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Meet the Great White Hunter!!

Well, I guess it is my turn now. Meet the bread winner of the family.

I am retired from the United States Air Force after serving 21 years. I was also Sporting Goods Manager for a WalMart store for 13 years and retired from there 7 years ago. Now I drive school bus for the local grade schools, but otherwise am foot-loose, fancy free and under my wife's feet all day long. She says I need to find another hobby to get me out of the house more!! I love spending time with my 22 year old son, watching football, playing Wii (never too old, I guess) and my most recent hobby, collecting miniature liquor bottles from all over the world.

As you can see below, although I just started a short time ago, thanks to the boss of the family (not me) my collection is growing by leaps and bounds!!! I now have approximately 1100 bottles from all over and most are still sealed and full. My wife LOVES shopping on EBay so has found all sorts of new bottles for my collection. And if she is buying for me - that doesn't really make it shopping (does it???).

I am always in the market.

I HAVE MANY DULICATES FOR TRADE. If you are interested, give me an e-mail and let's see what we can do!!!!!

If you are interested in other collectors, click below to see what other's have in their collections and for trade.

I also love to hunt and fish. Nothing like bagging your limit to make a hunt worthwhile!!!! Last year year not only did we bag our limit of pheasants but my son, cousins and myself also each bagged two deer so we had good eating all winter for this family. We got our buck tags for this year and we all successful in getting our bucks. Son bagged a 4 x 4 and I was able to bring down a 5 x 5. Even

Since I retired, I spend my summers living on the water and fishing is my life!!!!

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