 56, b NN at 26 Taurus 36, and the midpoint of b uranus (25 Taurus 10), ruler of b 9th house, and pb uranus (27 Taurus 34) which is 27 Taurus 12. This shows an Angle/node/mars/uranus/9th. It lacks 12th influence. Return pluto is at 27 Scorpio 04 and return9 pluto at 27 Leo 45..

  • pC MC at 1 Gemini 41 is in the same set with c9 mercury (a little late) in Pisces (12th) and ruler of c 12th. Angle to mercury in Pisces often represents a sorrowful event. It also suggests a possible 12th house event.

  • pb9 mars, ruler of B MC, at 2 Virgo 33 is conjunct pC Asc at 2 Virgo 20.--an Angle/mars.

  • pc9 uranus, ruler of c 8th house, at 1 Capricorn 20, is in the same set with the midpoint of B MC (0 Aries 15) and C MC (1 Aries 58) which is 1 Aries 06.

  • pc9 moon, ruler of C Asc and co-ruler of c 12th house, at 26 Pisces 10 is conjunct b9 saturn at 27 Pisces 47 in both 9th houses. Return moon at 26 Sagittarius 46 is also in the set.

  • pc9 mars, ruler of C MC, at 6 Gemini 09 is in the same set with pc9 saturn, at 6 Pisces 15 (and in both 9th houses) and pc NN at 6 Gemini 18. This is primarily and Angle/node/mars/saturn influence, showing harshness.

  • pb mars, ruler of B MC, at 22 Virgo 03 is conjunct (a bit early) b moon, ruler of B Asc and co-ruler of b 12th house, at 22 Virgo 43. This is a tentative, but weak Angle/light/mars/12th influence.

    Except for Set (L) in the drawing above, the only was we can see an Angle/light/uranus/12th for this date is through accepting that pc moon, ruler of C Asc and co-ruler of c 12th house, at 5 Leo 06 and t9 NN at 5 Aquarius 12—both lights—are close enough to make a set with b9 uranus, ruler of b 8th and 9th houses, at 6 Aquarius 54. The latter is surrounded by lights, as it was shown in Set (M) above it also includes b9 sun at 7 Scorpio 11. So, this set seems a reasonable Angle/light/uranus/12th influence.

Barack Hussein Obama
picture from

Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey on October 29, 2012 when Obama was president. It damaged New York and New Jersey worst, but affected the entire Atlantic seaboard from Florida to Maine.

Barack Obama
Partial Harmonic Chart for His 9th House (a.k.a. 9th chart)

Placidus: c11—17Sco, c12—12Sag, c2—15Aqu, c3—21Pis b11—30Sco, b12—25Sag, b2—2Pis, b3—6Ari

In terms of our significator, Set (P) above, which contains moon/venus/2uranus/pluto shows an Angle/moon/2uranus/9th influence because c venus at 11 Scorpio 20 rules C MC in b 9th house. It lacks mars and 12th influence.

Set (R), containing node/mars/saturn, shows an Angle/light (node)/mars/12th influence because b9 saturn at 12 Virgo 26 rules B Asc and co-ruler (24 0f 29°) b 12th house. It lacks a uranus/9th influence.

Taken together Sets (P) and (R) demonstrate the full Angle/light/mars/uranus/9th/12th significator. But the latter set is also important because it shows this whole 9th chart contains a lighted mars/saturn influence to an Angle, suggesting at some point a disposition to have trouble with the subject matter covered by this chart.

Set (S), including c mars at 20 Gemini 23, just shows a lighted mars/pluto influence. It picks up importance for the time of the Hurricame.

It is worth pointing out that Obama has a golden benefic in this chart comprised of c9 v emus, ruler of C MC in b 9th house, at 1 Pisces 03 conjunct c9 sun at 1 Pisces 48 and in the same set with c9 jupiter at 3 Sagittarius 42—possibly having to do with his successful performance in law school. I know that Sagittarius and the 9th house are involved in charts of supreme court justices. I do not know for sure that the 9th chart is involved.

Obama's return for Hurricane Sandy occurred on 10/26/12, Washington, D.C.

On October 29 he had the following significant sets:

  • pc9 saturn, ruler of C Asc in b 12th house, at 20 Gemini 21 had entered Set (S) above giving it Angular and 12th influence.

  • pb9 NN at 28 Aquarius 37 was in the same set with b mars, ruler of B MC, at 28 Leo 23, increasing his Angle/mars influence. Return moon is at 28 Aquarius 32.

