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History of Darth Maul

Born as Khameir Sarin, a Zabrakian, on the planet of Iridonia, he showed great strength, stamina, and most of all, a strong attunation to the Force. When Darth Sidious went out looking for an apprentice, he found Sarin, at the age of 12, on Iridonia. At that young age, Sidious began training the young Zabrakian in the ways of the Force, Dark Side of course. He also taught him the ancient black arts of Sith. Becoming a greatly adept with the Force and martial arts, Darth Sidious was pleased and granted Khameir Sarin as a Dark Lord of Sith. Sarin promptly took on an alias, becoming forever known as Darth Maul. From there, he painted his face with black and, in red, tatooed devilish designs on it. His horns, trademark of all Zabrakian, only added to his menacing image.

His dangerous mentality only grew, as he continued to train in the ways of the Force and delve in the dark religion of Sith. On the side, Darth Maul constantly trained himself in martial arts, obsessed with becoming the best fighter in the history of Sith. His ambition grew to embrace learning how to fight with a lightsaber, as he made his own. Although he closely followed many Sith traditions and protocols, Darth Maul still wanted more. And soon, he built a double-bladed lightsaber, and constantly trained himself to wield the novel weapon with deadly accuracy, getting better each time. Never, would a person be able to wield such a weapong, unless completely dedicated to the ways of the Sith. And this, Maul did. With his complete and utter dedication to the Dark Side, Maul became an expert at the double lightsaber and brought the Dark Side of the Force to master the dangerous skill. Besides his complete devotion to martial arts, he was also an absolutely loyal Apprentice, never one to fail and never with an exception, until death. He would give his entire time and effort to completing and achieving the objectives laid out for him at the beginning of the mission. And thus, seeing this devotion, Darth Sidious entrusted Darth Maul with even the most delicate of missions, since he knew that Darth Maul was not one to fail, nor one to lose.

Darth Maul first appeared to the public during the trade embargo of Naboo. Here, he was the quiet, but ever-dangerous apprentice of Darth Sidious, the menacing influence of the vast Trade Federation. Then, the Galactic Senate sent two ambassadors to Naboo; Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. When the Head of the Trade Federation, the Nimoudian Nute Gunray, told Sidious of this new threat, the Dark Lord ordered the two ambassadors killed. But before the security droids could finish the job, the two Jedi hid among the invasion force and landed on Naboo. After landing, the two Jedi found themselves hunted men, since Gunray had sounded the alarm that the two were missing on the battlecruiser. The two evaded the droids and came to the Naboo palace, rescuing the Queen. From there, the party left and entered outer space, only to meet the huge Trade Federation blockade. Soon, the tiny royal transport was hit, since, thousands of laser bolts rained upon them. But a brave R2 unit (R2-D2), fixed the ship, as fellow droids were sent off, flying into space, by laser bolts. Thus, the ship escaped and went to Tatooine.

Sensing failure, Darth Sidious sent his Dark Lord apprentice to seek and destroy the two Jedi. Darth Maul found and cornered the entire party on the planet of Tatooine, and fought a brief lightsaber duel, which Qui-Gon instantly began to lose. But, in the nick of time, the newly-found Anakin Skywalker went on board telling the ship to take off. The Jedi managed to escape by jumping up on the closing landing ramp of the Naboo royal ship. An angry Maul, knowing the taste of failure, was then sent by Darth Sidious to Naboo, to keep an eye on the leaders of the Trade Federation. However, Jinn and Kenobi were also headed to Naboo, to bring back the queen of Naboo and to free the planet from Federation control. As the small Naboo army prepared to enter the palace, the enormous doors mysteriously opened. There, standing in the middle of the huge doorway, was Darth Maul, himself. Finally, the Sith had revealed itself to the Jedi. And, to Maul, finally, would the he exact revenge upon the Jedi, avenging his ancestors for their deaths at the hands of the Jedi. And so, at the starfighter hanger, did Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi encounter Darth Maul once more. But, no sooner had they wielded their lightsabers, Darth Maul presented his lightsaber. To the curious eyes of Jinn and Kenobi, the Dark Lord held his lightsaber in one hand and held it out to the two Jedi. To their amazement, a second blade came out the other end. And in this fashion, did Darth Maul present his double-bladed lightsaber for the first time.

In the duel, Darth Maul held his own against the two Jedi simultaneously. Reaching a series of timed force-field doors, Maul waited until Kenobi was trapped in one of them and then struck down Jinn, smiling inwardly, as he saw the young Jedi apprentice watching his master die. Once the force-field opened, an enraged Kenobi charged the Dark Lord, attacking with more ferocity than ever and ended up cleaving Maul's lightsaber in two. Darth Maul promptly threw away one side of it and used the remaining half like a regular lightsaber. And then, after ferocious attacks on his part, he made Obi-Wan lose his balance and fall into an incinerator pit. In the fall, Kenobi lost his lightsaber, but, by luck, he caught ontal a small, portruding knob and held on. The Dark Lord maliciously tortured the young Jedi Knight, showering him with sparks, as he slowly scraped his lightsaber against the pit wall. After hanging there for minutes, the Jedi Kniht, using the Force, jumped out of the pit, retrieving Qui-Gon's lightsaber in mid-air. He landed right in front of the Dark Lord, catching him by surprise. Taking advantage of that shred of a second of sheer startlement, Kenobi cut him in half, sending the Dark Lord of Sith's body tumbling down a ventilation shaft. Thus ended the reign of Darth Maul.

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