  • pB Asc at 1 Aries 38 was in the same set with pb mars, ruler of B MC, at 1 Libra 31—another increase in Angle/mars influence.

  • Return MC at 9 Taurus 27 is in the same set with b moon at 9 Taurus 09, c9 neptune at 9 Taurus 00, b9 moon at 10 Leo 43, pc moon at 10 Scorpio 17, and both harmonic uranuses at 11 Aquarius 13 and 11 Aquarius 53—increasing lighted Angle/uranus.

  • At the same time, we can include those two uranuses in a set with return Asc at 12 Leo 56 because it picks up Set (p)--Angle/moon/venus/2uranus/pluto, shown in the drawing above, with its influence to C MC and b 9th house. Transiting9 (7pm EST) NN is at 12 Scorpio 12.

  • return pluto at 12 Sagittarius 24 is in the same set with Set (R) above containing node/mars/saturn with influence to to an Angle and 12th house. Return9 moon is at 13 Gemini 51.

  • return NN at 1 Scorpio 17 is in the same set with his b uranus at 1 Leo 05 and his c uranus at 1 Leo 01. Progressed b NN has moved from 3 Leo 06 to 2 Leo 36.

  • return uranus at 26 Libra 28R is conjunct c9 mercury, ruler of c 9th house, at 26 Libra 18 in b 9th house.

Obama's 9th chart is both highly lucky and highly unlucky because he it has both a golden benefic and a dark malefic. Progressions and transits bend it one way or the other if they are strong enough.

This paper has demonstrated the increased occurrence of the war significator in the 12th charts of presidents and the mayor of New York City (for 9/11/2001) and it has shown the increased presence of the “hurricane” significator in their 9th charts for hurricanes.

I doubt that “hurricane” is the only possible interpretation of the hurricane significator, but tend to believe the war significator is reserved for war. Only more research will inform us.

What about American involvement in the civil wars of other countries? The Viet Nam war (the Vietnamese called it "the American War") spanned five American presidents--Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Johnson, and Ford. What, if anything, in their astrology was an indication of such a long-term involvement?

Trump's Pre-progressed Significator for War
What about Trump’s astrological potential for bringing America into war? In his 12th chart, Trump has no mars/uranus sets and nothing that sums much toward acquiring them. Since the initial, pre-progressed significator foreshadows the likelihood of war, its lack suggests it is unlikely President Trump will either start a war or have it foisted upon him.

One caveat on that is that it is not inconceivable that a war significator could exist in an atypical chart if that chart is a center of gravity chart (COG) and not the 7th chart (the default COG). In Trump's case, I would think that would be his 2nd chart, which has both venus and jupiter on Angles, suggesting wealth and "winning"--a place where he spends much of his consciousness.

Trump's 2nd chart does have a set including mars and uranus:

  • b mars (co-ruler 30 of 35°) of b 9th house, at 2 Leo 48 is conjunct c2 uranus at 3 Leo 25--both in b 12th house--and in the same set with c2 mercury, ruler of c 9th house, at 3 Taurus 49.

  • this chart also has both harmonic saturns--b2 saturn at 29 Sagittarius 21 and c2 saturn at 20 Sagittaris 41 in c 12th house. Since war is a 12th chart phenomenon, two of the greater malefics in a 12th house is not promising for avoiding war.

Establishing whether or not a particular chart serves as the COG chart for any individuals takes a lot of work, particularly with this method. Many progressions against conditions and events must be done. I have not yet done that work. Further, I am not certain the war significator can exist in any chart other than the 12th chart, so the answer to the question this brings up is not immediately knowable.

Data Acknowledgments
Letters following the name show Rodden rating for reliability of birth time. As memory serves me, (AA) means verified by birth record on hand, (A) means something similar but slightly less reliable, B means from a biography, C means reasonably okay but not from verified public records, (DD) stands for "dirty data," i.e., not at all verified or verifiable, therefore unreliable. Birth dates are listed in the same order as presented in the paper.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (AA)
Birth: 1/30/1882, 8:45 pm LMT, Hyde Park, NY. From Astro-databank, From "Sara and Eleanor: The Story of Sara Delano Roosevelt and Her Daughter-in-Law Eleanor Roosevelt by Jan Pottker, 2005, pg. 59. In wife Sara's diary husband James recorded the labor and delivery of their son: "Sunday night [29 Jan.] at half past eleven Sallie's troubles began, was up and down all night (. . .) At eight pm [30 Jan.] Dr. Parker put her completely under the influence of chloroform. At quarter to nine my Sallie had a splendid large boy, but was unconscious when he was born. Baby weighs ten pounds without clothes."
Conception:4/20/1881, 9:54:57 pm LMT, Hyde Park, NY.

George W. Bush (AA)
Birth: 7/6/1946, 7:26 aim EDT, New Haven, CT. From Astro-databank, Kim Castilla on the internet quotes hospital records. "Back in 1994 when Bush was elected governor of Texas, I called around and actually found a PR person in the hospital where he was born who was willing to look up his birth time for me, so this is from the hospital records. He's not a junior, he has the same initial but a different middle name than his father."

Wayne Turner quotes a biography by Bill Minutaglio, a Texas journalist, published in 1999 by Random House, in which he quotes a certified copy of George W Bush's birth certificate which he obtained from the Connecticut State Dept of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. The bio is titled "George W. Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty" and the birth info is on page 24 with a foot note to the source on page 330. 7:26 AM is the time and July 6, 1946 is the date, with New Haven Hospital listed as the place.
Conception:9/27/1945, 2:05:11 am EDT, New Haven, CT.

Rudy Giuliani (A)
Birth: 5/28/1944, 2:30 p.m. EWT, Brooklyn, NY. From Astrodatabank, October 2005 a source who wishes to remain anonymous wrote to PT that the time used here was provided by Giuliani's mother. Previously source notes said “Date given on the Internet with a time of 11:52:56 AM EWT, no source. On Claudia Dikinis' site, she thanks Mary Louise Bateman for this data but Bateman has no source. On ACT, Liane Thomas Wade gave 6:00 AM, no source. Dorothy Kovach rectifies to 9:20 AM.
Conception:8/21/1943, 12:43:21 a.m. EWT, Brooklyn, NY.

Donald John Trump (AA)
Birth: 6/14/1946, 10:54 a..m. EDT. Jamaica, NY. From Astro-databank, PT quotes birth certificate found online. Since the document was evidently posted by Trump, some caution is advised even though there is no evidence that the document was altered. Previously this entry was rated "A" (from memory) and had a birth time of 9:51 AM with the following source notes: LMR quotes a private source who obtained the data from his mother, confirmed by another astrologer who said, "He laughed, then called his mom."

Biography, “Trump, Donald John,” Microsoft (r) Encarta, Copyright 1994 Microsoft Corporation, Copyright (c) 1994 Funk and Wagnalls Corporation.

Biography: Trump, Donald J. and Tony Schwartz, "Trump, The Art of The Deal," Random House, Inc., 1987

Biography: Trump, Donald J. and Chester Leerhsen, "Trump, The Art of Survival," Random House, Inc., 1990

Conception:9/05/1945, 5:10:06 pm EDT, Jamaica, NY.

Barack Obama (AA)
Birth: 8/4/1961, 7:24 p.m. AHST, Honolulu, Hawaii. From Astrodatabank, from a photo of his birth certificate posted on his campaign website, 2008.
Conception:10/25/1960, 1:06:43 p.m. AHST, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Abraham Lincoln (B)
Birth: 2/12/1809, 5:54 a.m. LMT,Hodgenville, KY. From Astrodatabank from American Astrology 4/42, William Barton, “Women Lincoln Loved, 1927, p. 81-85. American Astrology, 4/1942, quotes William E. Barton, "Women Lincoln Loved," 1927, p.81-85, "born at sunup, on Sunday morning". Sunrise on that day in Louisville, Kentucky was 6:55 am, according to this website

Wayne Turner quotes Carl Sandburg, "Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years," p.22 from the "granny woman" midwife Peggy Walters, "The baby was born just about sunup, on Sunday morning." Sandburg did not include this story in his first work, either because he wasn't aware of it or didn't trust it, but he includes it here. It isn't foot noted, so we are still one step away from the original source, but I think many people will be able to find this book in a larger library."

Interview with Peggy Walters found on Lincoln Research website. The section details Lincoln's birth and says: "Lincoln was born about dawn on Sunday, February 12, 1809, in Hardin County (now LaRue County) near Hodgenville, Kentucky".

(Formerly, "Horoscopes of U.S. Presidents" gave 2:10 AM. Wemyss Famous Nativities gave, "between 7:00 and 11:00 AM." Independently and in different years, T. Pat Davis and Manly Palmer Hall rectified the time to 8:36 AM.) Starkman rectified it to 8.34.42 LMT.
Conception:5/3/1808, 9:28:20 p.m. LMT, Hodgenville, KY.

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